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"Light From A Closing Door" - photographers please help

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heya, how's it going?


so, i put together an album i'm calling "Light From A Closing Door". (by Ourson, my ambient output moniker) i'm on the hunt for an image that captures this feeling. preferably a photograph...


it's melancholy, personal, and nostalgic (like all ambient music, perhaps)

bear with me, i'm trying to describe this feeling i have as best i can...


Light From A Closing Door is sort of about regrets, or missed opportunities, or

memories that we forgot about, until stumbling upon a box of old photographs, and

missing the people in the pictures because they are far away, or no longer with us...


the light that shines from a closing door is the last bit of hope for a missed opportunity,

fading into the darkness, where we are left alone with our thoughts.


the colors i see for this idea/project are blacks, golden whites (the light) and pink.

i say pink, because when i listen to the music, it sounds pink. but the colors are

secondary to the concept.


i'm uploading an image i considered before coming to watmm. it has the right idea,

but it's not as potent as i'd like. does anyone here have anything they'd let me use

for this album? i would really appreciate it, and can try to figure out some sort of

compensations, if necessary.


thank you. it's good to be visiting here, speaking of old memories..


thank you so much.


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peoples in chatmm asked me to post music from the album to help with the creative process.. i dunno if the tracks really make sense outside of the contexts of the other tracks, but here are a couple anyway. it's sort of a retrospective of various recovered ambient tunes that i thought i had lost. some of them are remixes i did for other people (Milieu, Fieldtriqp) that never got released.. anyway, here ya go


edit: these are the first three tracks, but they uploaded out of order. order is:


Light From Closing Door

Crushing Reconstruction (Goodnight Moo)

Our Sun Covered Faces


track titles may change upon release. thanks again

Light From A Closing Door.mp3

Crushing Reconstruction (Goodnight M.mp3

Our Sun Covered Faces.mp3

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Nice Larry


oh snap, you're the guy who recorded Warming Plant. big fan

imma go grab my camera & walk around town for a bit. see if anything that looks like this sounds jumps out


*downloads Warming Plant*

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New Luke Hazard! Yayayay

hey A/D ! *kiss*


oh snap, you're the guy who recorded Warming Plant. big fan

imma go grab my camera & walk around town for a bit. see if anything that looks like this sounds jumps out

aw, i love it when people talk about that album. :D


Hi HI, i don't have anything to add, but you know, the hello .. [-;

Hi Deeleet! a very welcome hello from you. *hug*


too obvious?


nice tracks btw.

LARRY, it is a little obvious.. but i dig it. thanks for taking time outta your day to do this, and for the kind words about the music.

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okay i'm gonna attempt to give a little more insights as to what i'm looking for.


LARRY: the light in your door picture is perfectly creepy, but that photo takes place in a really domestic looking house. and the trees in the bg kinda don't make any sense. so for those reasons, it's too obvious for what i'm looking for.


very honest: i dig the vines and the colors, but the composition doesn't really tell much of a story. and the image is just kind of generally photoshopped looking. (over contrast, etc). gnome sane?


i'm imagining something closer along the lines of a simple, dark picture of a really creepy door, (or something that could be abstractly thought of as a door, like a window, etc) it would be mostly dark (not necessarily black) and probably grainy like a 35mm photo.. maybe i should upload more of the photos of mine that inspired this thread... sorry if i'm being difficult. you know how it is when you're trying to get something from in your head to manifest itself... brb

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here are 3 super old 35mm's i stumbled across this morning while trying to find something to use for this concept. they are probably useable, and if you want to use them for this idea, please help yourself. i might try to as well. i have three more, but they are way more minimal. which is cool, i think




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actually, looking at these photos, i kinda like them the way they are. could probably use to be touched up (just a little) but i guess i was/am more interested in another perspective. (but then i thought everyone could read my mind, and give me pictures like this, isn't that funny how that works?)


anyway, if nothing else comes from this thread, at least i get to hang out with watmm again for a bit, until i fuck off again. :)


edit: didn't mean to make so many posts, i thought they would congeal into one disgustingly freakishly large single post, but watmm has changed so much since i've been here.


edit2: yeah i don't know what's up with those images, they look kinda low quality. i mean, i like graininess, but they look worse than just old photo grainy.. i scanned em' in at 600dpi, (converted to 300 to upload here) so, either my scanner is shit, or the wal-mart where i got them developed a long time ago was shitty (i know, photography n00b 101 here) actually, come to think of it, the camera i used back then was pretty shit too. meh, i can make em' look good, i just wanted to see what watmm could do first.


edit3: y'know what my prob is? I'M TOTALLY OUTTA HERB DAWG



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hey luke! i made this for you...




it doesn't fit your brief in the slightest, but hey-ho.



edit: nvm i see youre already sorted

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hey luke! i made this for you...




it doesn't fit your brief in the slightest, but hey-ho.



edit: nvm i see youre already sorted


that's nice, it looks like a good cover for a durutti column coverband or something!

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think i may go with something like this? i'm really impatient and flighty... sorry, watmm.

I'd experiment with this one. You might want to change the setting of what is on the outside of that door. Hell, if you've got the time, you could create a cover with a whole where the door is and a couple of pics which the owner can choose themselves. You could put all kinds of silly shit behind it. The most important thing is contrast/light.

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yeah that last photo is dope luke


edit: the first one is tunneling straight to my old magic: the gathering decks, and sitting in my room and smelling wood. lovely harmonics.

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