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North Korea calls Obama a half breed monkey

Rubin Farr

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lol, I like how MisterE is allowed to be a hyperbolic twat but he takes anyone else's hyperbole at face value

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how exactly do you KNOW what the op did or didn't mean? what detail about that post gives you solid evidence that somehow their call to 'please kill this fuck' is a total joke or some kind of irony? btw fuck u eugene. like i give a shit about you or your opinions about me? ur like the biggest douchebag here

because i have a tiny bit of emotional intelligence and social awareness.

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its not even like everything i've said or my defense of it all hinges on what was said in the OP


the whole fact of this thread existing is like supporting this notion that somehow, even after all the crazy shit that kim jong has done to his people, him (or whoever made the statement) calling someone a monkey is up there with all that


i'd take being called a monkey over starving in a slave camp for my entire life for no reason, any day of the week


to me these statements just dont rank on the list of NK offenses

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lol, dude, it's not "up there," it's just generally newsworthy when the leader/state run media/whatever of a nation insults the leader of another (much more stylin') nation in a spectacularly stupid way


and don't pretend NK's official stance on racial purity, which is highlighted "a bit" by the instant remarks, isn't yet another interesting facet in NK's general shitholery

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and talking about hyperbole and how 'misterE is allowed to'


in case youve been paying no attention baph, the OP hasn't been warned for his alleged hyperbole, the statement he supposedly didn't actually mean, which seems to fall exactly under the definition of trolling, which would mean i was trolled by actually replying to it with a serious statement


I, on the other hand, got warned for MY trolling

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^This is sort of thing is commonly referred to as "taking the piss", no?



'Somos todos half-breed macacos' - D. Alves

in my experience working at camp nou i can tell you alves is a classist piece of shit and a complete nobhead

for instance he sent someone close to me to the hospital because he doesn't give two shits about working people who can't be fooling around, dancing and joking all day

the story is she wasn't feeling well and he spent 15 minutes mocking her pale, serious face and her queen's guard attitude (they essentially pay us to stare into the horizon) as his teammates played with riot shields the cops had left around (imagine a poor person daring to touch a cop's weapons) so eventually she fainted and smashed her face into a handrail. she had to have the wound stitched and now wears a nice scar on her face, so yeah, if he eats bananas that's because he IS a fucking monkey



it's offensive alves would dare to compare himself to the kind of migrant who has problems trying to rent a flat or find a job because of their race

He always has comes of as a generally unpleasant guy, but I never took him for such an outright asshole. Hope your friend wasn't too damaged.
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in case youve been paying no attention baph, the OP hasn't been warned for his alleged hyperbole, the statement he supposedly didn't actually mean, which seems to fall exactly under the definition of trolling


Who did he troll, Kim Jong-un? Or did you actually feel incited to commit an act of violence against the Supreme Leader? That could be problematic, then. Probably already noted and filed away in some vast Military Industrial Complex warehouse.


On the other hand, you used the OP as an excuse to condemn "all US liberals," and some of the people you are communicating with at present are likely "US liberals" by one definition or another, so, yeah, you come off as more of a troll.


I'm feeding you here, and I know that's wrong, but please note that I rubbed these words on my bum-hole first.


edit: fyi my bum hole is pretty clean at present, though, so no hard feelings pls

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who did *I* troll? it was a thread posted here. the op was making a thread and a post in a forum, where people here would see it. that's exactly what i did. how is mine a troll but not the op? like seriously man, i know you clearly think i'm an idiot because you don't agree with me, but can you go any further out of your way to deny admitting that your comment about me being 'allowed' to do something i got warned for, and the op didn't is completely ass backwards?


the only reason i said anything about US liberals, is because it's pretty predictable that they will be the largest group of people outraged by these statements about obama. and really if you could go around the world and see into everyone's brains, and get out of there what they *really* think about people from races other than their own, i would not hesitate to bet that the vast majority of all living people would classify as 'racist'. and yes i do see statements about racial purity as a facet of their shittiness, but no i don't see calling obama a monkey as even slightly tipping the scale any more than it already is towards justifiable invasion.

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Yes the post about "90% of the people on here would be considered racists by liberal standards" (to paraphrase) was the trolling bit I was referring to.

Otherwise I don't particularly disagree with what you say regarding the hierarchy of what's wrong with NK.

