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NASA Study Concludes When Civilization Will End


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creme eggs ftw


but uh, come on guys, lets do this

lets hold hands across the world, and project our spirit animals outward and do this thing







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Guest fiznuthian

creme eggs ftw


but uh, come on guys, lets do this

lets hold hands across the world, and project our spirit animals outward and do this thing









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I dunno, walking around Boston, I look around and at least 6/10 dudes are quite gay. Surely earth is taking matters into its own hands

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but what if reincarnation is real and on doomsday you get incinerated by laser rays from planet septik0n and then are immediately thrown out of the womb as you have been reborn as a new person and are immediately incinerated by laser rays from planet septik0n and then are once again, ripped out of that now to be incinerated woman's vagina and what do yah know, you get zapped by laser rays from septik0n

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a large collapse in the past meant a loss in technological and scientific progress that wasnt regained for hundreds of years. now we have so much documented in so many different mediums that im not sure the same rules apply anymore

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I'm not denying any validity in the study, but my only beef with it is the vagueness regarding when a global catastrophe will strike. The best estimate it gives is "a few decades".

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legit beef. all things considered though, it's pretty fantastical that they are even able to claim something like "within a few decades" with any certainty (wish the study was actually out already and not just in news outlets).


were you hoping for a specific day and time? :P

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well, i'm not sure "hope" is the right word. more like "curious", but you know what they say about curiosity...

just so we know how much time we have, you know. so we can bury shipping containers full of rations and bottled water, stock up on ammo, etc.

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the ozone layer could be destroyed, thereby dooming most life on earth, by a single nuclear war of about 100 explosions (like the one india and pakistan are itching to have with each other). the northern ice cap has halved in size in about a decade, as predicted by leftists who know how to work out the chemistry and physics of introducing massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. catastrophic storms are statistically much worse, more frequent, and more unpredictable. the oceans have become more acidic by a tenth of an integer on the pH scale in the last half century from all the carbon that settles there, further damaging an ecosystem already gutted by the fishing industry, simply annihilating entire food chains.


don't mock the people who care because your political party caters to the super-rich who get more yachts by fucking the planet, please.

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Guest fiznuthian

I find it horrifying that the human race now sits on enough nuclear weapons to secure our own self-destruction.

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i think it's ironic that this study which used numbers to predict the apocalypse, is going to be cited as a reason by lefties to give authority to the gov to ration resources to the rest of us, to cut back on their usage, yet the study itself cites hoarding of resources by 'elites' (which are whom, besides the gov and their rich lobbyist friends, exactly?) as one of the reasons for the impending apocalypse.

but we are talking about a group of people who see no hypocrisy in a guy like al gore flying around in a private jet from lecture to lecture (each of which he's paid upwards of 6figs to do) to tell everyone else that they need to ride a bicycle to work or they will personally be responsible for polar bears melting. and his making a hundred mill in a single transaction for his tv network, paid in money that came from oil and by a country that may support terrorism, while going around saying there is no such thing as ethical oil is also OK with them.

the ozone layer could be destroyed, thereby dooming most life on earth, by a single nuclear war of about
don't mock the people who care because your political party caters to the super-rich who get more yachts by fucking the planet, please.

i thought your main man Obama disarmed the whole nuclear situation. your original post mentioned a couple of countries that you said were intent on using nukes on each other, but neither were russia. how about the comment made on russia's state run media network RT (which is popular around here), by Dmitry K. Kiselyov (who also hates gays, is very hawkish, was appointed by putin himself as head of RT, and has been described as the minister of propaganda) about how russia was the only country that could turn the US into radioactive ash? or his description of their 'perimeter' system which very much resembles the system in dr strangelove? is it because that flies in the face of your belief that obama's expert diplomatic maneuvering shut down any possible threat of nukage between the US and russia?

