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Gluten Wheat Lactose Free Range Pig Cheese

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There are a relatively small number of people with a genuine allergy or significant sensitivity to gluten and lactose. Everyone else needs to shut the fuck up about this shit. It seems like almost everyone I know has gone gluten free and they just fucking love to tell me all about it.

"I cut out cakes, biscuits and bread and now I feel so much better" oh what a fucking shocker. You obviously have an allergy to gluten. Please!!

If you feel better not eating gluten then do as you please but don't take that superior ex-smoker attitude about it and bring it up in every fucking conversation. I often hear something like "our bodies were never intended to digest those products". As an atheist I don't care for the suggestion that anything was ever intended for me. There are of course several things that I could eat that would not make me feel very good but that is not because they were not "intended" for me. A small issue with the wording but I've heard it often enough to piss me off.

I probably just need to make different friends but I also get texts like "just gotta head to the shop to pick up some chicken (free range)".
Just had to let me know that it's free range. I don't give a fuck. We are both paying money and supporting an industry that slaughters animals for our pleasure. It's a shame you don't take the same concern for the children that make your clothes.
I'm growing pretty tired of these types.

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I wish I had some kind of allergy or something so I could let everyone in the world know. Maybe even become friends with other allergic people so we can talk about our shared problem!
It would add to my identity.

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I stopped eating gluten and also drastically lowered my carb intake and feel much better lately, and have lost weight. I say this not to toot my own horn but to indicate that I think this practice can be good for some people. I am relating this information merely as a way of informing other people, who may be curious, about my experiences in the world. Give it a try if you are curious!



EDIT: what I mean is, maybe they are telling everyone because they are excited about it. It really is awesome to start to feel better, after not feeling very good for a long time.

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The wheat we eat now isn't as digestible as the grains were a century ago apparently. So this has led to the increase in gluten sensitivity. As for lactose intolerance, it might be fine for europeans, but everywhere else didn't drink very much milk. The further north you go in europe, the less lactose intolerance that you find in the population.


I do find that the daily plague of flem that i suffer significantly decreases when i stop taking milk. Well as long as there's not much dust or pollen in the air. I don't drink much milk, but the difference has been noticeable. I've found that when i have stopped eating wheat and potatoes that i've nicely reduced my weight and gotten along with exercise have been a lot more energetic, like happened to ascdi. I have done this 2-3 times now unfortunately eventually i ended up back on the bad food treadmill and stopped with the exercise and ballooned up again. This was usually due to starting drinking which has tailing effects of weeks of lethargy. Terrible drug for me.


nwae. I agree that people that define their personalities and self worth through food fads can be a trying bunch. But that doesn't invalidate everything that they're talking about.

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Also, bread without gluten is a stupid invention. Maybe these people need a sourdough or some real bread instead of the mass processed rot that they're probably eating. Something where the flour has been processed by the yeast into a more digestible form or something.

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I stopped eating gluten and also drastically lowered my carb intake and feel much better lately, and have lost weight. I say this not to toot my own horn but to indicate that I think this practice can be good for some people. I am relating this information merely as a way of informing other people, who may be curious, about my experiences in the world. Give it a try if you are curious!



EDIT: what I mean is, maybe they are telling everyone because they are excited about it. It really is awesome to start to feel better, after not feeling very good for a long time.


You may be one of the people that has a genuine sensitivity to gluten. I feel that most are not. I mean it's no secret that cutting out carbs makes you feel better. Same goes for sugar and dairy and several other things that tend to be best in careful moderation. The thing that bugs me is how so many people now attribute this to having an allergy. It's almost fashionable to have an allergy to gluten. It appears to me as attention seeking.

When I eat a pizza or Chinese I don't feel good afterwards. I feel like shit until half way through the following day when I've had enough water to flush it out of my system but occasionally I eat that shit because it tastes nice and feels good going down. I don't start pretending I have an allergy to it because it made me feel like crap.

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I'm not saying that gluten allergies are invalid or even that this shit is good for you. I'm saying that these foods are just shitty and if you're not being careful with your intake then yeah you're gonna feel shit. Most of the time this is not because you have a particular sensitivity or allergy.
My wife has me join her on a lot of different diets. Some are detox based and claim to be about toxin build ups or some shit like that and others are about cutting out wheat and dairy but they all have one thing in common. On any of these diets you end up eating much less and upping your veggie and water intake. I'm a strong believer in carefully controlled moderation. Unless you have a genuine allergy to something just eat what you like in moderation and be sure to get them veggies in you. I think most people go wrong with the interpretation of moderation. A moderate amount of any food is always a hell of a lot less than you will be served up in a restaurant and probably a lot less than you are used to serving yourself at home. I'm all for healthy lifestyle and cutting down on shitty foods because lets face it most store bought food is packed with fucking crap these days. Just don't act as though this is some new thing and jump on the gluten allergy bandwagon because you want to feel included. You almost certainly do not have an allergy or significant intolerance to gluten. They're just shit foods that make us all feel shit.

