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A Forever Alone Dude kills 7 girls and himself and posted a bunch of creepy videos

producer snafu

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^ skimmed through parts of that, and wow, what a fucking knob. sad that he ended up taking others down with him. with that i'm done thinking about this story, he doesn't really deserve the attention.

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open-and-shut case of affluenza


poor guy should have read The Game, couple card tricks, a begoggled top hat and he would have been swimming in pussy

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God... that insufferable autobiography he wrote puts him a notch above other mass murderers in terms of horribleness. Granted I only made it to him collecting Pokemon in grade 3 or whatever it was.

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i've had the impression that more than a few of the recent mass killers did what they did for the same reason

i agree with the general notion (freud) that lots or most of our behaviors revolve around sex or are linked to it

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I won't take his batshit insanity away from him, but if he was that serious about it why didn't he just work out or something like that?


His entire manifesto reads like a hurt child, fuming with misguided rage. Everything about such a stupid thing as "fitting in", and various externalizations of his psychodrama. Fucking illusions, how do they work..

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It's crazy because his original complaint video got posted in my online friends facebook group when the video only had a couple thousands views and we all had a laugh about it. None of us thought it would turn out to be a video from a future mass murderer.


Oh, this guy really needed to experience ego death.

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too bad he killed himself cause he'd find a fine love and attention in prison. not being attractive to girls doesn't mean it's end of the world

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if the guy took a couple of hours to make an Okcupid profile instead of fucking about on World of warcraft so much maybe he'd still be alive. (although judging by his attitude i'm sure his profile would have had some major red flags in it ie: "please don't friend-zone me :(" )

I can't believe I just spent almost an hour reading that shit. I don't know what I was expecting, definitely not something the quality of the Unibomber manifesto, but man that was some juvenile narcissistic shit. Not really shocking, but just really milquetoast crappy tunnelvision angst

edit: the whole diatribe is peppered with references to his 'out of control' sex drive and how it drove him mad into depression, but he claims he masturbated at most once every other day. weird. I'd be willing to bet that most teenage boys who reach sexual maturity would only start to find excessive masturbation a problem if it reached like 5+ a day regular habit

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if the guy took a couple of hours to make an Okcupid profile instead of fucking about on World of warcraft so much maybe he'd still be alive. (although judging by his attitude i'm sure his profile would have had some major red flags in it ie: "please don't friend-zone me :(" )



I can't believe I just spent almost an hour reading that shit. I don't know what I was expecting, definitely not something the quality of the Unibomber manifesto, but man that was some juvenile narcissistic shit. Not really shocking, but just really milquetoast crappy tunnelvision angst


edit: the whole diatribe is peppered with references to his 'out of control' sex drive and how it drove him mad into depression, but he claims he masturbated at most once every other day. weird. I'd be willing to bet that most teenage boys who reach sexual maturity would only start to find excessive masturbation a problem if it reached like 5+ a day regular habit


U read that in an hour? Sheeeit. Took me like 7 hours. And i skipped a few parts of his childhood and when he repeated himself a bit. The guy has decent writing ability, coulda made his mils from screenwriting if he had a bit of patience i reckon. His ability to recollect events in such detail was also impressive.


Probably the saddest thing bout this guy was how in phase 2 of his retribution he planned to kill his younger brother. He suffered from envy/jealousy reeeeeal deep. His step mom also sounded like a total biiatch, particularly when she compared him to his brother.


If you bother to read the full manifesto you might be able to understand why he was led to commiting the spree.. his life sounded like it was pretty miserable throughout. Even though his actions were total shit and its tragic how innocent people's lives were taken, I still feel sympathy for him.

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Maybe that would have saved his soul: more mastubating. Three times a day, AT LEAST!


More seriously though, this story disturbs me for a couple of reasons. Mostly the visibility of his struggles. His family already asked the police to check him out. There were plenty red flags, but nothing happened. This sounds too familiar. Parents calling the police because they are afraid of what their son might do. And then: boom.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

If you bother to read the full manifesto you might be able to understand why he was led to commiting the spree.. his life sounded like it was pretty miserable throughout. Even though his actions were total shit and its tragic how innocent people's lives were taken, I still feel sympathy for him.


Can you tl;dr it? I got up to 'age 9', realised the scroll bar had hardly moved, scrolled down to the bottom and promptly fell into a coma.

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I won't take his batshit insanity away from him, but if he was that serious about it why didn't he just work out or something like that?


He did work on his appearance apparently, he worked out and all. But if you're a self-absorbed lunatic, it's not gonna help



If you bother to read the full manifesto you might be able to understand why he was led to commiting the spree.. his life sounded like it was pretty miserable throughout.


His parents divorced and he wasn't a social butterfly, but that's pretty much it. His life wasn't miserable at all.
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