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North Korea calls Obama a half breed monkey

Rubin Farr

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You know i can understand your anger over this maniac but it's not a good idea to call for the death of the president. Some might say that it's a rubin step too farr.

Uh yeah I have no qualms or hesitation for assassinating a 3rd generation despot who presides over the largest network of concentration camps currently on earth.




Read what i wrote again and wonder at whom i'm talking about. Hint, it's a lying mass murderer.

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I doubt that "USA" treats "North Korea" (if we equate some unknown news agency as such) with more respect, living by the gossip to remind them how awesome they are.


Although the US/Western media usually refers to the Kim family as crazy, or pygmies, they can't touch this level of personal insult.

Plus the KCNA just got done calling Park Geun Hye (South Korean President) a "cheap political whore" and claimed she was in the control of "a conniving pimp" or something along those lines.


Seriously though, the press release that is referenced in the original (and I loathe Josh Stanton) is way over the top. It's full of completely racist garbage.



Even if it is indeed a correct translation of an absolutely State controlled news agency, honestly, i feel that no state propaganda is different in its shittyness, no matter how far from subtle it is. It's even better when it doesn't hide. OK, now they called out on Obama, but when otherwise - why in all of the fucking world, it's always USA who care so much for poor slaves in NK? It's a hypocrisy in my view, and thus i don't trust a word about that regime coming from US sources.


On rascism in their society i wait for Rodman's confirmation.



The translation is indeed correct. Racism in South Korean society is a complex issue, fuelled largely by the fact that for most of their history the peninsula has for all intents and purposes, been homogenous in its racial composition. Racism in North Korea is much the same, but as my experience with North Koreans is limited, I don't feel comfortable talking about it.

It's good that you don't necessarily trust information coming from US mainstream media sources regarding North Korea - if you'd like some analysis you can trust, I'll be happy to provide links to sites and academics who know what they're talking about.

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Now it's our turn to laugh at THEM.




North Korean Leader Getting Fatter


Yeah, take that!

Maybe his declining health is making him ornery, hence his insults at other world leaders. Probably a tough gig being the latest heir to the throne of the Kim dynasty this day in age, innit. If it's too much for him, maybe he should...uhh...resign?

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CIA secretly replaces Rodman's jewelry with explosive devices, Rodman goes back to NK to hang with evil homeboy. BLAMMO! 8 birds with one stone.

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Now it's our turn to laugh at THEM.




North Korean Leader Getting Fatter


Yeah, take that!

Maybe his declining health is making him ornery, hence his insults at other world leaders. Probably a tough gig being the latest heir to the throne of the Kim dynasty this day in age, innit. If it's too much for him, maybe he should...uhh...resign?
Whatever happened to his "wife"? Rumors she was pregnant, then she disappeared like over a year ago. Fed to the dogs?
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Now it's our turn to laugh at THEM.




North Korean Leader Getting Fatter


Yeah, take that!

Maybe his declining health is making him ornery, hence his insults at other world leaders. Probably a tough gig being the latest heir to the throne of the Kim dynasty this day in age, innit. If it's too much for him, maybe he should...uhh...resign?
Whatever happened to his "wife"? Rumors she was pregnant, then she disappeared like over a year ago. Fed to the dogs?



Yes keep believing the ridiculous propaganda the US would have you believe. So easy to hate when the other seems "savage and barbarous". It's almost like they're "subhuman and more fit to live in a zoo".


Since I fear the subtlety of what I'm doing here will be lost in the vagaries of text - do you see how easy it is to use propaganda to foment hatred of the other? Now why do you think the North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) uses the same kind of language to describe Americans and Obama?

Perpetuating these stupid, tired stereotypes accomplish nothing except for allowing the leaders of each nation to bang the war drum.



A quick google search of Kim Jong Un Wife would have led you to one of many articles showing her to possibly be pregnant again.


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