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I stopped eating gluten and also drastically lowered my carb intake and feel much better lately, and have lost weight. I say this not to toot my own horn but to indicate that I think this practice can be good for some people. I am relating this information merely as a way of informing other people, who may be curious, about my experiences in the world. Give it a try if you are curious!



EDIT: what I mean is, maybe they are telling everyone because they are excited about it. It really is awesome to start to feel better, after not feeling very good for a long time.


You may be one of the people that has a genuine sensitivity to gluten. I feel that most are not. I mean it's no secret that cutting out carbs makes you feel better. Same goes for sugar and dairy and several other things that tend to be best in careful moderation. The thing that bugs me is how so many people now attribute this to having an allergy. It's almost fashionable to have an allergy to gluten. It appears to me as attention seeking.

When I eat a pizza or Chinese I don't feel good afterwards. I feel like shit until half way through the following day when I've had enough water to flush it out of my system but occasionally I eat that shit because it tastes nice and feels good going down. I don't start pretending I have an allergy to it because it made me feel like crap.



I will say. I worked as a pastry chef, cook and baker for 9 years before working in the cannabis industry and I developed symptoms akin to gluten sensitivity over the time I was working. If I eat pizza dough, bread or sauces made with heavy roux I will wake up (or whatever I'm doing 2-4 hours after said eating) and have intense intestinal cramps, diarrhea and gas. This will continue to fuck with me through out the night or day, waking me out of a cold sleep, causing me to cancel hanging out with a chick because I don't want to DESTROY her bathroom, ect....


There is something fucky going on with the USA's flour/wheat supply. It didn't used to do this to me when I first started working in the food industry, but now, I really have to watch what I eat that has refined flour in it and it fucking blows.


For most people, its somewhat of a fad and point of pride, like the ever so popular misguided, pompous and preachy vegans. But for some, it's a genuine truth that while they don't have full blown celiacs disease, gluten fucks with their digestive system. I HATED when people were fat as fuck but were complaining they were gluten free, but now I don't care, everyone is stuck-up about something they do or don't put into their body. The allergy thing is a little bullshit, but I do think that there is something very, very wrong with the wheat and flour in stores in the USA and people shouldn't eat things filled with flour all day long (can't speak for other countries)

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There definitely is something wrong with the bread. I agree. The bread here in the states is nothing like bread in england. It doesn't look, feel or taste the same and it lasts forever without going moldy. The bread here feels very airy and artificial. Burger buns from the bakery section of my local store are not like any other kind of bread I have had. If they didn't label it as bread you might have a hard time guessing what it was made from. It has to be something they are doing to preserve it. When you buy bread in england it has mold on it within a week or so. I can keep bread here for a fucking month and its exactly the same as the day i bought it. I'm pretty sure the milk has much longer expiry dates too.

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Guest boo

If gluten is so bad for your health, why do Italians have the second highest life expectancy? not only do they consume gluten but they use friggin flour that has shitloads extra gluten! and then they eat shit made from that flour every fucking day. Gluten is absolutely fine unless you're allergic to it.


annoyingly though, i've had to cut down on dairy for health reasons...but i'm ashamed. it's pathetic. how could anyone be proud of not being able to tolerate an everyday food ingredient?

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having worked in a few restaurants during this craze i can safely say that most people buying gluten free pizzas or loaves or whatever are usually just following fads and have no real business pretending to need this stuff. i got a few approving nods from old women in the grocery store the other day when i loudly balked "why is all this flour gluten free? gluten is the main thing i'm after here!"

ps - gluten free bread costs more and it sucks. trust me. it sucks. and it's not healthy unless you have a serious reason to be choosing it.

pps - i bake a lot of fucking bread, it's great, cheap, and i don't eat way too much of it at once. self control, not fads, suck my diiick

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Eh… I understand wanting to complain about trendy people. No problems there. But I think there ABSOLUTELY IS a continuum with “serious Celiac disease”-style gluten allergy (I have a friend with this, it is no joke) on one end, and “somewhat sensitive to gluten and/or carbs” on the other end. I do NOT think it is correct to say that if you do not have celiac there is no reason to avoid gluten.


I think there are a few problems here. One is trendy people doing things “to be cool”. Agreed, fuck that. Another problem is the general sketchiness of certain aspects of the US (I am in the USA as well) food supply w/r/t GMOs, preservatives, who knows. I agree that that does not make me feel good.


Another problem is that there is a ton of quack “medical” writing about these issues, especially online. People think gluten made their dog die or that stopping it made them grow 12 extra golden penises. It’s stupid. I could tell you what I’ve read that seems plausible to me, based on my personal experience, but being that I am not a scientist, I have no idea if it’s true or not.


A final problem that I have personally experienced to a great degree is that MANY DOCTORS IN THE US are not trained to understand problems as at all stemming from diet. I saw several doctors for various GI things and NONE OF THEM even mentioned the possibility that a change in diet would help me out. Instead, they wanted to douse me with tons of powerful drugs WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING WHY THE DRUGS WOULD WORK, just that “it seems like they usually do”.


