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Random Encounters IRL


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I've pondered starting this thread for the past few months now. So here goes.

On the way to work this morning, I encountered what appeared to be roadkill along the highway. Couldn't tell what animal it was, but it was black fur, scattered in pieces. A raven was standing on the side of the road, watching it. Presumably it was waiting for a gap in traffic before proceeding to fetch some carrion. Smart birds, btw.

What have you encountered out of the ordinary recently, with your own eyes? Capturing your encounter in a YouTube clip or in an image is welcome too. But in adherence to the rules, I would ask that it be (relatively) SFW.

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I thought this thread was going to be about picking up chicks for one night stands.


Or chance encounters with celebrities.


Or a combination of both.

The latter would be more applicable.

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I thought this thread was going to be about picking up chicks for one night stands.


Or chance encounters with celebrities.


Or a combination of both.

The latter would be more applicable.



What if it's a celebrity one night stand? Questions need to be answered.

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I nearly ran over a possum one time :shrug:


I've run over a possum,. a cat once or twice, and a doggy. (i wrote doggy instead of dog to both pull at your heartstrings and help you to despise me). I'm sure i've run over plenty of lizards, innumerable ants, and a tree snake in my garden (was sad about that and yet relieved that it wasn't going to be hunting birds in the bush besides the path from the driveway at face level anymore. And no i didn't drive up the tree to run it over). Then there's moths and various flying insects that have no doubt suffered casualties in the hundreds of thousands if not millions now due to impacting with my car whilst on the wing to wherever.


Then there's all the creatures which have suffered due to my car's contribution to global warming, lets not forget that.


phew, now i've gotten that out of my system, i'm fresh and ready to go out an run over a few more things. Cathartic thread.

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My bus to work passes by the city's hospital and, last week at about 8.30am, I watched as a girl (20s, purple corduroys, green hoodie, dyed hair, stoner-hippie) was dragged away from the hospital by two policemen.


She was screaming and kicking. There were a couple of police vans waiting for her. It's not even 9am, I thought.

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Ooh, I'm jumping this thread and will talk about synchronicity, a weird, sometimes scary, but overall wonderful concept that ties everything together. (the book by C.G. Jung lies next to me. Will probably start reading it soon)


Let's see.. In general I just try to understand why certain things fall together as they do. It feels pretty apocalyptic (in the old Greek sense, not the catastrophic westernized version of the word) that I sometimes am able to grasp it: to see beyond the veil. To enter the 5th dimension.


Most of the times I really don't though.


Lol, what am I talking about?


I think I just don't believe in random encounters. Randomness implies coincidence, but I don't really believe in that (although it's really entertaining to give in to it sometimes). I do believe in cause and effect. Coincidence/luck are just names that we give to effects we don't understand the causality off. Sometimes these causalities go back multiple lives, and that's difficult to grasp. I guess that's where karma comes from.






So what did you want to talk about again?

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I nearly ran over a possum one time :shrug:


I've run over a possum,. a cat once or twice, and a doggy. (i wrote doggy instead of dog to both pull at your heartstrings and help you to despise me). I'm sure i've run over plenty of lizards, innumerable ants, and a tree snake in my garden (was sad about that and yet relieved that it wasn't going to be hunting birds in the bush besides the path from the driveway at face level anymore. And no i didn't drive up the tree to run it over). Then there's moths and various flying insects that have no doubt suffered casualties in the hundreds of thousands if not millions now due to impacting with my car whilst on the wing to wherever.


Then there's all the creatures which have suffered due to my car's contribution to global warming, lets not forget that.


phew, now i've gotten that out of my system, i'm fresh and ready to go out an run over a few more things. Cathartic thread.



I've avoided hitting anything like that for years, then randomly hit an armadillo late at night about a year ago, actually almost hit car swerving to avoid it.


The weirdest though was running over a snake that was a least 2 meters long crossing a fairly busy residential street. It was like hitting a speed bump. My wife and I were freaked out, but had to be sure that it actually occurred, so we turned around. Nowhere to be seen, presumably it went in a nearby sewer drain. I was worried irrationally that it was all tied up in my axle so I speed up.

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For some reason I thought of this after reading this thread.


I used to take a lot of photos in downtown SF. And one day next to a place called the "Nut Factory" (I think they sold actual nuts), there was a huge pile of porn VHS tapes. No idea why.


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That was a spectacular narrative, Spiral. Is that Merzbow playing in the background in the second vid?


Yeah, first and second:




was having a Merzbowish Sunday afternoon.


(Regretting doing a Google image search for Venereology lol)

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There are possums in the midwestern region of the US as well, as it turns out.



there are possums in austraiia

there are opossums in the US

people sometimes refer to opossums as 'possums, but they are not the same as possums



This is a virginia opossum:




These are possums:



Captain Cook's botanist, Joseph Banks, named the Australian marsupials "possum" after the 'possum, based on visual appearance. They aren't closely related.


I had a family of opossums living near my house last summer. One of the little fellas got abandoned by the mother opossum (or she died, I dunno). He was adorable and ultimately eaten by a cat.

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