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holy shit the phony status obsessed histers are co opting this





Jeremy Lewis, the founder/editor of Garmento and a freelance stylist and fashion writer, calls normcore “one facet of a growing anti-fashion sentiment.” His personal style is (in the words of Andre Walker, a designer Lewis featured in the magazine’s last issue) “exhaustingly plain”—this winter, that’s meant a North Face fleece, khakis, and New Balances. Lewis says his “look of nothing” is about absolving oneself from fashion, “lest it mark you as a mindless sheep.” From Novembre magazine. “Fashion has become very overwhelming and popular,” Lewis explains. “Right now a lot of people use fashion as a means to buy rather than discover an identity and they end up obscured and defeated. I'm getting cues from people like Steve Jobs and Jerry Seinfeld. It's a very flat look, conspicuously unpretentious, maybe even endearingly awkward. It's a lot of cliché style taboos, but it's not the irony I love, it's rather practical and no-nonsense, which to me, right now, seems sexy. I like the idea that one doesn't need their clothes to make a statement.”



i dont even know what to do. i mean, where do we go now?





I've genuinely never understood fashion. How in the fuck can anyone seriously see it as anything more than a shallow thing. I mean, we should be wearing fucking robes in public and comfort should be the only thing that matters. I know this. How the fuck do people not realize this? Anyone with "good fashion" is almost always immediately marked in my mind as a person who is not intelligent.


No qualms with fashion so much as people who are out for easy bullshit acclaim and financial success. That drives co-opting more than anything else. It's also making so much of the music industry so unbearable.


Naive artists (of any medium - music, visual, film, etc) + corporate greed. That's what gets us here. There are plenty of kids who think they're indie or DIY or edgy or unique who then become cheap (or free - internships are more common than ever) creative sources for the industry giants that peddle this stuff. Most of them are sincerely trying to do what they believe in.


If there's any upside to the fickle, flippant state of pop culture right now it's this: this normcore nonsense won't last long. Keep in mind most of the people involved in this, especially the advertising and marketing and PR asshats, are in it for the quick and easy money. Don't buy into that. As someone pointed out, most of this superficial absurdity, including the nasty reality of bullying/peer pressure/etc. is at it's height in middle school and high school. The same people who were "cool" 10, 15, 20 years are the ones who look the most ridiculous in retrospect.


Wear what you're comfortable in and have no qualms with looking nice or looking a certain way. Just leave it at that. Fuck expensive fashion trends and wait a few months - if you like a trending style it'll be cheap eventually. I've never EVER been one to spend hardly anything on clothing, new or used. Instead I take the time in figuring out how I want to look.

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Wear what you're comfortable in and have no qualms with looking nice or looking a certain way. Just leave it at that. Fuck expensive fashion trends and wait a few months - if you like a trending style it'll be cheap eventually. I've never EVER been one to spend hardly anything on clothing, new or used. Instead I take the time in figuring out how I want to look.



I've never adopted a specific style. I just buy from companies that I have always liked the fit and feel of. Usually hugo boss or armani or whatever. I don't keep up on fashion trends or anything I just always like the way these company's clothes fit and feel on me.


Also "expensive" is relative. Not sure if that's relevant?

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Wear what you're comfortable in and have no qualms with looking nice or looking a certain way. Just leave it at that. Fuck expensive fashion trends and wait a few months - if you like a trending style it'll be cheap eventually. I've never EVER been one to spend hardly anything on clothing, new or used. Instead I take the time in figuring out how I want to look.



I've never adopted a specific style. I just buy from companies that I have always liked the fit and feel of. Usually hugo boss or armani or whatever. I don't keep up on fashion trends or anything I just always like the way these company's clothes fit and feel on me.


Also "expensive" is relative. Not sure if that's relevant?



I think it is, there's a lot people I know who make just as little as I do, or even less, who spend 5, 10, 20x more on clothes than I do yearly. Or they buy new clothes often and are "above" thrift stores or budget brands like say, Old Navy (or ironically go to Gap or Banana Republic which is the same stuff but more expensive). Just more stuff they rack their debt up with.

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Well that sounds just plain stupid. They're buying for vanity thinking it will distinguish them above others, no? Like I said, I just buy the clothes that feel and look good. If something fits your form a bit better, why not buy that if you can afford it? I hope I'm not sounding like a pretentious dickface I just honestly don't understand =/


I imagine clothing costs to just be a % of income probably. I don't know =(

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Wear what you're comfortable in and have no qualms with looking nice or looking a certain way. Just leave it at that. Fuck expensive fashion trends and wait a few months - if you like a trending style it'll be cheap eventually. I've never EVER been one to spend hardly anything on clothing, new or used. Instead I take the time in figuring out how I want to look.



I've never adopted a specific style. I just buy from companies that I have always liked the fit and feel of. Usually hugo boss or armani or whatever. I don't keep up on fashion trends or anything I just always like the way these company's clothes fit and feel on me.


Also "expensive" is relative. Not sure if that's relevant?




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Wear what you're comfortable in and have no qualms with looking nice or looking a certain way. Just leave it at that. Fuck expensive fashion trends and wait a few months - if you like a trending style it'll be cheap eventually. I've never EVER been one to spend hardly anything on clothing, new or used. Instead I take the time in figuring out how I want to look.


I've never adopted a specific style. I just buy from companies that I have always liked the fit and feel of. Usually hugo boss or armani or whatever. I don't keep up on fashion trends or anything I just always like the way these company's clothes fit and feel on me.


Also "expensive" is relative. Not sure if that's relevant?





^ that pic! from a tumblr account about rich kids. have a link?

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I don't understand. Someone can afford 100$ t-shirts or whatever and you post a link of some pretentious assholes....? So I said SMD. Suck my dick.


I didn't think it was hard to follow.


Just because someone wants to buy better fibers, better fitting clothes, etc, and they've worked hard to afford that luxury, doesn't make them some kind of douche. It means they've worked hard to enjoy every facet of life you can think of....=/


edit: this was at yekky

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The same people that buy "douchey" clothes probably also contribute to charities... I know I raised over 3000$ for cerebral palsy last year wearing my douchebag clothes. I dunno. How much did you raise for cerebral palsy?

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i wasn't actually comparing you to the link, so it's all good.


Ok mr Yekkey :)


I just thought you were taking a jab at me so I got a little pissy. Cheers m8 I hope you have a great night. I'm stopping by vancouver, victoria, and nanaimo in August btw, so if your're available we should got for a beer, on me :)

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who the fuck cares what the fucking piece of textured textile somebody else is wearing. Stop fucking caring you cunts.

Yeah can look nice in inexpensive clothes.



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