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You misspelt 'loser' in the thread title :emotawesomepm9:


Fun Loner Fact: I make two phone calls a year. Both are to my dentist, asking when my next bi-annual appointment is because I forgot

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I've tricked myself into thinking I have company by putting a ceiling to floor mirror in my room. This is all fine and dandy until I got drunk the other day and tried to fight myself. SHE WAS LOOKING AT ME FUNNY!!!

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I'm pretty introverted and usually just stay home by myself, but having backpacked alone for the last 6 weeks I've met more new people than I usually do within a year or two back home. Some of them are nice and I still keep contact them over the interwebs. I guess it has something to do with having no normal human contacts around me so I get more talkative than usual when I get the chance to talk to someone. Also alcohol.


Just met a Canadian musician in the guesthouse kitchen and chit-chatted about traveling and things for half an hour while I ate my instant noodles.

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I used to think of myself as squarely introvert but as I settle into my 30s I find that I welcome social interaction more than I used to. People are pretty interesting. I do enjoy retreating to my cave but that quickly gets old, and whenever I get the chance to spend time with old friends in faraway towns I get such a warm feeling of belonging and I often wish I could spend more time with them. My social drive oscillates over time and probably approximates a healthy balance, though definitely erring on the side of introversion.


I've definitely been getting this a lot more after going to college, that feeling of togetherness with people who are in relatively similar situations. Would consider myself leaning on the side of extroverted without being a loud obnoxious asshole. Used to be very introverted in high school due to the people i was surrounded by and I wasn't happy as an introvert because i feel like it bred a lot of hateful feelings toward people i didn't know.


Still very much cling to a small niche group of friends. I'd always prefer a few good friends than a bunch of casual ones.

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I tried to get a girls last week, it was ugly, and i feel dumb.


A girl I met on the net is trying to get with me now, and I don't understand it. It scares me and I feel dumb :o

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oh shit, was that you?


Oh, it's you? I feel much better now. ...I invited you to see Clark at the end of the month. I look forward to seeing you <3

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I've become a bit of a loner these days, aside from living with and hanging out with my fiancé I don't really go out or hang out with any of my old friends except like one. I went to college out of state a few years back and since I moved back I never really re-connected with 90% of my old crew. A couple became super fit-bro gym rats who talk about nothing but fitness, a couple are total yuppies now that I can't relate to, another is just awkward these days and always caught up in his perpetual relationship problems... others I just completely lost touch with and realized our friendship never was all that great to begin with.


On top of that I've gone through some waves of depression over the last few years that made me a lot more introverted and kinda antisocial. I've learned to be content spending time by myself and just hanging with my fiancé around our place though so for the majority of the time it doesn't really bother me that I don't have a regular group of friends anymore... However, a few college friends I keep in touch with are moving to the cities so I expect I'll hang with them a lot more once they're up here.

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I'm a loner who very, very rarely leaves the house. I find social interaction usually tedious at best, so I tend to stay to a very small circle of friends. I'm usually perfectly fine with this lifestyle, but occasionally I get bouts of crushing loneliness and subsequent depression. It makes me a bit sad when I consider I'm very likely to be alone for the rest of my life, but when I compare that to the alternative (trying and failing absolutely miserably at tedious social interaction) it might be the best option. It certainly doesn't help that I find myself absolutely despising everyone around me whenever I go outside (despite my efforts not to).
I suppose that's the curse of being a socially inept, lonely misanthrope. I also recently discovered I have a genetic disposition to schizophrenia. The future's not looking bright.

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I'm a loner who very, very rarely leaves the house. I find social interaction usually tedious at best, so I tend to stay to a very small circle of friends. I'm usually perfectly fine with this lifestyle, but occasionally I get bouts of crushing loneliness and subsequent depression. It makes me a bit sad when I consider I'm very likely to be alone for the rest of my life, but when I compare that to the alternative (trying and failing absolutely miserably at tedious social interaction) it might be the best option. It certainly doesn't help that I find myself absolutely despising everyone around me whenever I go outside (despite my efforts not to).

