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North Korea calls Obama a half breed monkey

Rubin Farr

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Yeah the KCNA has been way over the top in the last few months.

It's like all their smart people who used to craft at least humorous barbs toward Bush have retired.


Anyways it's likely the next nuke test is imminent.

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I doubt that "USA" treats "North Korea" (if we equate some unknown news agency as such) with more respect, living by the gossip to remind them how awesome they are.

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You know i can understand your anger over this maniac but it's not a good idea to call for the death of the president. Some might say that it's a rubin step too farr.

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'Somos todos half-breed macacos' - D. Alves


in my experience working at camp nou i can tell you alves is a classist piece of shit and a complete nobhead

for instance he sent someone close to me to the hospital because he doesn't give two shits about working people who can't be fooling around, dancing and joking all day

the story is she wasn't feeling well and he spent 15 minutes mocking her pale, serious face and her queen's guard attitude (they essentially pay us to stare into the horizon) as his teammates played with riot shields the cops had left around (imagine a poor person daring to touch a cop's weapons) so eventually she fainted and smashed her face into a handrail. she had to have the wound stitched and now wears a nice scar on her face, so yeah, if he eats bananas that's because he IS a fucking monkey



it's offensive alves would dare to compare himself to the kind of migrant who has problems trying to rent a flat or find a job because of their race

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i agree. now is the time to act. imprisoning people for no reason and forcing them into slave labor, letting people starve due to your retarded policies, having people in the prison camps brainwashed so they think turning in their own parents for escape plots, who are then killed, etc etc etc, none of that is as bad as calling a black person a monkey.


that's just... not even the nazis would sink THAT low. possibly the worst thing anyone has ever done. won't be surprised if full scale invasion is now supported by many.

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I doubt that "USA" treats "North Korea" (if we equate some unknown news agency as such) with more respect, living by the gossip to remind them how awesome they are.


Although the US/Western media usually refers to the Kim family as crazy, or pygmies, they can't touch this level of personal insult.

Plus the KCNA just got done calling Park Geun Hye (South Korean President) a "cheap political whore" and claimed she was in the control of "a conniving pimp" or something along those lines.


Seriously though, the press release that is referenced in the original (and I loathe Josh Stanton) is way over the top. It's full of completely racist garbage.

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wait so don't some people think we r all related to monkeys? what is politically correct? i can't keep track. is evolution racist?


evolution is not racist, but saying a black/mixed person looks like a monkey and not a human is racist. i dunno, seems pretty simple.

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Would you very kindly refrain from that particular bit of troll bait? It's tiresome. Consider this a warning.

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how is it? it's relevant. we're talking about racism, and right in the OP we have someone calling for action due to this racism apparently being one step too far. to me it seems like all of the suffering going on in the country for generations is already about maximum evil. i just really don't see calling someone a monkey as somehow taking that evil to the next level.


is it really a personal issue that our boy bama got insulted so now we need to bomb some asians? like it's a sport or something and you mess with our team so now we mess with yours? how exactly would we 'do anything' about this? it would involve either:

a) bombs. which would kill innocents (but hey theyre NKoreans)

b) an invasion (again killing innocents, and also tying up more american resources, and of course we would have to 'rebuild' their country afterwards also, costing us even more)


just a few years back we launched an invasion into iraq which was met with a lot of political resistance. NK probably had nothing to do with 9/11 just like iraq. they might have WMD but so do a lot of countries. plenty of evidence that saddam was committing lots of crimes against his people there too, but that wasn't a thing that factored into whether or not his being dethroned was a good thing to do, for the people who were against that particular action.


if our current president then were black and were called the n-word, but every other fact were the same about how that went down, then the invasion would've been ok? i'm not even exaggerating when i say that according to lots of people in the US on the left, the vast overwhelming majority of all living people would be classified as racist. true. fact. so how does something that most people can be classified as, somehow make perpetrators of already heinous crimes that actually affect many people, even worse? their words against obama don't even affect him. meanwhile people are starving en masse in NK because they are living under a tyrant. i think the idea that racism somehow trumps THAT is fucking ridiculous. and especially when we have people in influential positions in education teaching ideas such that any white person is racist whether they know it or not.


to me my post(s) in this thread are totally relevant, so do what you gotta do. just seems to me like you don't like my particular opinion. afaik trolling means you are only saying things to piss someone off. i'm saying things to express my opinion in a way that maybe is a bit provocative, but so what? isn't that the whole point of a conversation? why don't you just say 'misterE YOU are not allowed to share YOUR opinion on topics about racism or X or Y'


pm me a list of what i can participate in dude

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how exactly do you KNOW what the op did or didn't mean? what detail about that post gives you solid evidence that somehow their call to 'please kill this fuck' is a total joke or some kind of irony? btw fuck u eugene. like i give a shit about you or your opinions about me? ur like the biggest douchebag here

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