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Brain Damage

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

Guys, I am about 90% certain I am either developing a neurodegenerative disease or have taken brain damage somehow. At the moment I don't know if this is going to be permanent, but seeing how my current symptoms crept up on me over a period of months it certainly doesn't sound like acute trauma.

Here's what's going down (copy/pasted) if anyone cares to read. It's a TL;DR, sorry for that:



I'm a 26 years old male, 5' 9", and 163 lbs. No medications currently (except for Ativan since I had a panic attack last night.. trying to not take it). I'm causaian, have no history of neuro disorders in my family. I had struggled with social anxieties most of my life, but very little depression except for at times. I have used cannabis, heavy user and times but often just moderately and rather variable in frequency. Slowly my symptoms have been developing for the last 4-6 months. The neurological problems started some 2-4 weeks ago.

  • Started with odd stretchy and stabby pains in my body, sometimes a dull pain in my calfs. The feeling like certain parts of my body weren't healing from exercise easily.
  • What felt like nerve pain in my arms, mostly in the elbow (often the pit) and some dull pain in my tendon that was exacerbated by computer use
  • More recently, as of 2-3 weeks ago or a little longer, I noticed that parts of my vision and body were tremoring slightly
  • Now, a lot of my movement is starting to feel jerky and involuntary
  • I am having trouble balancing and I feel wobbly in my posture
  • There's a pressure in my head on the right side, just a rather odd light pressure that never goes away. My right eye vision is much more blurry that normal.
  • Both ears feel like there's a pressure to them slightly, and when I yawn sometimes I feel a slight relief. The doc last night at the hospital (had a panic attack..) noticed my right ear was competely clogged
  • For the past 2-3 weeks my appetite is practically non-existent. I've been forcing myself to eat food and pretty much nothing tastes good.
  • My tongue moves erratically a bit when I stick it out
  • My mind feels a bit foggy, like a slight cognitive deficit.. sometimes hard to recall things but I don't feel terribly dumb yet either.
  • I have a weird sensation like I can feel my blood pumping a lot. Especially on the left side of my head, above the ear. It pulsates, like some kind of pumping. I had noticed this pumping feeling in many other places in my body too. Like my veins/arteries are "pumping hard", but doctor's lab work comes back like everything's normal.. BP too.
  • I find myself losing track of what i'm doing and a little more forgetful
  • My blood pressure is normal when checked, so is BG, and the typical labwork done at the hospital when I went appeared absolutely perfect. Everything within normal range.
  • Antinuclear antibodies are normal, sedimentary rate is normal range, and creatine kinase is also normal (had these checked some month or so ago before my neurological symptoms appeared).
  • My CT scan yesterday looked fine, but when my doctor's office called back they said there was potential "cortical shrinkage". When I had a panic attack last night, the staff at the hospital were a bit pissed they told me this. I think they were angry because it scared me and I thought myself into a panic attack last night. At the hospital I probably horrified everyone in the waiting room.. Feel okay now though and I have Ativan in a bottle for when I need it.
  • I was given a Lyme test, but it was just the ELISA and not a western blot test to go with it.. This is obviously not very reliable, but based on my symptoms it doesn't strike me as likely to be lyme.

Based on all of what's going on.. I kind of feel like the "cortical shrinkage" is probably "cortical atrophy" and I pretty much have a neurodegenerative problem. I'm trying to cope but it's a struggle waiting for my neurologist appointment, and I couldn't convince anyone to schedule a MRI until then.


Basically I am in limbo until I get an MRI, and properly evaluated by my neurologist next week. Even then, I don't know if he will reach a diagnosis.

Other than starting to lose motor control my brain is working okay, if not a little foggy.


Have any of you suffered from or have known someone who has experienced loss of their brain functions? Alzheimers, dementia, MS, parkinson's, Huntington's, and many others.. This shit is fucking scary.


I just want to remind all of you to live your life to the fullest, like you're going to do soon. Every single day. I know this sounds cheesy but what's going on is hitting me hard and i'm scrambling to get my shit together, meet people, and somehow make my otherwise shitty escapist life into something meaningful.

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dang, i hope everything's alright with you, fiz. <3


my gf is very likely going to suffer from early onset alzheimers, forgetting everything and everyone she's ever known as she goes through late/middle age, eventually forgetting even the people closest to her... i'm not looking forward to those years, but i'll stand by her. neuro-degenerative diseases are some rough stuff.

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Guest fiznuthian

dang, i hope everything's alright with you, fiz. <3


my gf is very likely going to suffer from early onset alzheimers, forgetting everything and everyone she's ever known as she goes through late/middle age, eventually forgetting even the people closest to her... i'm not looking forward to those years, but i'll stand by her. neuro-degenerative diseases are some rough stuff.


