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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

I've been getting into this show recently and I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying the experience. It's set in a post-apocalyptic near future after something somehow turned off all the power in the world everywhere, except a few people here and there still seem to have some power somehow. The main characters all sport clean clothes, fastidiously groomed hair and immaculately gleaming white teeth. Considering 15 years have passed since the power went out and humanity has reverted to a feudal state this is no mean feat let me tell you.


Ammunition is scarce so everyone has swords and runs about swashbuckling. Also they fire lots of guns because apparently everyone seems to have lots of ammunition lying about. The bullets are really easy to dodge by running slowly and ducking a little bit here and there. The bad guys are really easy to kill unless they're the arch villains in which case they aren't. The acting is hammy. The plot is stupid...


If you're tired of the endless monotony of The Walking Dead... if you're frustrated by how much of a letdown the finale of True Detective was... set your expectations low and join me, people. This is the Idiocracy Era of television, and it is glorious.



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First few episodes and then I got bored: their make-up is too clean, the female lead's "y u no help me? u must b/c u r family" plight was annoying me. Considering I loved Lost and dystopian shows/fims in general, and I think that Billy Burke guy is underrated, I should of liked it immediately.


So I need to give this another shot...


(mostly because they filmed a scene inside and right in front of my office building near the TX Capitol - I assume it's on the next season)



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I caught family watching the show last week and it seems to be getting pretty Metal Gear Solid 2 mind-fucky TURN OFF THE GAME CONSOLE RIGHT NOW and that sort of stuff can be fun, otherwise I'm ambivalent

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First few episodes and then I got bored: their make-up is too clean, the female lead's "y u no help me? u must b/c u r family" plight was annoying me. Considering I loved Lost and dystopian shows/fims in general, and I think that Billy Burke guy is underrated, I should of liked it immediately.


So I need to give this another shot...


(mostly because they filmed a scene inside and right in front of my office building near the TX Capitol - I assume it's on the next season)




Weirdly, the star-and-laurel-leaves thing on the side there looks super USSR, rather than Texan.

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DUDE never of thought of that, but I see it. It's not as soviet-ish on papers/documents I suppose, just in stone.


Here's the official seal as of now:



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First few episodes and then I got bored: their make-up is too clean


this was my main problem with this series (and pretty much every other series on nbc). also shit acting and plots. and the fact that they skipped over the entire end of civilization/fun part in the first episode and went right to "yeah we live in huts now".

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


First few episodes and then I got bored: their make-up is too clean


this was my main problem with this series (and pretty much every other series on nbc). also shit acting and plots. and the fact that they skipped over the entire end of civilization/fun part in the first episode and went right to "yeah we live in huts now".



I must admit I almost gave up on it after the first few episodes too, but I can assure you it does get better! They address a lot more of the end of civilization stuff with flashbacks later on. I've lost track of how many times allegiances have been forged and broken - everyone ends up getting stabbed in the back and they're all constantly fucking each other over. Best friends become mortal enemies and then become best friends again before changing their minds yet again. More things happen in one episode of this show than has happened in the entire fourth season of The Walking Dead so far. Also the potential for mindfuckery due to what actually caused the everyone living in huts now thing is immense.


Also also, the main badass swashbuckling hero dude with a shady history kinda looks like a cross between Macgyver and the guy that played the hologram in Quantum Leap


home.jpg + al-calavicci-the-hologram-from-quantum-l





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