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Psychologists claim online trolls are psychopaths and sadists.


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That just seems like an emotionally immature person

Your average fella then...



dunno what you mean. I was referring only to limpy's comment. i didn't read this article.

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I though they were just assholes.

Yes, it makes the psychologists look good and feel good to label all trolls as sadists and psychopath. Psychology isn't even real science. It's basically human interpretation of thinking process and behaviours. When they can't explain someone's behaviour, they call them psychopath or insane.


Bottom line is that everyone wants everyone to be normal.


Define normal?

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I though they were just assholes.

Yes, it makes the psychologists look good and feel good to label all trolls as sadists and psychopath. Psychology isn't even real science. It's basically human interpretation of thinking process and behaviours. When they can't explain someone's behaviour, they call them psychopath or insane.


Bottom line is that everyone wants everyone to be normal.


Define normal?


adjective: normal
  1. 1.
    conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
    "it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
    antonyms: unusual
    • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  2. 2.
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  3. 3.
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • Chemistrydated
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  4. 4.
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
noun: normal; plural noun: normals
  1. 1.
    the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
    "her temperature was above normal"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. 2.
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.
mid 17th cent. (in the sense ‘right-angled’): from Latin normalis, from norma ‘carpenter's square’ (see norm). Current senses date from the early 19th cent.
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unsupported anti-psychology smack talk can go fuck itself. what are you, a Scientologist? psychs help a lot of people in concrete, provable ways.

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It's not anti-psychology. (goddamnit why do people always take my words so negatively?) I'm saying psychology is a more subjective field than other sciences. I didn't say that it doesn't help people. Yes it does, but since it's more subjective, people disagree on a lot of things, and the statements they make are subjective as well. So applying your own perspective to everyone else isn't always the best to convince others that your perspective is the absolute truth.



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It's not anti-psychology. (goddamnit why do people always take my words so negatively?) I'm saying psychology is a more subjective field than other sciences. I didn't say that it doesn't help people. Yes it does, but since it's more subjective, people disagree on a lot of things, and the statements they make are subjective as well. So applying your own perspective to everyone else isn't always the best to convince others that your perspective is the absolute truth.




Cause everyone is autistic.

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maybe it's because you're not doing a particularly good job of presenting yourself positively. your earlier statements seemed to suggest that the entire field was basically a quack science used to unfairly malign unorthodox-thinking peoples.


meh. I have shops to do, excuse me.

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I though they were just assholes.

Yes, it makes the psychologists look good and feel good to label all trolls as sadists and psychopath. Psychology isn't even real science. It's basically human interpretation of thinking process and behaviours. When they can't explain someone's behaviour, they call them psychopath or insane.


Bottom line is that everyone wants everyone to be normal.


Define normal?


adjective: normal
  1. 1.
    conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
    "it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
    antonyms: unusual
    • (of a person) free from physical or mental disorders.
  2. 2.
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
  3. 3.
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    • Chemistrydated
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  4. 4.
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
noun: normal; plural noun: normals
  1. 1.
    the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
    "her temperature was above normal"
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. 2.
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.
mid 17th cent. (in the sense ‘right-angled’): from Latin normalis, from norma ‘carpenter's square’ (see norm). Current senses date from the early 19th cent.



Right, so what is the standard to be conformed to?

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I act nothing like I act on this forum. I don't literally believe a lot of the things I spout on here. I'm sort of a troon in a way, studying you all intently and scribbling my observations down in my sociopathic notebook which I put into my dissociative trapper keeper.

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i really don't think you can use someone's online behavior to define their entire personality.

Tru dat. After all, how can we really even get to know someone if we've never met them in person?


I generally refuse to troll tho cos I don't like being a burden.

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The word troll has really lost its meaning" why do people clump all trolls under one banner?


For instance, someone who goes about telling people theyre ugly, stupid, shit, awful, should kill themselves, etc, is a bully. Those are the sociopaths. And frankly those people are often the ones moderating, administrating, and having the most normalcy and respect.


Trolls are the outcasts of a community, often not subscribing to the main way of seeing. People will label someone outlandish as a teoll. There is no official way to communicate online. You do not have to be yourself. Who are you anyway?


Fuck this article. Bullies and people who cannot accept others are the real problem. Those people are often respected. Trolls are the smallest problem.

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All im saying is that there is a huge difference between a bully and a troll.


A troll at worst is just mischievious, bored, and emotionally hurt in some way. But ultimately harmless and even creative and funny.


A bully can be a troll or not a troll. And they are the real problem.

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It's just another one of those pop science articles which are so awfully catchy to the general public. I questioned this before, when the same topic came up in another thread, but I really am curious what questions were asked, and which was the general population that was answering these questions.


It's such a drag, really. There are, indeed, sociopathic bullies who tell people the most horrible things and call themselves trolls, and some irritating guys who just like to ridicule others, sometimes harmless, sometimes a little bit less harmless.


Trolling is an under appreciated artform, and ever since the internet population became more diversified, and more general in general.. fuck I dont even want to think of the consequences.




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All im saying is that there is a huge difference between a bully and a troll.


A troll at worst is just mischievious, bored, and emotionally hurt in some way. But ultimately harmless and even creative and funny.


A bully can be a troll or not a troll. And they are the real problem.


I don't think there is much difference between the troll they're talking about and a bully. The former thinks they can get away with it, like a wussy bully.

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Fuck psychologists, useless profession, biggest mistake by humanity in recent history to give them a voice on things.

Can you elaborate?

Psyche - human soul, thus real psychology is writings on human soul. This can't be a profession nor science. What they do is basically making seemingly objective judgments and setting norms on something that defies it. Replacing God. But that was a joke, i don't care for psychologists, just hate the fuckers, the general attitude of "a professional" and their appropriation of the term.

Psychology is more than that... Take a look into real biological cognitive research and you'll see why psychology is an important field.

I know, yet all the words you used to describe it came from other sciences.



Now that's a retarded thing to say...... Psychology is an umbrella term for a field of research. Not just freudian psychoanalysis.

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Fuck psychologists, useless profession, biggest mistake by humanity in recent history to give them a voice on things.

Can you elaborate?

Psyche - human soul, thus real psychology is writings on human soul. This can't be a profession nor science. What they do is basically making seemingly objective judgments and setting norms on something that defies it. Replacing God. But that was a joke, i don't care for psychologists, just hate the fuckers, the general attitude of "a professional" and their appropriation of the term.

Psychology is more than that... Take a look into real biological cognitive research and you'll see why psychology is an important field.

I know, yet all the words you used to describe it came from other sciences.



Now that's a retarded thing to say...... Psychology is an umbrella term for a field of research. Not just freudian psychoanalysis.



And where's the contradiction to what i said? How is being an umbrella term for biological or neuroscientific research makes psychology more than anything. It's just terminology. Freud and Jung are authors who are specific for psychology and it's them who made it part of establishment to use for an umbrella term.

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