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Rush Limbaugh

Guest fiznuthian

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Nigga went so hard on oxy, he lost his hearing and had to get cochlear implants. It's fairly gangsta on some levels

Could you imagine how many beans that guy went through? Must've been a metric fuck-ton because if you have tens of millions, and a semi-legal habit, you can go H A M.


BTW, you signature is pure WATMM beauty, I nominate it for best WATMM quote of the last while.

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(Actually, I think it stems from people being suspicious of each other's motives...like, whether someone is actually interested in making the world a better place or whether they're just looking out for themselves and their kith and kin)


for me it's anger that someone could be stupid enough to disagree

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Guest fiznuthian

And here I am listening to his show

again.. I can see what your on about sheathe.


He just had a caller complain that his freedom is being taken away because gay people want to get married and people want to smoke weed.

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And here I am listening to his show

again.. I can see what your on about sheathe.


He just had a caller complain that his freedom is being taken away because gay people want to get married and people want to smoke weed.

I listen to his show daily on the way to work. I think of it more like an H.G. Wells special. it's like listening to what war-mongering old-money men want you to think. Anyone who actually believes this shit that comes out of his program and mouth must be a very angry bigoted asshole who constantly thinks the world is on the brink of destruction...

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The world is on the brink of destruction.


Well yes, but not because of socialism and minorities and Jews and pot-smokers and cultural liberalism.



Rush is a climate-change denier who thinks that the world has an endless supply of (environmentally harmless) oil.

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That's a place where I disagree with Rush: renewable energy. He tends to disparage renewable energy just because it's usually on the liberal agenda. Renewable energy is just common sense, and there is no excuse to be against it.

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The world is not on the brink of destruction. Society is on the brink of a large scale,somewhat involuntary reorganization.


The world being on the brink of destruction means that the EARTH is in danger. It isn't. What is in danger is our current way of life.

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The world is not on the brink of destruction. Society is on the brink of a large scale,somewhat involuntary reorganization.


The world being on the brink of destruction means that the EARTH is in danger. It isn't. What is in danger is our current way of life.


Climate change is gonna affect lots of things, not just our current way of living.

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The world is not on the brink of destruction. Society is on the brink of a large scale,somewhat involuntary reorganization.


The world being on the brink of destruction means that the EARTH is in danger. It isn't. What is in danger is our current way of life.


In a way we are the Earth.


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The world is not on the brink of destruction. Society is on the brink of a large scale,somewhat involuntary reorganization.


The world being on the brink of destruction means that the EARTH is in danger. It isn't. What is in danger is our current way of life.


Climate change is gonna affect lots of things, not just our current way of living.




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sorry if this was already mentioned but it's well established that Rush is a 'whore monger' or a world traveling prostitution aficionado, he has been caught at least once trying to bring illegal viagra prescriptions to costa rica by himself.

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fox news is one channel. most others lean left.

I respect that you are not ashamed to espouse more right-wing views among a lot of Obama voters in here, but this is just a completely untrue statement. Unless to you leaning 'left' means diverging even a tiny bit from generic right wing views then I guess that would make sense, but its a very warped view of reality. I am a liberal and not a single mainstream TV media channel besides maybe MSNBC tries to cater to my views, and I would argue thats much more of a partisan democrat answer to Fox News. the idea that the media is 'liberal' is a completely myth, and I honestly don't understand why so many people buy into said myth. CNN, ABC, NBC, Bloomberg, CBS are not 'liberal' or 'left' not even in the slightest. A lot of people mistakenly believed that when the 'mainstream media' started turning against the Iraq war that they had become 'liberal' when in reality all of the same people unquestioningly sold us the war before they decided to be against it. The real reason why they did is they feared losing revenue and an audience who was ahead of the curve at being against the Iraq war. The mainstream media is a reflection of the status quo, not liberal values.

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Guest fiznuthian

sorry if this was already mentioned but it's well established that Rush is a 'whore monger' or a world traveling prostitution aficionado, he has been caught at least once trying to bring illegal viagra prescriptions to costa rica by himself.





Worse. It was the Dominican Republic, a popular place for sex tourists. And if I recall he had 29 viagra pills on him. Hmm, I wonder. What would he be doing there? :whistling:

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Guest fiznuthian

Today on Limbaugh:

  • Political correctness is fascism
  • Climate change is nothing to worry about
  • What if the Mozilla CEO were a muslim?


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Today on Limbaugh:


  • Political correctness is fascism
  • Climate change is nothing to worry about
  • What if the Mozilla CEO were a muslim?



It would be illegal for him to make money.

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Guest fiznuthian

He made the argument that if the CEO were a Muslim, because Muslim's believe marriage is between a man and a woman, Mozilla would be violate it's own policy of openness.


It was a huge lol for me when one of his listeners called in. I'll post the transcript because I think it even made Rush hesitate:


CALLER: Hi, Rush. How you doing?


RUSH: Good. Good, good, good. Glad you called out there.

CALLER: This morning I saw that report, and I was so mad, I could spit. And then I got on the radio and I heard you on there, and I said, "I'm gonna call Rush and keep dialing until I can get through because I've had it with this." I mean, these people, we need to turn the tables on 'em and we need to use their tactics and let's demonize them as the intolerants that they are.

RUSH: Well, how are you gonna do that?

CALLER: Well, I mean, there's enough of us people out there that are starting to get tired of this stuff. We need to start talking about who they are and see if they have businesses and let's boycott their businesses. You know, and we need to do all we can to support Brendan Eich.

RUSH: There's something that some of these activists may not be considering here, and it's something we'll never know, by the way. This is the kind of thing that can make employers say, "You know what? I don't need this kind of hassle. If this is what's gonna happen to me if I end up hiring a bunch of gay activists, I don't need this. I just don't need it."



So basically this guy wants to retaliate by discriminating against non-descriminating people who support gay marriage. The way he explained himself was so lol. He was furious. I'm getting some tremendous guilty pleasure out of listening to Rush's radio show now. God damnit guys

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I'm getting some tremendous guilty pleasure out of listening to Rush's radio show now. God damnit guys

imagine if you didn't.


now imagine if everyone didn't. problem solved.

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Guest fiznuthian


I'm getting some tremendous guilty pleasure out of listening to Rush's radio show now. God damnit guys

imagine if you didn't.


now imagine if everyone didn't. problem solved.



If only it were that easy. I've read he has millions of fans.

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I'm getting some tremendous guilty pleasure out of listening to Rush's radio show


yer laffalin now, but pretty soon you'll be drinking the kool aid & eating the limbaugher cheese

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Guest fiznuthian

I know right?
Usagi i'm just behind enemy lines, doing some intel you know. You gotta know what kind of enemy you're dealing with.


It's funny though, those callers. Despite my opinions about Rush it's hilarious to hear his response to some if his callers, who are often 10x more rabid than he is. I think even for him some of them are just too much.. lol

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I had a friend who used to be like an alternative fellow who played guitar, had long hair, etc. I showed him a conservative radio station I had found at the time, and he later turned Repub and joined the military. Now he is just like a normal bro.

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