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Comic Book Shows on TV

Rubin Farr

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This seems to be the latest trend, promote your studio super hero movies with a tie in TV show, looks like we'll finally get a decent adaptation of Hellblazer, complete with snarky British wit.




Also, The Flash, Gotham, Daredevil, Power Man, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones & Agent Carter all getting their own series. I see talk of an X-Men weekly as well so we'll see how this all shakes out next Fall.

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Are these any good? On quick glance they look like crap to me so I haven't even bothered to actually watch any of these.


We should have David Lynch direct a TV series on Swamp Thing. That I'd watch.

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New 52 Constantine is an abomination in the eyes the Lord.





We should have David Lynch direct a TV series on Swamp Thing. That I'd watch.

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Are these any good? On quick glance they look like crap to me so I haven't even bothered to actually watch any of these.


We should have David Lynch direct a TV series on Swamp Thing. That I'd watch.

The only ones currently airing are Shield and Arrow. Shield has gotten much better since the Captain America 2 movie, I don't watch Arrow.
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I'll give Gotham and Constantine a shot when they start airing. Shield was boring as fuck, gave up on it after a couple of episodes.

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the Preacher is also coming to the AMC network, oddly it's being written and produced by Seth Rogan

I hope this means Vertigo comics will eventually have a halfway decent film made based on the universe (i'm having a hard time believing this Joseph Gordon Levit Sandman movie or the GDT film 'justice league dark' will actually ever be put into production)

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is also the Walking Dead spinoff coming, which I guess counts as a comic book kinda

I am curious as to what this will be about. Presume another bunch of survivors potentially in a different country?

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in the new trailer for the Constantine show you see a brief glimpse of Dr. Fate's helmet, although after Dr. Fate appeared live action in Smallville, not sure if i want to see him again, but this show looks a hell of a lot better than Smallville.

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  • 1 month later...

Arrow is a great show and totally worth watching. First season is on netflix, had fun watching all episodes in a few days. I haven't seen the second season yet but I hear it gets even better. Plus it has Deathstroke!

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I lost interest in Walking Dead after Season 2, it's so boring compared to the comics.

I hear Arrow is okay but I haven't started it yet... It's sitting in my list on Netflix

I'm a huge Batman fan but Gotham doesn't interest me at all, I think it looks pretty terrible.... Is it actually good?

Constantine could be good, if it borrows more from the original Hellblazer series than the new 52 adaptations.


the Preacher is also coming to the AMC network, oddly it's being written and produced by Seth Rogan

Wasn't aware of this, but Seth Rogan makes me skeptical... Is he known to be a big comic fan?

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I don't know, he's supposedly been a long time fan of the Preacher though. I'm confident it will be better than the typical TV show, he's writing most of the first season.

Arrow for me is one of the only remotely tolerable super hero shows currently on TV. Constantine seems like it will be pretty good, the pilot has been leaked for a while

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