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holly fuck this partisan shit is so tired would you please fuck off please

fuck you dude. this study is going to be used push partisan agendas. so no.


i mean, every typical comment on a study like this, is generally the kind of regurgitated crap that has been sent down through partisan lines. and how exactly is it not ironic that in the study it says that resources being hoarded by elites is going to become a source of social conflict, yet libs will use studies like this to support the idea that the gov should begin rationing resources? knowing damn well that the gov and their buddies will still be burning through the same amount of resources for their own personal use as always? how does that not make THEM the elites? how is al-fucking-gore not a fucking elite? you'd have to have a hollow skull not to see him as an elite. he has more money than romney. 100 million of it was oil money used to buy political influence in the US, coming from a nation that is suspected to be supporting terrorism. meanwhile he's saying there is no ethical oil. and he's one of the primary figures out there selling this kind of doom and gloom. so yeah i think my asking questions about his character is 100% fucking valid. maybe it's YOUR partisan bias that won't allow you to admit that?


if he really cared about this shit so much, why does he charge 100,000 per lecture? why doesn't he do them via skype instead of jetting around in his private jet? like seriously how defective does someone's brain have to be to not see that the guy is totally full of shit and just making millions upon millions off of something he is peddling? what he is peddling is the most profitable thing of all too- fear.

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Guest fiznuthian

MisterE, no offense but you talk a lot of strong opinion about a large variety of people and in a lot of ways pigeonhole them. That's fair I guess because it's obvious your opinions are strong and differ greatly.

I am curious though, how do you propose we deal with environmental problems and possibility of nuclear war? It's one thing to bark off on the sidelines with ideas you disagree with, but do you not acknowledge the concern? Are you a fatalist and just feel the world is inevitably going to destroy us anyway? Which it might..

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well that's a fair point. just really pretty tired of hearing about "lefties" and al gore already. some of us are independents, y'know.

well maybe when i say 'lefty' that would be your indicator that i'm not talking about independents


truth of the matter is that most of the dust kicked up by this kind of study is going to come from the left. it's going to be a big mostly partisan dust cloud, and yet i'm the one being partisan for observing that fact and questioning the foundation it's built upon. watever dude

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holly fuck this partisan shit is so tired would you please fuck off please

fuck you dude. this study is going to be used push partisan agendas. so no.


i mean, every typical comment on a study like this, is generally the kind of regurgitated crap that has been sent down through partisan lines. and how exactly is it not ironic that in the study it says that resources being hoarded by elites is going to become a source of social conflict, yet libs will use studies like this to support the idea that the gov should begin rationing resources? knowing damn well that the gov and their buddies will still be burning through the same amount of resources for their own personal use as always? how does that not make THEM the elites? how is al-fucking-gore not a fucking elite? you'd have to have a hollow skull not to see him as an elite. he has more money than romney. 100 million of it was oil money used to buy political influence in the US, coming from a nation that is suspected to be supporting terrorism. meanwhile he's saying there is no ethical oil. and he's one of the primary figures out there selling this kind of doom and gloom. so yeah i think my asking questions about his character is 100% fucking valid. maybe it's YOUR partisan bias that won't allow you to admit that?


if he really cared about this shit so much, why does he charge 100,000 per lecture? why doesn't he do them via skype instead of jetting around in his private jet? like seriously how defective does someone's brain have to be to not see that the guy is totally full of shit and just making millions upon millions off of something he is peddling? what he is peddling is the most profitable thing of all too- fear.



dude lol, this giant edit hereby withdraws my "fair point" above, sheesh


i am not in the business of defending al gore, i never even saw his friggin movies


none of this has anything to do with the nasa study's conclusions except that you think people should be mad at al gore or something


watever dude back at ya

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Are you a fatalist and just feel the world is inevitably going to destroy us anyway? Which it might..

i don't know any answers but i see a lot of this kind of shit is clearly being used to scare people into accepting some form of legislation or executive action that they otherwise wouldn't accept. otherwise they wouldn't need the scare tactics and they wouldn't use them so fucking heavily. so what's odd to me is, this being a taxpayer funded, government done study, why is it that if i question something like this, i'm a bad guy, yet this forum is full of people questioning the government on a daily basis? i'm presenting reasons why i think key figures involved in pushing this agenda should be questioned.


maybe the gov is looking out for our best interests. but at the same time as the divide between the rich and poor has widened, i think the divide between gov and the rest of us has too. maybe because gov and the rich are attached at the hip? so sue me for being skeptical of this shit.


and yeah on the other hand i guess i do have a bit of an attitude that if something big and catastrophic is going to happen, there prob isn't shit anyone can do about it anyway. it's entirely possible we all disappear in an instant and all that's left are shadows on some sidewalks. that's the world we live in

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