Thanks luke! Has she been diagnosed with EOA or do you guys just have a strong suspicion? Neuro diseases are so tragic in that the damage is done to the part of us that makes us who we are. Our brain, our soul, our identity.. It's all wrapped up in that squishy, unsightly piece of biological awesomeness. It's so fragile..


I hope for the both of you, you guys will do alright. :wub:

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much of your symptoms (if not all of them) smell on general anxiety disorder and depression. lorazepan alone can't help you in a long term but ssri and other anti-depressants could + psychotherapy several weeks after the first pill is taken. of course, everything this after neuro diseases has been ruled out and i'm more than 90% sure they will be.

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Guest skibby

eat raw spinach, avacado, pumpkin seeds, tahini, quinoa, red beets, apple cider vinegar


purchase extra virgin coconut oil, and cook with it instead of whatever else youre using


dont eat aspartame, artificial sweeteners, refined sugar, etc


reduce and eliminate meat, bread, pasta, flour


you may have a b vitamin deficiency, get that checked, some people cant metabolize vitamin b even if they eat meat, and that leads to serious neuro FSU.


i am not a doctor and this does not constitute medical advice

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Guest M360

I have the head pumping thing you describe, among other things. Im getting checked myself but it's a long process. Hope everything turns out for ya

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Fiz, let me ask you this: in general, over the course of your life, are you prone to worrying about health issues?



I can't tell you how many times I have gone to the doctor 100% convinced that I was dying. I used to go every 6 months, usually thinking it's cancer. If you think there is something wrong with you...well I used to worry that my liver was failing...and so I would focus so intensely on the sensations near my liver. And it would hurt and feel weird. But then I'd go to the doctor and get everything looked at and my doctor's like "you're fine, as usual." One time I was convinced that I had leukemia, and so it would literally hurt when my cat brushed up against my leg (that was the worse pain I've ever felt, in fact). But I was just focusing so intensely on my body sensations that normal things would be amplified to the point where it was painful.


Also, anxiety and depression literally physical hurt.



Anyway, just some thoughts mate. Hope everything is alright.

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I can't tell you how many times I have gone to the doctor 100% convinced that I was dying. I used to go every 6 months, usually thinking it's cancer. If you think there is something wrong with you...well I used to worry that my liver was failing...and so I would focus so intensely on the sensations near my liver. And it would hurt and feel weird. But then I'd go to the doctor and get everything looked at and my doctor's like "you're fine, as usual." One time I was convinced that I had leukemia, and so it would literally hurt when my cat brushed up against my leg (that was the worse pain I've ever felt, in fact). But I was just focusing so intensely on my body sensations that normal things would be amplified to the point where it was painful.


lol that sounds familiar...


haven't had anything like this all my life, unitl I got sick from a TBC infection ca 18 months ago, and I must have somehow realized that a body can fail....

the following 6 months of antibiotics treatment with regular doctor visits & frequent calls from the public health department must have left their mark..


since then I've rushed to ER thinking I'm dying like NOW from liver failure...

slight digestional irregularities have led me to believe my colon has stopped working..

thought I'm going blind...

thought the TBC is coming back, been imagining chest pain & shortage of breath..

thought I'm losing fine motor control in my limbs


but it's nothing.


this stuff sucks, but yeah you're probably fine fiznuthian.

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Ketogenic diets are supposed to be really good for preventing and reversing neurodegenerative diseases. There is a lot of stuff you can do. Cannabinoid therapy is also supposed to be helpful. If you aren't supplementing you should be already.


This is a good guide. http://www.bulletproofexec.com/optimize-your-supplements/


Also, half those symptoms are extremely vague.


Are you eating properly, sleeping properly, and exercising regularly?


Not being hungry good be an effect of medications or dehydration.

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Guest fiznuthian

Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I know what i described sounds like anxiety.. It's hard to describe what this feels like. When i move my entire body makes involuntary movements.. Often my limbs will twitch and jump around on their own. My balance has gone to shit and i almost fall over just petting my dog or picking something up. The tremoring never goes away. As much as i wish this were all just anxiety I'm having a hard time believing that. Had an interview for temp job and i looked like i was on drugs.. Couldn't stop writhing around..


Thanks for the diet advice. Ketogenic it is really, because some meats maybe easiest to eat. From wake to sleep my body has lost all sense of hunger. I can't find anything that tastes good. My jaw starts locking up a bit if i chew too much... Dunno why



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one question: do you smoke weed or do any other drugs?


edit, sorry, now read your full post and seen that you do. there's your problem son, that coupled with maybe an inherent anxiety disorder. it's crazy what your brain can manifest. I'm pretty certain you'll find out there's nothing wrong with you that knocking the weed on the head, eating right and managing stress effectively won't fix.

