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Music Industry Discussion and Innovations

Guest pafr

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Here is an somewhat old Business Insider article on the music industry


I'm curious how some WATMMers' success stories are. Like how and where did you promote yourself? Did you started by playing live locally? How did you get signed to various labels? How much did luck play in your success?


I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to get my music out there. I might end up playing live in Seattle if it helps. I had a few ideas in mind regarding innovative ideas with music and promotion. For instance, I want to make an album for free download, then I'll make another version of the same album (maybe a chiptune version) that asks for payment on bandcamp. Then I also have the site pafr.me that I originally planned to use as my portfolio site. Since I know some programming, I thought maybe I'll try to make music more of an interactive experience. For example, people have to solve riddles in the tracks in order to unlock codes to access the site, which opens ups more interactive contents on the site. Or make a flash game that allows more interaction with the music, similar to how Ninja Tune has the Ninja Jamm remix app.

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I don't have any success stories to talk about, but given the title of the thread I thought I'd share this thread I made back on idmf almost a year ago:



So after finding a website called Psonar where you pay 1 cent for each track you play, I've started thinking about this sort of system a lot lately. I hate the way it's dealt with on Psonar, but with a few tweaks it could potentially solve a lot of today's problems in the music world.
The thing with Psonar is that 1 cent is ridiculously low and they take a part of it themselves, to the point where a successful track of, say, 1000 plays would make you around 8 bucks. I honestly think this is undervaluing music.
It would make much more sense to raise it to 5 cents and establish an upload fee of say 50 cents so that all those 5 cents would go to the artist. 100 plays gives you 5 bucks, 1000 gives you 50 etc.
I realize that some people don't like the idea of having to think about money every time they play a track, but I honestly believe music nowadays is undervalued and something like this could push things in the right direction. I'd raise it to 10 cents if not more myself. Make it so that the first play of each track is free, and in the end you'll only be paying for tracks you actually enjoy.
On a side note, knowing I paid for playing a track makes me concentrate on the music more, and also I avoid overplaying tracks to the point where I start to hate them.
I'm just theorizing here, but It'd be cool to hear some other opinions on this sort of thing. When free wifi becomes available in every corner of the earth, this could possibly replace buying music completely.



I still believe this is a solution tbh. If people got used to it, it would solve lots of problems, and likely generate much more income for artists than now (nice article btw). The problem though is convincing people into adhering to a completely new system which will be seen by many as unnecessarily unconfortable and limiting. Truth is though this may be the only way out of this rut.
It'd be cool to hear some thoughts (meanwhile I'll sleep)
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I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to get my music out there. I might end up playing live in Seattle if it helps. I had a few ideas in mind regarding innovative ideas with music and promotion. For instance, I want to make an album for free download, then I'll make another version of the same album (maybe a chiptune version) that asks for payment on bandcamp. Then I also have the site pafr.me that I originally planned to use as my portfolio site. Since I know some programming, I thought maybe I'll try to make music more of an interactive experience. For example, people have to solve riddles in the tracks in order to unlock codes to access the site, which opens ups more interactive contents on the site. Or make a flash game that allows more interaction with the music, similar to how Ninja Tune has the Ninja Jamm remix app.


Are you me? I want to do exactly the same (whale, except the chiptune part :)

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You should try to make a game where people solve riddles that unlocks software that allows them to produce music they like.

I believe this will be the next big thing in the music industry marketing game.

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