BTW invasion is not on the cards from the west.

Off to work in my particularly demeaning job now - toodles.

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You know i can understand your anger over this maniac but it's not a good idea to call for the death of the president. Some might say that it's a rubin step too farr.

Uh yeah I have no qualms or hesitation for assassinating a 3rd generation despot who presides over the largest network of concentration camps currently on earth.
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well ok chen but i didn't say that, i said:

probably the vast majority of all living people could be called racists, if judged according to the current american liberal's standards.


if i said people here are racist then yeah i'd obviously be trolling


but i think what i said is a true factual statement. maybe it is a slight exaggeration if you consider that not all liberals are supportive of things like critical race theory, but some in the education system are, and are teaching it. but i think that according to what are becoming accepted standards, most people alive, all around the world, would be considered racist if you could see what they really think.

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calling a black person a "monkey" is one of those things yah just don't do. its not on par with the "n" word in terms of being offensive, but its pretty close. got kind of a history behind it (no pun intended.)

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well ok chen but i didn't say that, i said:

probably the vast majority of all living people could be called racists, if judged according to the current american liberal's standards.


if i said people here are racist then yeah i'd obviously be trolling


but i think what i said is a true factual statement. maybe it is a slight exaggeration if you consider that not all liberals are supportive of things like critical race theory, but some in the education system are, and are teaching it. but i think that according to what are becoming accepted standards, most people alive, all around the world, would be considered racist if you could see what they really think.



Honestly, what does CRT being over-inclusive re: racism (or not) have to do with the leader of North Korea saying the President of the United States is a half-breed who is more monkey than human? Does that not register as blatant racism to you (because it seems to me that on its face it is literally an attempt to dehumanize someone based on their racial heritage and appearance, and is intended to be taken as just that)? Or does CRT possibly being over-inclusive mean that all discussion re: race is now too suspect to engage in?


I'm not trying to be a cunt, I just literally don't understand what you're trying to say.


On the gross injustice of you being warned and OP not being warned on an internets forum, I am unfortunately incapable of caring much, and that has nothing to do with you or OP as people but everything to do with this just being an internet forum with lots of dick jokes in it.


Take a look at some supposed bastion of librul-group think like the NYT or CNN or whatever, and I think you'll find that the issue raised in the OP is not even on the national radar, which is why your indignation re: the liberal reaction to Supreme Leader's racism seems a bit odd.


If people genuinely think this is the last straw with NK, then I agree with you that those people are pretty silly.

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Kim Jong-Un looks like a fat potato with an upside-down ass on top his head. He's acting like little more than a troll at this point, trying to start a fight in the schoolyard. Somebody ought to throw him in a dumpster and drop it into the ocean from a helicopter.

I'm just venting tho

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Kim Jong-Un looks like a fat potato with an upside-down ass on top his head. He's acting like little more than a troll at this point, trying to start a fight in the schoolyard. Somebody ought to throw him in a dumpster and drop it into the ocean from a helicopter.


I'm just venting tho

To be honest, the screed, especially since it wasn't translated by KCNA themselves (which they usually do) is more aimed at a domestic market. It's simply to show the NK citizens that America is ruled by an inferior person.


They're losing the propaganda war.

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I doubt that "USA" treats "North Korea" (if we equate some unknown news agency as such) with more respect, living by the gossip to remind them how awesome they are.


Although the US/Western media usually refers to the Kim family as crazy, or pygmies, they can't touch this level of personal insult.

Plus the KCNA just got done calling Park Geun Hye (South Korean President) a "cheap political whore" and claimed she was in the control of "a conniving pimp" or something along those lines.


Seriously though, the press release that is referenced in the original (and I loathe Josh Stanton) is way over the top. It's full of completely racist garbage.



Even if it is indeed a correct translation of an absolutely State controlled news agency, honestly, i feel that no state propaganda is different in its shittyness, no matter how far from subtle it is. It's even better when it doesn't hide. OK, now they called out on Obama, but when otherwise - why in all of the fucking world, it's always USA who care so much for poor slaves in NK? It's a hypocrisy in my view, and thus i don't trust a word about that regime coming from US sources.


On rascism in their society i wait for Rodman's confirmation.

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i wouldn't trust rodman on this, i think we should wait for steven seagal on rt to explain what's actually going on before making haphazard conclusions.

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