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NASA Study Concludes When Civilization Will End


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THIS civilization will collapse, yes. But from the ashes, a new civilization will rise. This happened throughout the course of history. Cycles 'n shit. For some reason, current civilization considers that we won't fall prey to an inevitable collapse, because hey, we're awesome, right? It's precisely this arrogance and decadence that lies at the root of the decay.


I just hope we'll learn something again. Probably not.

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THIS civilization will collapse, yes. But from the ashes, a new civilization will rise. This happened throughout the course of history. Cycles 'n shit. For some reason, current civilization considers that we won't fall prey to an inevitable collapse, because hey, we're awesome, right? It's precisely this arrogance and decadence that lies at the root of the decay.


I just hope we'll learn something again. Probably not.

This might certainly be true, but what would the emergent civilization be like? Odds are the well-off today will be the ones to suffer the least and be spearheading the new civilization and the values and ideology that caused the collapse will live on in the new civilization and lead to another collapse.

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THIS civilization will collapse, yes. But from the ashes, a new civilization will rise. This happened throughout the course of history. Cycles 'n shit. For some reason, current civilization considers that we won't fall prey to an inevitable collapse, because hey, we're awesome, right? It's precisely this arrogance and decadence that lies at the root of the decay.


I just hope we'll learn something again. Probably not.

This might certainly be true, but what would the emergent civilization be like? Odds are the well-off today will be the ones to suffer the least and be spearheading the new civilization and the values and ideology that caused the collapse will live on in the new civilization and lead to another collapse.


This is very sad.

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even if we saved the world from the armageddons, the following generation would just end it anyway. the ridiculous task needed is to globally institute an unprecedented level of education that could be counted on to perpetuate itself indefinitely.

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This study isn't really anything new is it? We all know that capitalism is unsustainable in the long run (because it depends on infinitely accelerating growth, which is impossible), and that the growth of human population is depleting natural resources. Things will change in the next few decades, I think that's pretty clear. Nobody is quite clear in what way yet.


Make the most of the little time you have - but hasn't that always been the case? =]


Doesn't stop me being lazy though, if anything it makes it worse - you think 'well there's no hope so why bother?'

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THIS civilization will collapse, yes. But from the ashes, a new civilization will rise. This happened throughout the course of history. Cycles 'n shit. For some reason, current civilization considers that we won't fall prey to an inevitable collapse, because hey, we're awesome, right? It's precisely this arrogance and decadence that lies at the root of the decay.


I just hope we'll learn something again. Probably not.

This might certainly be true, but what would the emergent civilization be like? Odds are the well-off today will be the ones to suffer the least and be spearheading the new civilization and the values and ideology that caused the collapse will live on in the new civilization and lead to another collapse.



So what you are saying is that everyone over a certain size of bank balance needs to be exterminated the moment collapse begins. Problem with this is that there's plenty of poor people whom if you gave them money would be just as likely to be arrogant ignorant contemptible and corrupt human wasters as those that run things now.

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One thing that could help though is to start the extermination early, so as to head off the crash before it begins, whilst putting in place a system which mitigates the risk of ending up with the same rich human generated problem later or at least slows the time down before we need another pogrom. Also, the thought of extermination would give the future greedbags, pause to think perhaps, though i doubt it. Of course by then we'll have plugged in more empathy and lateral thinking into the brains of everyone so we won't end up with that outcome. So in short, exterminate now, then work on not having to worry about a next time.



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THIS civilization will collapse, yes. But from the ashes, a new civilization will rise. This happened throughout the course of history. Cycles 'n shit. For some reason, current civilization considers that we won't fall prey to an inevitable collapse, because hey, we're awesome, right? It's precisely this arrogance and decadence that lies at the root of the decay.


I just hope we'll learn something again. Probably not.

This might certainly be true, but what would the emergent civilization be like? Odds are the well-off today will be the ones to suffer the least and be spearheading the new civilization and the values and ideology that caused the collapse will live on in the new civilization and lead to another collapse.



Soi what you are saying is that everyone over a certain size of bank balance needs to be exterminated the moment collapse begins. Problem with this is that there's plenty of poor people whom if you gave them money would be just as likely to be arrogant ignorant contemptible and corrupt human wasters as those that run things now.


That's not what I am saying. I am just saying that if a collapse happened most of the people who are partly responsible for it in the first place would be the least affected. The current problem is certainly the wealth inequality, but the reasons why that is are far more deeper and systemic and to uproot it and start fresh is a far more difficult thing to do and a global collapse is by no way a sure means to do that end.

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One thing that could help though is to start the extermination early, so as to head off the crash before it begins, whilst putting in place a system which mitigates the risk of ending up with the same rich human generated problem later or at least slows the time down before we need another pogrom. Also, the thought of extermination would give the future greedbags, pause to think perhaps, though i doubt it. Of course by then we'll have plugged in more empathy and lateral thinking into the brains of everyone so we won't end up with that outcome. So in short, exterminate now, then work on not having to worry about a next time.




Stop breeding is a good course of action, unless of course having multiple offspring is a necessity to survive. And exterminating people, really? Who would decide that? The people that are in control now? The outcome would be awful and not likely to solve anything in the long run.

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THIS civilization will collapse, yes. But from the ashes, a new civilization will rise. This happened throughout the course of history. Cycles 'n shit. For some reason, current civilization considers that we won't fall prey to an inevitable collapse, because hey, we're awesome, right? It's precisely this arrogance and decadence that lies at the root of the decay.


I just hope we'll learn something again. Probably not.

This might certainly be true, but what would the emergent civilization be like? Odds are the well-off today will be the ones to suffer the least and be spearheading the new civilization and the values and ideology that caused the collapse will live on in the new civilization and lead to another collapse.


Isn't that natural selection/Darwinism at work though? Granted, what we currently think is "right" values and ideology may not align with those that survive, but they are surviving - that's all that really matters (to them).

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I love how azatoth just believes that i believe what i said about the thing. Except for the stop breeding and the increased empathy and lateral thinking thing, the rest of what i said was a comedic meander. More likely to happen if we reach a crisis is that the rich will say "great, finally we can thin the herd". Once robotics and AI takes off, with or without a catastrophe, they will take this approach i believe.

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You awake to the satisfying thwack of a package hitting your doormat. You wake up, go downstairs, and see the familiar slim brown box of an Amazon package. Awesome, you think. As you drink your morning coffee, you open the package. It's the long-awaited new Aphex Twin album! You unwrap the crisp cellophane with a frisson of excitement, fire up your sound system, and press the open tray button. You gently slot the disc into place and close the tray. You turn up the volume, full of anticipation at what this album will bring. You slowly depress the play button.





*world ends*


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