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Infants from 2100 years ago found with helmets made of children's skulls


Infants from 2100 years ago found with helmets made of children’s skulls

 In their paper published in the journal Latin American Antiquity, the group describes how the infant skulls were encased in the skulls of older children.

The researchers report that among the remains they found were two infants, each with the skull of an older child fitted over their head—like a helmet. One of the infants was believed to have been approximately 18 months old at the time of death—its skull helmet came from a second child who was believed to have been approximately four to 12 years old at the time of death. The other infant was believed to have been approximately six to nine months old at death, and its skull helmet was believed to have come from a child approximately two to 12 years old at death. It is not yet known if the deceased children were related to one another, or the reason skulls were used as helmets for deceased infants. The researchers did note that the skull helmets fit snugly, which, they suggest, could indicate a simultaneous burial of the infant and the child that donated the skull helmet.

The researchers note that the find is the only known instance of using children's skulls as helmets for infants as part of a burial ceremony.

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“Normally when you go underwater, everything is so blurry that the eye doesn’t even try to accommodate, it’s not a normal reflex,” says Gislen. “But the Moken children are able to do both – they can make their pupils smaller and change their lens shape. Seals and dolphins have a similar adaptation.”



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  • 3 weeks later...
16 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

They missed a great potential headline:

"Man on Meth Single Handedly Beats Off Fifteen Cops While Masturbating" :dadjoke:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This one seems to be a real mystery, what killed this entire family and their dog? Toxic bloom? Carbon gas emissions from a mine? I wouldn’t be surprised if they accidentally poisoned themselves, and fed the contaminant to the dog. Tragic none the less.


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8 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

Man who was the baby on Nirvana’s Nevermind cover suing the band for child pornography:


Saw this on BBC earlier. Wouldn't this lawsuit also make his parents liable for some of the responsibility for the 'cp' photo? 

He must have real problems if he gets noticed all the time. 

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