I have great respect for science, but THAT IS NOT SCIENCE. So, in my opinion, it is not as if there is a vast, compelling pile of scientific study out there saying that gluten avoidance is overrated. Actually, I would say there is simply a lack of understanding. So I don’t think one can fight the trendiness of gluten-free eating by being a skeptic and “sticking to the facts” as some people in this thread are attempting to do, because, at least to my understanding, medical science is mostly completely clueless about how any of this works at all.

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Gluten is going to make all of our children look like this






But I still won't be caught dead drinking gluten free beer. *shudders*

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pps - i bake a lot of fucking bread, it's great, cheap, and i don't eat way too much of it at once. self control, not fads, suck my diiick


Heads to your joint for some of that sweet sweet bread. Do you use a sour dough starters too? I was thinking about doing this but the idea of just letting things grow into the starter in this hot environment doesn't seem very savoury. So i've been scared off taking that next step to bready goodness.

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Like an hour ago I downed a large carton of lemon tea sweetened with acesulfame k and sucralose, and my forearms started to welt up itchily.


Don't fuck around...

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pps - i bake a lot of fucking bread, it's great, cheap, and i don't eat way too much of it at once. self control, not fads, suck my diiick


Heads to your joint for some of that sweet sweet bread. Do you use a sour dough starters too? I was thinking about doing this but the idea of just letting things grow into the starter in this hot environment doesn't seem very savoury. So i've been scared off taking that next step to bready goodness.


I know this wasn't really directed @ me, buuut


Depends how hot your place is... high temperature encourages lactic bacteria growth which will kill contaminating bacteria with acid that lactic bacteria produce (lol lactic acid). Since you turn on your AC when you come home, I'd hope, yeast will also get a chance to grow fast at lower temperatures, and you will get a balanced microflora eventually. Just don't expose your culture to the temperatures above 100F. That's lethal to bacteria and yeast. After it lives, you can stall it out with cold temps depending on method after 30-90 days of 1-2 times a day feeds.

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pps - i bake a lot of fucking bread, it's great, cheap, and i don't eat way too much of it at once. self control, not fads, suck my diiick


Heads to your joint for some of that sweet sweet bread. Do you use a sour dough starters too? I was thinking about doing this but the idea of just letting things grow into the starter in this hot environment doesn't seem very savoury. So i've been scared off taking that next step to bready goodness.


I know this wasn't really directed @ me, buuut


Depends how hot your place is... high temperature encourages lactic bacteria growth which will kill contaminating bacteria with acid that lactic bacteria produce (lol lactic acid). Since you turn on your AC when you come home, I'd hope, yeast will also get a chance to grow fast at lower temperatures, and you will get a balanced microflora eventually. Just don't expose your culture to the temperatures above 100F. That's lethal to bacteria and yeast. After it lives, you can stall it out with cold temps depending on method after 30-90 days of 1-2 times a day feeds.



lol at aircon, this ain't ductar qvackenstein manor here mate and even if we had them the price of power has gone from being reasonable to some of the highest in the world over the last ten years for no reason other than unfettered greed. We have ceiling fans and grit our teeth and hope for the best. Winter is coming along though so once it cools down a little more i might try it then.

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pps - i bake a lot of fucking bread, it's great, cheap, and i don't eat way too much of it at once. self control, not fads, suck my diiick


Heads to your joint for some of that sweet sweet bread. Do you use a sour dough starters too? I was thinking about doing this but the idea of just letting things grow into the starter in this hot environment doesn't seem very savoury. So i've been scared off taking that next step to bready goodness.



you should try the no-knead approach . that's basically 100% sour-dough bread...almost hussle-free and top notch quality all around. depending on your flour, u can produce anything from ciabatta to spicy darkish rye bread.


that's the basic recipe..



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I could go on and on but I wrapped up a graduate-level immunology class last semester and it was very illuminating. The gluten allergy thing has a very specific etiology and it's clinically demonstrable via labwork. If criteria is not met, it's all "whatevs" after that. It's my informal opinion that a lot of this is psychosomatic for people. They will attach and amplify vague sensations or symptoms with a different origin to a dietary component du jour as a way of demonizing it. Placebo effect and demand characteristics for those in social sciences. Meanwhile, the billion dollar Dr. Oz/supplement/weight loss complex rolls on.


No offense, but this is the exact attitude I find so ridiculous. If you are someone who has spent time studying the body and its processes, it would make sense to me that you've come to an appreciation of how complicated and finely-tuned even the most seemingly-simple interactions are. To understand it any other way seems to me would be misunderstanding the science.


KNOWING THAT, isn't it simply MORE LIKELY from the point of view of pure probability that there are carb/gluten <=> body interactions that we have yet to discover or document conclusively? It seems to me that it would only be short-sighted and weirdly arrogant to assume that everything about something as complicated as digestion has `already been discovered'.


I mean, right? If you had to bet on it, knowing what you know, wouldn't the safe bet be "of course there are things out there we haven't discovered yet"?

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