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North Korean Men now required to get Kim Jong Un haircut

Rubin Farr

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Yeah guys, false alarm. North Korea is totally fine.


Yes that's exactly what I said. Trying to have a nuanced argument with you is about as enjoyable an experience as repeatedly putting your face through a plate glass window.


maybe NK should come up with their own answer to gandam style?


(or stop imprisoning loads of their people for absolutely no reason.. ?)


gandam style? is that like gundam?


They absolutely should stop imprisoning loads of their own people for no reason, which is why increased engagement is the key to improving the lives of the average North Korean. Further exposure to international norms and practices, and development of the middle class is a possible pathway to democracy. It worked in South Korea, and there is no reason that it cannot work in the North.

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Hey Rubin, the stuff the vice guys bought in the market was not weed. One of my very good friends with a lot of experience and time spent in North Korea would back me up on this.

I'll copy and past some Facebook conversations on the topic which include one of the authors of the vice article (which is where all of the rumors started).



Limpy, there is a lot of terrible reporting on North Korea, precisely because so few people outside of the very small community of North Korea watchers/academics/engagers know much about the country. I would say that there are a lot of misunderstandings about North Korea, including the idea that their leadership is crazy.

So what did they buy? It sounded like wild pot, but the AP just ran with the story without checking any facts? You know that story was picked up by every trendy blog or "news" outlet on the nets.
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Hey Rubin, the stuff the vice guys bought in the market was not weed. One of my very good friends with a lot of experience and time spent in North Korea would back me up on this.

I'll copy and past some Facebook conversations on the topic which include one of the authors of the vice article (which is where all of the rumors started).



Limpy, there is a lot of terrible reporting on North Korea, precisely because so few people outside of the very small community of North Korea watchers/academics/engagers know much about the country. I would say that there are a lot of misunderstandings about North Korea, including the idea that their leadership is crazy.

So what did they buy? It sounded like wild pot, but the AP just ran with the story without checking any facts? You know that story was picked up by every trendy blog or "news" outlet on the nets.

I'm well aware of how far the story spread. The amount of fact checking that goes on with regards to North Korea stories is very minimal. The AP is hardly the bastion of journalism it used to be. Just like this awesome fact checking on the haircut issue.


They most likely bought some shitty loose leaf tobacco, but got the translation wrong. As I said, if you're really interested, I can post Facebook screenshots of a conversation in which the author of the vice article takes part.

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Yeah guys, false alarm. North Korea is totally fine.


Yes that's exactly what I said. Trying to have a nuanced argument with you is about as enjoyable an experience as repeatedly putting your face through a plate glass window.



I didn't say you said that. It was one of those joke things that all the kids are doing these days.





Limpy, there is a lot of terrible reporting on North Korea, precisely because so few people outside of the very small community of North Korea watchers/academics/engagers know much about the country. I would say that there are a lot of misunderstandings about North Korea, including the idea that their leadership is crazy.

I get that, and I try to attach asterics to all the information I get from the media. But the things that I'm pretty certain are true are quite damning.

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Hey Rubin, the stuff the vice guys bought in the market was not weed. One of my very good friends with a lot of experience and time spent in North Korea would back me up on this.

I'll copy and past some Facebook conversations on the topic which include one of the authors of the vice article (which is where all of the rumors started).



Limpy, there is a lot of terrible reporting on North Korea, precisely because so few people outside of the very small community of North Korea watchers/academics/engagers know much about the country. I would say that there are a lot of misunderstandings about North Korea, including the idea that their leadership is crazy.

So what did they buy? It sounded like wild pot, but the AP just ran with the story without checking any facts? You know that story was picked up by every trendy blog or "news" outlet on the nets.
I'm well aware of how far the story spread. The amount of fact checking that goes on with regards to North Korea stories is very minimal. The AP is hardly the bastion of journalism it used to be. Just like this awesome fact checking on the haircut issue.


They most likely bought some shitty loose leaf tobacco, but got the translation wrong. As I said, if you're really interested, I can post Facebook screenshots of a conversation in which the author of the vice article takes part.

I thank my senses every day I decided against journalism as a career in high school. After the Matt Drudge period of history, journalism stopped being an industry and became rumors and gossip. Some people get their news from Perez Hilton or TMZ ffs.


Wait a minute, tobacco and pot smell nothing alike, you're telling me the hipsters at Vice have never hit a joint before?

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Ever since the vice founder went on colbert, i knew that he'd been invited into the accepted and trustable category for the power elite. I wondered what kind of ultimatum they gave him, heh, probably mentioned prosecution for relations with underage girls or tax fraud. Anyway, so then the lies and bullshit began.

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Hey Rubin, the stuff the vice guys bought in the market was not weed. One of my very good friends with a lot of experience and time spent in North Korea would back me up on this.

I'll copy and past some Facebook conversations on the topic which include one of the authors of the vice article (which is where all of the rumors started).



Limpy, there is a lot of terrible reporting on North Korea, precisely because so few people outside of the very small community of North Korea watchers/academics/engagers know much about the country. I would say that there are a lot of misunderstandings about North Korea, including the idea that their leadership is crazy.

So what did they buy? It sounded like wild pot, but the AP just ran with the story without checking any facts? You know that story was picked up by every trendy blog or "news" outlet on the nets.
I'm well aware of how far the story spread. The amount of fact checking that goes on with regards to North Korea stories is very minimal. The AP is hardly the bastion of journalism it used to be. Just like this awesome fact checking on the haircut issue.


They most likely bought some shitty loose leaf tobacco, but got the translation wrong. As I said, if you're really interested, I can post Facebook screenshots of a conversation in which the author of the vice article takes part.

I thank my senses every day I decided against journalism as a career in high school. After the Matt Drudge period of history, journalism stopped being an industry and became rumors and gossip. Some people get their news from Perez Hilton or TMZ ffs.


Wait a minute, tobacco and pot smell nothing alike, you're telling me the hipsters at Vice have never hit a joint before?



Good lord, this stupid forum software just erased a post I had written up.

I double checked the article to make sure I had the correct author. As it turns out, I didn't. But if you read the vice article closely, you'll find that the author hasn't actually been to North Korea, and his "research" comes through second-hand evidence.

The article I was thinking of was this one: http://www.thebohemianblog.com/2013/09/on-smoking-weed-in-north-korea.html

and if you look at the picture, you can pretty clearly tell it's rolling tobacco.



Now, is it possible to buy weed in NK? Most likely, it, does grow everywhere, and just because something is illegal doesn't mean it's not available for purchase.

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Is it bad that I'm kinda into communist/fascist hairstyles?


It's only bad if you start getting into communist/fascist lifestyles....

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Is it bad that I'm kinda into communist/fascist hairstyles?


It's only bad if you start getting into communist/fascist lifestyles....



I had that thought earlier, Kim Jong Un is essentially rocking a high and tight


which is the USMC default hairstyle






and also quite popular now






(albeit with a moody mid-90s hair part in the middle)





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