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LOST is happening in real life


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I wonder if it was shot down so that the US could back down on the Ukraine crisis thing. (someone had to speculate about this, US isn't allied with malaysia, it was flying to china so noone related to them was going to be on it). NBC news frontpage has dramatically decreased their Ukraine crisis linkage. With this taking top billing.


What next, major earthquake?

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Guest fiznuthian

See, this is why I don't fly. I'll take a bus across borders and risk getting blown up by Dennis Hopper any day rather than risk getting stuck on an island with a bunch of idiots who go looking for mysterious hatches that hide countdown timers and a forest full of smoke monsters.

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Clearly this is just viral marketing for Damon Lindelof's upcoming movie based in the tv series.




shit, and here i was complaining because i'm TOTALLY OUTTA HERB, DAWG




The pilot was a lizard person sacrificing himself for the greater good if the illuminati.




See, this is why I don't fly. I'll take a bus across borders and risk getting blown up by Dennis Hopper any day rather than risk getting stuck on an island with a bunch of idiots who go looking for mysterious hatches that hide countdown timers and a forest full of smoke monsters.


Yeah dude, exactly!


We really need to watch out for rabbit holes and dudes named Morpheus. Make sure those terminators are there to help you fulfill your awesome future and not there to kill you. And if your present self meets your mom in the past, then watch out for hover boards in your distant future!

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Guest fiznuthian

Anyone else here refuse to fly?
I know on some level it's not rational at all to risk myself on the road in a car almost every day, and then assume my chances of dying are higher by stepping into a plane.
But there's some piece of me that knows I have more control over my fate in a car by being super defensive all of the time. I drive like a the stereotypical grandmother and constantly have people riding my rear bumper. I just can't bring myself to take a flight anywhere.


1) I don't get to fly the plane, so it's flight behavior is not within my control

2) In the extremely, extremely unlikely event that it's my flight where something goes wrong, I get hung up on one fact.
When catastrophe strikes in a plane or jet: you're going towards the Earth quickly and nowhere else. There's no median to roll into,
no guard rails to smash into, no tree to bump into, or grass/dirt/sand to slow you down. That's just it.. if the plane can't glide you're going DOWN

and you happen to be strapped next to enough jet fuel to practically cremate you on impact.

So no.. just no..

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Hope it has a better ending than them all being dead.

maybe it was Bruce Willis the whole time!

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Anyone else here refuse to fly?

I know on some level it's not rational at all to risk myself on the road in a car almost every day, and then assume my chances of dying are higher by stepping into a plane.

But there's some piece of me that knows I have more control over my fate in a car by being super defensive all of the time. I drive like a the stereotypical grandmother and constantly have people riding my rear bumper. I just can't bring myself to take a flight anywhere.


1) I don't get to fly the plane, so it's flight behavior is not within my control

2) In the extremely, extremely unlikely event that it's my flight where something goes wrong, I get hung up on one fact.

When catastrophe strikes in a plane or jet: you're going towards the Earth quickly and nowhere else. There's no median to roll into,

no guard rails to smash into, no tree to bump into, or grass/dirt/sand to slow you down. That's just it.. if the plane can't glide you're going DOWN

and you happen to be strapped next to enough jet fuel to practically cremate you on impact.


So no.. just no..

So the possibility of a quick death is somehow more frightening than slow painful death/permanent disability?


And you'll never go overseas? As someone who lives in Australia, the idea of refusing plane travel is ridiculous.

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I had a fear of flying until I realized I really have a fear of anticipating flying. once I'm on the plane, I'm usually ok. but thinking about flying makes me really anxious. Xanax and vodka and headphones on plane helps.

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I had a fear of flying until I realized I really have a fear of anticipating flying. once I'm on the plane, I'm usually ok. but thinking about flying makes me really anxious. Xanax and vodka and headphones on plane helps.



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I had a fear of flying until I realized I really have a fear of anticipating flying. once I'm on the plane, I'm usually ok. but thinking about flying makes me really anxious. Xanax and vodka and headphones on plane helps.





Helps off planes too.



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Guest Milkweg

I'm not afraid of flying but once I'm up there I usually have to spend some effort to dispell thoughts of "Oh shit I'm going to die" for a small portion of the flight.


Xanax and vodka and headphones on plane helps.





Helps off planes too.


+ 1

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