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LOST is happening in real life


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Guest fiznuthian


Anyone else here refuse to fly?

I know on some level it's not rational at all to risk myself on the road in a car almost every day, and then assume my chances of dying are higher by stepping into a plane.

But there's some piece of me that knows I have more control over my fate in a car by being super defensive all of the time. I drive like a the stereotypical grandmother and constantly have people riding my rear bumper. I just can't bring myself to take a flight anywhere.


1) I don't get to fly the plane, so it's flight behavior is not within my control

2) In the extremely, extremely unlikely event that it's my flight where something goes wrong, I get hung up on one fact.

When catastrophe strikes in a plane or jet: you're going towards the Earth quickly and nowhere else. There's no median to roll into,

no guard rails to smash into, no tree to bump into, or grass/dirt/sand to slow you down. That's just it.. if the plane can't glide you're going DOWN

and you happen to be strapped next to enough jet fuel to practically cremate you on impact.


So no.. just no..

So the possibility of a quick death is somehow more frightening than slow painful death/permanent disability?


And you'll never go overseas? As someone who lives in Australia, the idea of refusing plane travel is ridiculous.



I know I know! It's stupid and I recognize it's completely irrational.. but those are the lengthy justifications my scumbag brain seems unable to get over..

However, in a car it's possible to take side streets and avoid heavy traffic. I know that generally flying is considered statistically safer than driving, but how much of that comes down to poor driving habits and choices? How many people die or are killed by drunk drivers/drunk driving in a plane? There's many things a driver can do to steer their fate.


And as a guy who doesn't particularly like driving that much (Deer I know you feel me), in my opinion 90% or more of drivers out there drive like fucking idiots.. constantly in a hurry, swerving in and out of lanes without using timely signals, and don't even get me started on cell phones..

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My theory is that the plane has flown through a timeslip and is now at some point in the present or future, crashed or otherwise. Personally I like the idea that an old man would turn up at a younger mans house and say "Sir, I'm afraid your son was aboard that flight", as the man starts to cry the older man says "I am your son"


Then a giant robot walks into frame and steps on my fictional scenario the end

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There was an oil slick wasn't there.


Last I read it seems to not be related to the plane.




yea, oil slick was confirmed not to be aviation.


donnie darko action here?

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oh ok, yeah i was wondering when i posted that because it was info from the first day, whether it was still kosher. heh, guess i should have checked . serves me right. awepittance would not have made this mistake.



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Guest fiznuthian

I feel like, having known the intended flight path, and the search crews being unable to find it there, it's likely this plane was attacked from within. Perhaps someone knew what they were doing, and swiftly disabled the communications systems then flew the plane to an undisclosed location.

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Anyone else here refuse to fly?

I know on some level it's not rational at all to risk myself on the road in a car almost every day, and then assume my chances of dying are higher by stepping into a plane.

But there's some piece of me that knows I have more control over my fate in a car by being super defensive all of the time. I drive like a the stereotypical grandmother and constantly have people riding my rear bumper. I just can't bring myself to take a flight anywhere.


yes, me.. ill think,.. oh maybe.. and then shit like this happens.


also, posting to test my nifty new avatar

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Guest fiznuthian

i think it might have been eaten by an enormous seagull


i think it might have been eaten by an enormous seagull



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Guest fiznuthian


yes i think that's the best bet - it's landed somewhere in secret - normally they would have found some debris by now surely


to gain what?



A jet airliner, duh. :biggrin:

Who doesn't want one?

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yes i think that's the best bet - it's landed somewhere in secret - normally they would have found some debris by now surely


to gain what?




i dunno - there could be untold things in the cargo hold that were part of an elaborate theft - the other passengers were just collateral - something someone wanted in malaysia and decided to fly it somewhere else in secret - iirc by this point they had already assumed that airfrance flight from brazil had crashed and they were recovering debris. the lack of distress signals might indicate the pilots were in on it, or at least subdued quickly i dunno

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I don't understand why commercial flights don't have GPS tracking. If I lose my phone or my laptop, I can go home and get on an app and track that shit. Why wouldn't that sort of technology be a backup on an airplane with hundreds of people aboard?

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Guest fiznuthian

I'm pretty sure they do though, and it's part of the several communication systems. That's why this is so strange. The jet literally disappeared from the tracking systems. It's also why I have a strong suspicion of foul play and NOT a typical accident. Somebody knew how to disable them. Modern airliners have multiple redundancy systems.

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some expert in some article said that not all planes have a constant satellite link..

a plane would need to send its location via some data connection to be gps-tracked.


so what's with the 2 false-identity guys which boarded the plane?

maybe they knocked out / killed the pilots and then realized they cannot fly such plane?

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I'm betting the false identity is really nothing.


but wtf to the gps. so true about finding a $600 phone but no idea where a jetliner lost communication? uuuhh

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Guest fiznuthian

I just don't believe this plane was detonated or crashed.. Jet wreckage is pretty fucking big and it's not like it just sinks that quickly.
This jet is not where they think it is.

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finding wreckage could be impossible, that's not that crazy

I just don't get why someone would secretly hijack a jet and be able to keep it a secret.

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i dunno they recovered wreckage and the black box from the middle of the atlantic which is like 13,000 feet deep. the gulf of thailand is like 260 feet deep.. i maintain they probably haven't found it yet, but it's fun to speculate of a grand theft jumbo jet

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