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What's the nicest complement anyone has ever given you?

Guest KyoAcid

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without meaning to piss on your pinatas here if it's really been that amazing, she shouldn't have to tell you. you'll just know.


on another note, a close friend of mine told me last night that i'm the most talented person they know.


my little grinch heart grew three sizes (approximately)

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without meaning to piss on your pinatas here if it's really been that amazing, she shouldn't have to tell you. you'll just know.


on another note, a close friend of mine told me last night that i'm the most talented person they know.


my little grinch heart grew three sizes (approximately)



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"you're very strange"


I seriously can't remember anyone (other than my immediate family) ever complimenting me.


not complaining.

You're lucky... I'm the opposite. My family has never complimented me although my peers have. I've developed a bit of a complex from it.

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these are regular compliments


that i have a nice nose


that i have a nice voice



that i think like a philosopher and have a broad way of thinking,( from my therapist)

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I was 5. I was watching TV. some bald lady came on and said nothing compared to me. I felt good. didn't get why she was crying though.

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I was 5. I was watching TV. some bald lady came on and said nothing compared to me. I felt good. didn't get why she was crying though.


cause she lost her hair

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my little grinch heart

..pitter-patter is the sound of your little grinch heart

Actually it's more like the sound you get when you put your wet hand in your armpit then pump your arm. No matter.



..scphfflpppththlooquweee, scphfflpppththlooquweee is the sound of your little grinch heart?

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Guest HokusPoker

A friend and I were in a bar when a woman and a man (I'm pretty sure they were not a couple) sat down at our table. We had a nice conversation for a while, even tried eachothers' cocktails etc..

When they got up to leave, the woman turned to me and said: “2 things: Your voice is amazing and in ten years' time, all women will love you/be very much into you [not sure how to translate it].”

Said bye and went off.


'twas pretty cool, especially since there was no need to say that. She was a bit older than me and not trying to get into my pants or get free drinks (otherwise she should have opened with these two lines, rather than ended). It's still about 5 years to see if she was right. Not quite sure what's wrong with me NOW, why I have to wait, but with that compliment, I don't really care. I hope she took into account that I might start losing my hair by then. No, I'm sure she did. I'm sure.

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when i was a teenager and at a dance there was an older couple, few years older than me and the guy asked if i would dance with his gf. i said no, lolz, but i guess that could be a compliment.

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One time I hooked up with a girl from work (don't do this btw) and when I took off my boxers she went "yeaaahhh boooiiii" like Flava Flav. More girls should do this IMO tbqh

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I dunno afaik, I don't want to imagine Flava Flav leering at my dick.

Luckily she bared no resemblance so it was strangely charming and welcome. Her pet turtle watched.

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