I suppose that's the curse of being a socially inept, lonely misanthrope. I also recently discovered I have a genetic disposition to schizophrenia. The future's not looking bright.


About schizophrenia - I would avoid drugs and make sure you get regular healthy sleep


About misanthropy - nobody is perfect but give people a chance - what are the odds that you are the one cool person and everyone else in the world sucks?

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I'm a loner who very, very rarely leaves the house. I find social interaction usually tedious at best, so I tend to stay to a very small circle of friends. I'm usually perfectly fine with this lifestyle, but occasionally I get bouts of crushing loneliness and subsequent depression. It makes me a bit sad when I consider I'm very likely to be alone for the rest of my life, but when I compare that to the alternative (trying and failing absolutely miserably at tedious social interaction) it might be the best option. It certainly doesn't help that I find myself absolutely despising everyone around me whenever I go outside (despite my efforts not to).

I suppose that's the curse of being a socially inept, lonely misanthrope. I also recently discovered I have a genetic disposition to schizophrenia. The future's not looking bright.


About schizophrenia - I would avoid drugs and make sure you get regular healthy sleep


About misanthropy - nobody is perfect but give people a chance - what are the odds that you are the one cool person and everyone else in the world sucks?


The scary thing is I've been doing research into schizophrenia recently and I've related to many of the symptoms. I've been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome though, and they have a lot of related parts. The really spooky thing is the early delusions associated with schizophrenia and not Asperger's which I've been relating to. The fact I have a genetic disposition to the disease and I'm coming up with delusional symptoms that aren't involved in Asperger's Syndrome is worrying to say the least. Perhaps I'm simply a hypochondriac, but it's all fitting in a bit too well.

I don't take drugs but I am an insomniac, so I end up getting less than 5hrs of sleep on weekdays. I've tried many things to stop this, but I'm probably going to have to start taking sleeping drugs.

I'm trying to be less misanthropic and have that kind of viewpoint, but I always descend into visceral hatred for everyone around me in any social situation.

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I'm a loner who very, very rarely leaves the house. I find social interaction usually tedious at best, so I tend to stay to a very small circle of friends. I'm usually perfectly fine with this lifestyle, but occasionally I get bouts of crushing loneliness and subsequent depression. It makes me a bit sad when I consider I'm very likely to be alone for the rest of my life, but when I compare that to the alternative (trying and failing absolutely miserably at tedious social interaction) it might be the best option. It certainly doesn't help that I find myself absolutely despising everyone around me whenever I go outside (despite my efforts not to).

I suppose that's the curse of being a socially inept, lonely misanthrope. I also recently discovered I have a genetic disposition to schizophrenia. The future's not looking bright.


About schizophrenia - I would avoid drugs and make sure you get regular healthy sleep


About misanthropy - nobody is perfect but give people a chance - what are the odds that you are the one cool person and everyone else in the world sucks?


The scary thing is I've been doing research into schizophrenia recently and I've related to many of the symptoms. I've been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome though, and they have a lot of related parts. The really spooky thing is the early delusions associated with schizophrenia and not Asperger's which I've been relating to. The fact I have a genetic disposition to the disease and I'm coming up with delusional symptoms that aren't involved in Asperger's Syndrome is worrying to say the least. Perhaps I'm simply a hypochondriac, but it's all fitting in a bit too well.

I don't take drugs but I am an insomniac, so I end up getting less than 5hrs of sleep on weekdays. I've tried many things to stop this, but I'm probably going to have to start taking sleeping drugs.

I'm trying to be less misanthropic and have that kind of viewpoint, but I always descend into visceral hatred for everyone around me in any social situation.



It's probably not wise to diagnose yourself, especially for someone who is somewhat isolated and so probably feels a lot of anxiety (anxiety tends to make you into a hypochondriac for some reason)


Something that helped me with insomnia is setting a time to turn off the computer at 10pm


Visceral hatred?

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