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Apple commercial - What will your verse be?

Guest Papillon

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sorry, I can't be concerned with looking at that picture you linked which is broken.


I have a few threads to go into and tell people that I don't own a TV


Image works fine here.

You own a TV, you just don't have cable. What, you think the monitor in your laptop, or the monitor in your desktop is significantly different from a TV?

You don't watch any TV shows? Downloaded, streamed...........nothing?

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Guest Papillon

I wasn't feeling well when I woke up this morning, but I hauled my ass down the road to go to work anyway.


It's minus 27 outside in Toronto.


I saw that shitty commercial again as I was walking out the door, and remembered my post.


I wasn't expecting much of a reply actually and was surprised to see all these comments.


Boy oh boy do I ever feel validated.


Thanks so much for these awesome comments. I fucking lol several times.


I don't post that often on here but I read the GenBan often when I want to have a laugh. I especially enjoyed this forum during the entire TH hype train.


That comment about "press eject to the world" was so funny. The replies from you guys were like hit after hit, so awesome to read for me.


I'm going to print this entire thread and stick it on my wall as a reminder that the world is not totally shit yet.







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a device that has internal equipment capable of receiving TeleVisual signals through the air. of which, I do not own a device that is capable of this.


Not since the digital switchover.

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a device that has internal equipment capable of receiving TeleVisual signals through the air. of which, I do not own a device that is capable of this.


Not since the digital switchover.


erm, DVB-T certainly goes through the air, and that's the 'digital switchover' that happened here in Europe...


so still TV signals through the air.

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a device that has internal equipment capable of receiving TeleVisual signals through the air. of which, I do not own a device that is capable of this.


Not since the digital switchover.


erm, DVB-T certainly goes through the air, and that's the 'digital switchover' that happened here in Europe...


so still TV signals through the air.



Not exclusively.

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walt whitman in an apple commercial in 2k14 is totally fitting.

he's famous enough that people won't be able to accuse you of only knowing him from Breaking Bad, but obscure enough that you still feel like an artsy fart when someone uses his words to sell you plastic capitalism & third world slave labour


and imo the internet is almost as dire as televisions. For every striking piece of outsider art or truly shocking social commentary, there's like ten million bejeezuzin advice dogs & parrots of whatever slogan will garner the most fake social media points


i mean fucksocks i can't remember the last time i actually read an entire webpage, i just inhale headline after headline & spew back ad hominems in hopes someone lols at it

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So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
They'll stare at little screens, with retarded creativity.

This one's outdated, six months and three weeks.

I'll sell you this refuse for no more than $350.




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Ever noticed how dominant a TV is in any room there is one? It draws you in like candy. And what do you get from it? It's a tool for creating commercial zombies who are addicted to consumerism. And it is an explosion of stupidity and disinformation.

Why waste time and space on a TV. There are countless ways to watch the interesting stuff.

And the funny thing is, people don't even understand the notion of a living room without a TV anymore. The living room has basically become the TV room. With the TV as it's centerpiece and a couch oriented around it so it can facilitate thousands of uselessly spent hours watching lights come out of a box.


It has whatever value you give it, TV's can be used for good. BELIEVE


Plus this is coming from a being(s) that spends a good majority of its life doing something that it doesn't want, working for pieces of paper and/or digits in a bank account. Do those thousands of lost hours have more value because you were making money?


Some people spend their time differently?

Wtf!? So you have no idea what I do, but you basically assume it's with papers and digits in bank accounts? And you assume I think I'm more important because a make money?


So yeah, people spend their time differently, obviously. And sometimes a TV can do good stuff. You might put a number on it. Like the ratio between spent time watching TV which was for the good versus total amount of time watching TV. Here's my assumption: outcome is way below 1/10 and probably close to zero.

Here's another assumption: most of the time, most people spend their time awkwardly similar. Doing nothing, watching a box in their living room with moving pictures, instead of actually doing something different. Like making music, or talking to people, or having sex. You know, the stuff that makes people people.




Perhaps someone will recognize the following observation that nowadays, when people talk about what was on TV, it's surprisingly often about those funny commercials. The irony...


Yeah, the TV is a force of good alright. (Perhaps it was. Somewhere in the distant past)

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Ever noticed how dominant a TV is in any room there is one? It draws you in like candy. And what do you get from it? It's a tool for creating commercial zombies who are addicted to consumerism. And it is an explosion of stupidity and disinformation.

Why waste time and space on a TV. There are countless ways to watch the interesting stuff.

And the funny thing is, people don't even understand the notion of a living room without a TV anymore. The living room has basically become the TV room. With the TV as it's centerpiece and a couch oriented around it so it can facilitate thousands of uselessly spent hours watching lights come out of a box.

It has whatever value you give it, TV's can be used for good. BELIEVE


Plus this is coming from a being(s) that spends a good majority of its life doing something that it doesn't want, working for pieces of paper and/or digits in a bank account. Do those thousands of lost hours have more value because you were making money?


Some people spend their time differently?

Wtf!? So you have no idea what I do, but you basically assume it's with papers and digits in bank accounts? And you assume I think I'm more important because a make money?


So yeah, people spend their time differently, obviously. And sometimes a TV can do good stuff. You might put a number on it. Like the ratio between spent time watching TV which was for the good versus total amount of time watching TV. Here's my assumption: outcome is way below 1/10 and probably close to zero.

Here's another assumption: most of the time, most people spend their time awkwardly similar. Doing nothing, watching a box in their living room with moving pictures, instead of actually doing something different. Like making music, or talking to people, or having sex. You know, the stuff that makes people people.




Perhaps someone will recognize the following observation that nowadays, when people talk about what was on TV, it's surprisingly often about those funny commercials. The irony...


Yeah, the TV is a force of good alright. (Perhaps it was. Somewhere in the distant past)



Huh? I dunno man, sorry to offend. I don't know what you do, but I assume, you being a working adult and all, that you have a full time job doing something that isn't the exact picture of 'awesome way to spend my time, 100% fulfillment up in here'... and you pay bills, so you most likely spend lots of time, making money to pay for things, ergo, pieces of paper and numbers in a bank account to support your ability to be too cool for TV and be on a niche internet forum griping about people wasting their life on a useless box in their living room when it's not even what the thread was necessarily about and that is WHAT WE'RE BOTH DOING RIGHT NOW BY REPLYING TO A THREAD ABOUT COMMERCIALS (wasting time). I don't know what you actually do, you could herd cats from the foothills of Scotland for all I know, but that's a summation of how most adults in 1st world countries spend their time when they have responsibilities IMO. You don't think you're more important, at least I don't think so, you just spend your free time differently and expressed your opinion.


I just think it's a tad ironic, I was mostly joking about believing in the TV in my first post

no harm meant, even tho I used caps to stress the iron-y.


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