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A Forever Alone Dude kills 7 girls and himself and posted a bunch of creepy videos

producer snafu

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Guest MastaN8

Seems like there is a lot of these little brothers... brought up glorifying 3d shooters that their older brothers played. Personallity-less and having hard time communicating with humans when it isn't through a screen. Sort of like the kid who shot up sandy hook. He hadnt gotten to open his mind a square fucking inch. Probably never had to go to bed hungry or deal with substance abuse. Mocking emotions that he saw on the television. Never learned to earn or fail as a child. Everyone got a trophy and Plumpy got kicked out of CandyLand.... It's too bad , but I feel as if this type of thing will happen so much in the near future that it won't even make the papers anymore.

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All he needed was TRUE FRIENDS, myaaaaan.....


Bros and broettes are powerful. True friends = true family. He had no family. He had no self. Fucking gonner, brah.



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usagi and very honest bring up good points albeit through humorous misunderstanding. It's like this: men tend to internalize sexual signals from society, art and marketers and pressurize themselves to fuck at any cost. There is also a raw biological imperative that cannot be assuaged with any number of wanks. It's like you have to go plunge in to realize that everyone--men and women--has it up on a pedestal. You have to suffer through the pregnancy/STI/intimacy fears and come out on the other end so you can proceed to behave like a normal fucking human being and quit celebrating it. Isn't it always the same in life? The mystery of the black box will hold so much more sway over you than whatever pedestrian truth is found when you open the lid and let the light in. The real driver of this whole conversation is fear. If only this kid would have _____ or _____, disaster could have been averted. Probably not. We are compelled to superimpose order and linearity on what is ultimately a chaotic life and pussy is a very common default variable because it centers a man to get laid. It does for me at least.


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The modern world is all about one end of pussy or the other-- so does that mean I'm the only one living life for IDM?!

"An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex."

- Aldous Huxley

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The mystery of the black box will hold so much more sway over you than whatever pedestrian truth is found when you open the lid and let the light in.


Nice metaphor bro. This is why I reckon he should have given prostitution a try. I know in his manifesto he speaks briefly against prostitution when talking about his hired friend female counsellor..


It has the same effect as hiring a prostitute, I imagine. It temporarily feels good for the moment, but afterward it makes

one feel like a pathetic loser for having to hire a girl when other men could get the experience for free.


(This is ironic as he intended to attract girls by being wealthy from winning the lottery, which effectively is the same as hiring a prostitute anyway)


... But i reckon if he hired a prostitute then he might have realized that he was making a big deal of sex (mystery of the black box) and discovered that it was far less exciting/important than he had imagined. At the least he would have lost his virgin status that he hated so much

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... But i reckon if he hired a prostitute then he might have realized that he was making a big deal of sex (mystery of the black box) and discovered that it was far less exciting/important than he had imagined. At the least he would have lost his virgin status that he hated so much


.. which would've cleared the road for him to deal with the many other obstacles in his path (I am way too arsed to read anything in his manifesto, but it's probably to do with a shitty mom, sibling rivalry, wanting to fit in with the popular kids, but not being able too (fuck, I did that too...) I am callously inclined to say that this kid would well be on his way to self-destruction, even if he did managed to get laid.


But yeh, easy for me to say. I discarded the hated virgin status at 18, which relieved me in such a huge sense but also left me empty inside: This is it? Really? I managed to lure tempt sedate kidnap four other girls in my bed over the years, but they were all pretty shitty lays. Probably because I was mindzapped into having to enjoy the solely fleshual act of sex, never really focusing if I ever wanted to really be with the girl for the sake of her presence, instead of the mission of putting my wang-chun in her noodle-container.

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spackled to vaginal walls like the victims who incubate xenomorphs in Aliens

holy shit lol


thanks for eloquently clarifying what I was driving at but couldn't really express clearly in my morning stupor. I will however qualify by saying I wouldn't go so far as to share your views on sex, very honest (a part of me still thinks you're taking the piss). as problematic as it is for some people, it's still a basic human need that no one can really get past.

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that dude had some mental problems


most mass murderers do.

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tldr; bitch boy complains about always being a bitch his entire life ends up going out like a bitch and never even got any pussy.

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Guest trananhhung

Those videos... It's so surreal that we have access to these. It's bone-chilling.


What I don't get is that the guy wasn't ugly or anything. He was above average, I would say. What happened to make him think that he was this unapproachable and unattractive adolescent that would never get laid? How did the psychosis developed? There's got to be some pretty heavy background history there. Do we know anything about his upbriging?

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Those videos... It's so surreal that we have access to these. It's bone-chilling.


What I don't get is that the guy wasn't ugly or anything. He was above average, I would say. What happened to make him think that he was this unapproachable and unattractive adolescent that would never get laid? How did the psychosis developed? There's got to be some pretty heavy background history there. Do we know anything about his upbriging?



Physical attractiveness doesn't exist in a vacuum.


That is, people are perceived to be more or less physically-attractive based on their attitude, their self-confidence, their wit, their intelligence, their posture, their intentions, their emotional intelligence, how quick they are to smile, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


It's not simply a matter of nice skin stretched over a nice bone structure. It really isn't. I've met so many people who I initially thought were good-looking who I ended up thinking looked ugly after knowing them.

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Those videos... It's so surreal that we have access to these. It's bone-chilling.


What I don't get is that the guy wasn't ugly or anything. He was above average, I would say. What happened to make him think that he was this unapproachable and unattractive adolescent that would never get laid? How did the psychosis developed? There's got to be some pretty heavy background history there. Do we know anything about his upbriging?



Physical attractiveness doesn't exist in a vacuum.


That is, people are perceived to be more or less physically-attractive based on their attitude, their self-confidence, their wit, their intelligence, their posture, their intentions, their emotional intelligence, how quick they are to smile, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


It's not simply a matter of nice skin stretched over a nice bone structure. It really isn't. I've met so many people who I initially thought were good-looking who I ended up thinking looked ugly after knowing them.


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Those videos... It's so surreal that we have access to these. It's bone-chilling.


What I don't get is that the guy wasn't ugly or anything. He was above average, I would say. What happened to make him think that he was this unapproachable and unattractive adolescent that would never get laid? How did the psychosis developed? There's got to be some pretty heavy background history there. Do we know anything about his upbriging?



Physical attractiveness doesn't exist in a vacuum.


That is, people are perceived to be more or less physically-attractive based on their attitude, their self-confidence, their wit, their intelligence, their posture, their intentions, their emotional intelligence, how quick they are to smile, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc


It's not simply a matter of nice skin stretched over a nice bone structure. It really isn't. I've met so many people who I initially thought were good-looking who I ended up thinking looked ugly after knowing them.



Plus lots of girls don't care about looks when you have those other things. I've seen plenty of dudes who have really hot girlfriends so much so that I'm surprised.


tldr:if you can't make yourself attractive to others it is your own fault. if you can't get sexual contact it is your own fault.

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