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Black people In Bar/club toilets

Guest Pennywise

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Guest Pennywise

Can someone tell me what the fuck this is all about?


2 things piss me off about it.


1) why is it always a black guy? Is to satisfy racist white people?


2) I'm not going to tip a guy who squeezes soap in my hands, I don't need him to do that, I can manage thanks.


Last time I saw one, he offered me a towel and I just said, ''Its ok I dont need you to do that'' and I just used the dryer.

I have no idea how that sounded, the whole thing is horrible and I hate it.


I get that it's a job for them but I don't understand it at all. Seems like no one else gives a shit sbout it.


Help me understand it.

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I think they're not technically employed by the clubs themselves, probably found through an agency and for tax purposes etc, work for themselves. don't know why they are predominantly black, maybe the agencies use this as some kind of visa obtaining method and market their services in african counties? I usually give them a couple of quid and use a squirt or two from their aftershave selection.

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Maybe in sweaty clubs I can understand the need for aftershave and lollipops and the like but these blokes pop up in some pubs now which is ridiculous.

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Guest Pennywise

I have never been in any club with a dude doing that shit in the toilets. Sounds very posh down South.

Hah, I saw one in Derby last weekend

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Guest Pennywise

It's not even a job. What is it? what's the job title?


Yes, It's sad how he does it to make a living, but he doesn't need to. Black people can get jobs in this country now, it's not like they all have to lick our asses for cash.

I don't feel sorry for you,get some self-respect and do something better with your life. Stop relying on my guilt for money. That makes me sound and feel like an asshole and that's why I hate it. I know I'm lucky and cannot relate. I understand that. I'd like to think though If I was in his shoes, I could look in the mirror and know that I could do something better.

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So they are straight off the boat from africa? Maybe this is where the hoards that are passing across from Libya and Malta through to Italy are ending up. As bathroom attendants. You guys really need to ditch the EU membership, depose the three major parties etc. Or you will end up a third world country in no time at all. There is no way society can keep up with such forced importation of human bodies.

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Guest Pennywise

No I don't think they all are. I'm usually pissed but I'm pretty sure i've met English guys. I don't think it should be allowed. There's just something off about it. They are all black, it's a fact. It doesn't feel right and it's demeaning. Right?


I bet some of them get a lot of abuse too.

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i heard that they often don't even get an hourly wage which is of course completely illegal.


next time you see this please report the establishment to the HM Revenue and Customs.


​i think it's completely disgusting to take advantage of vulnerable people in this manner.

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No I don't think they all are. I'm usually pissed but I'm pretty sure i've met English guys. I don't think it should be allowed. There's just something off about it. They are all black, it's a fact. It doesn't feel right and it's demeaning. Right?


I bet they get a lot of abuse too.



It's stupid, i have no trouble washing my hands. What next, they going to hold your dick whilst you pee?


It's just begging like you said, but probably half the money goes to whomever is contracting out these people. The guys standing there wouldn't get much. Maybe it's a work for the dole scheme?

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Oh yeah, black people can get decent jobs. How about your fucking imperialistic countries fucked up the whole world making people have no choice to stuck as low-level shit in first world toilets. If there is a workplace, somebody will work there.

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I'm writing and directing a Wire-esque series based on these guys. It will open your eyes to their harsh realities and the mindless institutional forces that reign over their existence like Greek gods. Only I will win Emmies.

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Guest Pennywise

So many people are taken advantage of because of their shitty circumstances. I hate this world. Hope NASA was right. I want something to happen that makes everyone trully equal, even if it is fucking awful.

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Guest Pennywise

I was thinking about people who won't pay the minimum wage or hourly. A spanish girl I live with deals with that shit. They know she won't say anything because she needs the job. You just know it happens everywhere too. Exploit for profit. It's cool, nevermind. who cares?

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Guest Pennywise

Yeh I know there's worse things going on. It's all too fucked now. It can't go on for much longer. There is a general sense that something's going to happen soon. There needs to be a climax for all this shit. It's not a movie, there will not be a happy ending. We don't deserve a happy ending. I'm babbling but It can drive you mad thinking about all the negative shit in the world.

hah, sorry for changing the topic of my own thread so quickly.

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I once saw Plastikman at pantages theater in Los Angeles back in like 2004... I went to the rest room and the attendant looked really familiar. couldn't pin point him... then I realized he was a college classmate from one of my graphic desgin courses... He was white as white can be!

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one of the reasons this makes me so angry is because i've been in a similar position.


when i first came to london i somehow got a field sales job chugging for commision only.


it was extremely hard going and i got sweet FA all week, effectively working 40 for free.


it was very unpleasant.

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