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Artist Arrested In Paris For Standing Naked With Cock Leashed to His Cock


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Just because a stupid person believes something doesn't make the spores of their misapprehension bear fruit in reality


Just because a prude doesn't like looking at a dick doesn't make it wrong necessarily and doesn't justify it being a criminal offense. What's your point? =/

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No... Bridges and Houses have a very strict set of criteria that identify them as bridges or houses.


Art is subjective and yeah the pile of wood at the end might be considered as art.


creating a visual interpretation of reality involves skill and yes strict criteria. The 20th century decided to throw that out of the window, but they were wrong. And you know this. Don't be a loser's bitc. Stand proud for a better future. ;-p

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i don't give a shit about dicks or tits or whatever btw, but as a ,mod here have to enforce the rules of the forum. Which have some logic from the nsfw perspective etc. Don't use that as a lame way to diss me. cheers [-;



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Sorry for the record my comment on tightening buttholes was not directed at you. It was meant more generally because everywhere in the media I see "oh this person said "ni**er" or "bitch" etc" or "a priest was seen eating at chick fil a, what does this mean about the church?" etc etc.


Just seems like everything these days is overanalyzed and people are very easily offended about nothing at all! My apologies if it came across as directed at you.


Have a good afternoon mr. delete

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I don't know if it's art or not, but for me the question is more, "is it thought-provoking?" And I don't find anything particularly thought-provoking in this particular endeavour.

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He WANTED this thread to happen.





That's orchestra left/stage right.


ugh what was I thinking! my bad



I don't know if it's art or not, but for me the question is more, "is it thought-provoking?" And I don't find anything particularly thought-provoking in this particular endeavour.


Fair enough... It's probably a few years of me abusing hallucinogens or something, but he did something that I'd probably think of during a trip. He tied a cock to his cock. Cockception.


Yeah you're right though it's not really thought provoking. I don't know. I just find it amusing I suppose.

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noone's arguing against crazy, but crazy with skills and direction. Normals see all creative types as below par incomprehensible crazies, eneewae.

yeah, that's the thing.


crazy as in, u kno, with cool ideas.


"cool" ideas.

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Bad art is still art.

Most art is bad art.

Most artists are hacks.

Most people are easily shocked and/or impressed.

But bad art is still art.


This is what it is. A more eloquent packaged version of what I was trying to say before. Bravo, bravo baph.

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Those pics reminded me of album covers from the times when not every cover was some computer generated image with some awesome fonts on top of it. When covers were statements, so to speak.


Looks like the pic with the photographer and the nuns walking by would make a great album cover. And then, it would be REALLY Artful.

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More people should be doing shit like this. Is it great art? Not particularly. Is it a welcome change of pace from a boring tourist trap? Of course! Why does anyone here have a problem with someone being ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous? Oh no, a silly man has a visible penis. That's going to really fuck up society.

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I don't think leaving him there with his wanger out is a good choice. If I was there with my kid I doubt I'd be too happy about him seeing that. I on the other hand...

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But how is seeing a dick going to damage your kid in any way? There's a 50/50 chance they already have one. Society's hangup on nudity is really weird.

*which is actually what makes this kind of good as art. Sometimes dumb art is necessary to illustrate how dumb certain aspects of society are. This does that quite well.

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Guest HokusPoker

noone's arguing against crazy, but crazy with skills and direction. Normals see all creative types as below par incomprehensible crazies, eneewae.


Sounds like good ol' “I can do that!” to me. There's not exactly much skill needed for putting a black rectangle and a red dot on a white canvas or for printing the 856th Marilyn Monroe in crazy colours (let alone have people around you print them).

It's the same with music. My grandpa doesn't ‘get’ modern music, most of it is just noise to him compared to classical music (and he's open minded). There doesn't seem to be much skill required for sitting in front of a computer and putting notes together while at the same time, a pianist needs to practise ten years to be considered a true master. I have a hard time calling a pianist an artist since to me, the true art was done by the composer. Others disagree.


This is probably the oldest discussion topic on this planet. I'm quite surprised at this thread.

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But how is seeing a dick going to damage your kid in any way? There's a 50/50 chance they already have one. Society's hangup on nudity is really weird.

*which is actually what makes this kind of good as art. Sometimes dumb art is necessary to illustrate how dumb certain aspects of society are. This does that quite well.



It wouldn't damage but I would prefer they didn't have to look at it.

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Fair enough. I don't have kids, so maybe I'm missing some fundamental change in perspective that occurs with fatherhood. I figure the more "you wouldn't believe what I saw in Paris" stories a kid has in the schoolyard, the better.

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