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WTF is with Everyone's Back on Movie Posters Now?

Rubin Farr

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am I not good enough to see the front of these people until I pluck down my money for a ticket? visual equivalent of the BBBWWWWAAAAAAAAA bass sound Chris Nolan cursed the world with.


Even Godzilla gives us the ass!







































at least this one is a piss take.














































































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The reptilian nibiru jesuit Illuminati need to decrease population growth as part of their long-term colonization plans. Those plans, honed through eons of large-scale galactic psy-ops schemes and planetary invasions, require such population decline in order to effectively initiate massive selective breeding programs (precursor tests for which are currently being carried out by the cloned, genetically-engineered near-automatons you probably know as the "Greys") in order to create a compliant but useful slave species (the Greys, likely originating in Andromeda, are the end-result of one such program).


As you've seen, the Illuminati typically use mass culture as a first wave of ideological attack. The invasion and resultant slave species are most useful when the species-to-be-enslaved is fully complicit in its own commodification.


What you see here, then, is the Hollywood psy-ops wing of the reptilians acting in full force to portray humanity's modern heroes, heroines, gods, and goddesses (which since the dawn of the film industry have become ever-increasingly sexualized ) from a posterior perspective. The goal, as I'm sure you can now guess, is nothing less than to sexualize the anus. And it's working. Millions are now turning to an anal-only lifestyle, influenced not only by mainstream Hollywood cinema, but also the explosion in visual representations of ass-sex in pornography, and perhaps most significantly that twerk heard 'round the world. We are now fully obsessed with the anus. In a few short years, we will no longer engage in vaginal sex. We will cease to reproduce. Worse, we will cease to desire to reproduce. They will fill that vacuum--the vacuum of our wombs! They will decide when, and how, and with whom, we will reproduce. And our well-lubed minds will, by then, know only how to accept.


Wake the fuck up.


:cums stupid hard:

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I think I like it. Feels more like a proper video game that way.

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The reptilian nibiru jesuit Illuminati need to decrease population growth as part of their long-term colonization plans. Those plans, honed through eons of large-scale galactic psy-ops schemes and planetary invasions, require such population decline in order to effectively initiate massive selective breeding programs (precursor tests for which are currently being carried out by the cloned, genetically-engineered near-automatons you probably know as the "Greys") in order to create a compliant but useful slave species (the Greys, likely originating in Andromeda, are the end-result of one such program).


As you've seen, the Illuminati typically use mass culture as a first wave of ideological attack. The invasion and resultant slave species are most useful when the species-to-be-enslaved is fully complicit in its own commodification.


What you see here, then, is the Hollywood psy-ops wing of the reptilians acting in full force to portray humanity's modern heroes, heroines, gods, and goddesses (which since the dawn of the film industry have become ever-increasingly sexualized ) from a posterior perspective. The goal, as I'm sure you can now guess, is nothing less than to sexualize the anus. And it's working. Millions are now turning to an anal-only lifestyle, influenced not only by mainstream Hollywood cinema, but also the explosion in visual representations of ass-sex in pornography, and perhaps most significantly that twerk heard 'round the world. We are now fully obsessed with the anus. In a few short years, we will no longer engage in vaginal sex. We will cease to reproduce. Worse, we will cease to desire to reproduce. They will fill that vacuum--the vacuum of our wombs! They will decide when, and how, and with whom, we will reproduce. And our well-lubed minds will, by then, know only how to accept.


Wake the fuck up.


:cums stupid hard:


You're on fire lately.

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i could be wrong here, but the view point seems to imitate that of first person game play and thus making you identify with the character.


apart from the ass shot which is just about showing you some ass.

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^Amazing collection.


#5 reminds me of when I used to browse Blockbuster's aisles as a kid, happening upon the titillating covers featuring peaks of boobs and legs, that then novel and confused feeling that is arousal and the frustration of a unwanted boner.

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