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NASA Study Concludes When Civilization Will End


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I love how azatoth just believes that i believe what i said about the thing. Except for the stop breeding and the increased empathy and lateral thinking thing, the rest of what i said was a comedic meander. More likely to happen if we reach a crisis is that the rich will say "great, finally we can thin the herd". Once robotics and AI takes off, with or without a catastrophe, they will take this approach i believe.


Maybe you are drunk posting or otherwise posting some dumb shit, who knows with you.

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I love how azatoth just believes that i believe what i said about the thing. Except for the stop breeding and the increased empathy and lateral thinking thing, the rest of what i said was a comedic meander. More likely to happen if we reach a crisis is that the rich will say "great, finally we can thin the herd". Once robotics and AI takes off, with or without a catastrophe, they will take this approach i believe.


Maybe you are drunk posting or otherwise posting some dumb shit, who knows with you.



I'm not drunk, i just think that there are subtleties of the english language and my posting style that elude you. No offence meant mate, was funny watching you explode though, i kinda saw that coming a mile away given my prior experience of our very few past interactions in this place.


So this is what happened in the post that caused the trouble. I was agreeing with you (because i think the same thing that you said in your post) but positing an absurd outcome to it and fleshing that out with an internal logic.


Anyway, go in peace, etc.

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We need to get on fukken spaceships and bail is wtf we need to do, bros.

What, and spread the human disease all over the rest of the cosmos - I bet as soon as mankind gets warp drive capability, the other races of the galaxy will come and shut our asses down to prevent us from spreading.


*runs off to write next Michael Bay script*

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Well one idea is that they knocked themselves off ages ago, due to a similar condition to the one we are suffering from. So that leaves us with plenty of room to go out a space roving. Be funny though when we arrive at all these what we thought were going to be habitable planets that all have been ruined by one misadventure or another of the local inhabitants or prior visitors. planet of grey nanomachine goo, planet of radioactive wasteland, and so on.


/improves joyrex's script with pathos.

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even if we saved the world



do I hate reading this.


the world will be fine, we need to save ourselves.


is like putting responsibility on our shoulders for the "poor sick world" that we need to save, so much fucking bullshit.

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that isn't what i mean. if the aim is to "save ourselves," then we have to preserve the planet, because without keeping the planet in a life-sustaining state, we will die. i feel like that's a pretty giant duh. sorry if i'm missing your point.

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Now here's a man who had seen the light. I should watch one of his shows in full, soon.

Nice one!


Also love the couple of booing people halfway through. I'm sure the applauded afterwards as well (without actually changing their own opinion, ironically...)

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Yes. Since the Industrial Revolution, we're completely doomed. But I think there's no choice whatsoever Everything will end, sooner or later. I bet we're extinct before the year 3000.

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i think if everyone just held hands, sang kumbaya, stopped being rich, made everything free, hugged/humped some trees, rubbed some spirit crystals, tried yoga and meditated on the problem, looked into new wave spiritualism of various varieties, invested in green energy, sterilized themselves, appointed a council of wise learned academics/sages/scientists to run everything for us, granted them the authority to choose who can reproduce, based on intelligence and whatever criteria they deem relevant (they are academics after all, they are never wrong), rode bicycles instead of cars, opened our eyes to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, used the power of lsd and other powerful psychedelics to expand our minds by unlocking the other '90% of our brains' that we don't use, if everyone just got their news from reddit only, if people just realized that the jews are probably behind everything bad, if we finally accepted that america and it's evil capitalist ways are a failed experiment and stepped into the future and realized that communism just hasn't been done 'correctly' yet, ya know, like if everyone just started working for the sake of pride in their work like on star trek (except of course for those people who don't want to work, who just want to sniff pills and play PS3 all day, who should be free of judgement and allowed to pursue that course in life with full support of those who do choose to work), maybe then.. nay- ONLY then, can we avoid the multipocalypse trifecta of zombies, nuclear mutants, and psychic babies.


i mean people have been saying the world was about to end for thousands of years, but NOW they are surely right, and it's a good thing taxpayer dollars are funding this kind of research because we might still have time to mend our evil ways, lean as hard left as possible and avoid this disaster.

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Guest AsylumSeaker

that isn't what i mean. if the aim is to "save ourselves," then we have to preserve the planet, because without keeping the planet in a life-sustaining state, we will die. i feel like that's a pretty giant duh. sorry if i'm missing your point.

There's life thriving in glaciers, clinging to satellites, swimming round in the cooling pools of nuclear power plants, wallowing in its own sulfuric acid piss deep in the earths crust, and adapting to the best antiseptics and antibiotics we can come up with. I dont think anything short of a planetary collision could wipe life out.


A human-sustaining state is something else, but we're pretty adaptable in our own way. I mean, havent you played Metro 2033?

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Guest fiznuthian

i think if everyone just held hands, sang kumbaya, stopped being rich, made everything free, hugged/humped some trees, rubbed some spirit crystals, tried yoga and meditated on the problem, looked into new wave spiritualism of various varieties, invested in green energy, sterilized themselves, appointed a council of wise learned academics/sages/scientists to run everything for us, granted them the authority to choose who can reproduce, based on intelligence and whatever criteria they deem relevant (they are academics after all, they are never wrong), rode bicycles instead of cars, opened our eyes to the fact that 9/11 was an inside job, used the power of lsd and other powerful psychedelics to expand our minds by unlocking the other '90% of our brains' that we don't use, if everyone just got their news from reddit only, if people just realized that the jews are probably behind everything bad, if we finally accepted that america and it's evil capitalist ways are a failed experiment and stepped into the future and realized that communism just hasn't been done 'correctly' yet, ya know, like if everyone just started working for the sake of pride in their work like on star trek (except of course for those people who don't want to work, who just want to sniff pills and play PS3 all day, who should be free of judgement and allowed to pursue that course in life with full support of those who do choose to work), maybe then.. nay- ONLY then, can we avoid the multipocalypse trifecta of zombies, nuclear mutants, and psychic babies.


i mean people have been saying the world was about to end for thousands of years, but NOW they are surely right, and it's a good thing taxpayer dollars are funding this kind of research because we might still have time to mend our evil ways, lean as hard left as possible and avoid this disaster.

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this just reinforces my ever-growing belief that it's a good a time as ever to pick up skills like hunting, fishing, orienteering and living in the wild generally. it's gonna be an interesting couple of decades.

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I hunter-gather at the supermarket from time to time. Right now, chocolate eggs are reduced in prize, so I might jump on my bicycle (or walk the full 2 miles) to obtain said food.

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I hunter-gather at the supermarket from time to time. Right now, chocolate eggs are reduced in prize, so I might jump on my bicycle (or walk the full 2 miles) to obtain said food.

Are we talking creme or caramel here? Makes all the difference.

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The NASA article still doesn't include an exact date though. But if overpopulation is factoring into our impending doom, then just as well we have a proliferation of fedoras and neckbeards to curb reproduction. So thank a fedora or neckbeard today.

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