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fiz I know it must be hard, but you need to wait for the diagnosis, try to occupy yourself with other things if you can


...i'm scrambling to get my shit together, meet people, and somehow make my otherwise shitty escapist life into something meaningful.


don't worry dude, your life is meaningful

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Guest fiznuthian

I've smoked on and off.. I think is been a month now clean. Nothing changed besides not being as paranoid.. Motor control is still shit


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It feels like Michael j fox lite...

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Guest fiznuthian

fiz I know it must be hard, but you need to wait for the diagnosis, try to occupy yourself with other things if you can


...i'm scrambling to get my shit together, meet people, and somehow make my otherwise shitty escapist life into something meaningful.

don't worry dude, your life is meaningful

Thanks hoggy.


Dudes take great care in your health and nourish your body and mind. It's no guarantee from suffering but it helps. Exercise and stretch out and relax in the sun


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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I've smoked on and off.. I think is been a month now clean. Nothing changed besides not being as paranoid.. Motor control is still shit


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk


It feels like Michael j fox lite...


well done for keeping off the weed for a month! so i've recently been through all of this - i've been a weed smoker for many years (am now nearly 37, started smoking when i was 16) and recently just kind of got fed up with the whole thing and realised rather than relaxing me, or even getting me particularly stoned any more, it was making me anxious, stressed, sleep deprived and unable to cope very well with the pressures of work etc. so i just plain gave up for 3.5 months - it was not plesant and I had pretty much all the same symptoms as you are experiencing - they peaked about half way into the 3.5 months and I was getting extremely alarming heart palpitations, involuntary muscle spasms across my whole body, dizzy spells, numbness in my limbs, stabbing pains in my chest area, dull pains in my general torso, very bad cough whilst my lungs cleared themselves out, and a whole host of other things that made me think there was something very wrong. I went to the doctors and confessed all (told him about the weed, historic class A drug taking, general hedonistic lifestyle etc etc) and whilst he didn't seem to be too bothered about the historic drug stuff, he diagnosed all of the issues I was experiencing to either be stress or weed related. he checked me out thoroughly, i did an ECG heart test thing for a few days, blood tests, all of that shit and he concluded there was absolutely nothing wrong with me other than needing to deal with stress better and get through the weed withdrawal (for want of a better word). and he was exactly right - after another couple of weeks i started feeling good - really good! my stress levels went right down, i could actually sleep properly for the first time in years, my IBS symptoms went away, the palpiations and muscle spasms ceased and generally i felt well.


i betcha you'll start feeling real good in another few weeks just like me, you've just got to get through this weird stage. seriously - i had panic attacks at night, thought i was having heart attacks, thought my liver was failing - all that shit.


all gone.



you're fine, trust me.

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Guest fiznuthian

I would also be pissed that the doctor's office who had the radiologist's report from the scan told you that information. It does nothing but create anxiety. Moreso than in any other system, neurological imagery is fraught with trouble. It's not like seeing the torn ACL ligament or bowel obstruction. Those are definitive images. For instance, there are people with multiple sclerosis who manifest debilitating symptoms yet have 100% normal MRIs. Other folks with MS have MRIs that show massive and widespread white matter lesions all over the central nervous system yet show zero clinical signs. In fact, neural imaging is almost pointless without sufficient clinical correlation.


To be honest, not many symptoms from your list line up very well with anything. They're too diffuse and likely a manifestation of your anxiety. Tremors, unsteadiness (ataxia) and involuntary movements point to cerebellar involvement, which is not part of the cortex. I'm not going to speculate much further because it will just be fuel for the fire of anxiety that's rampant in your brain. You need a full neurological exam and scan interpretation from a neurologist. Radiologists are steeped in very esoteric variations and abnormalities of anatomy but these details may have no clinical relevance at all. Follow all the "relax" steps you know of. I know you to be knowledgeable about diet and health so focus on what's true and ignore the noise of the freak out.



Okay thank you xxx, and you too BCM. I know my symptoms aren't getting much better, but if anything i'm kind of adapting to them and waking up just fine every day. I think I agree that for a week there I was without a doubt anxious about all of this, and it peaked the day after the "cortex shrinkage" news. I guess I can understand why they should have not said anything, especially for someone like me who will spend hours on pubmed and google scholar reading any published research I can get ahold of. Today I had a good day and visited a unitarian universalist church I was going to. It put me in a great mood and i haven't been anxious at all. I'm still uncoordinated as all fuck, can't walk straight, and my head bobbles.


If you make your way back here, could I ask you if this is possibly vestibular? The doctor at the hospital found my right ear canal to be completely clogged when she checked with her scope. Both my left and right ears have felt like there's a "pressure" in them.. Anyway, it's off to the neurologist. Hopefully he'll let me pay for a MRI just to put my health conscious mind at ease.


Thanks again guys. Sorry for the memememe shit thread though.

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hope you have good results from the neuro. but yeah, lay off the weed for a good while. possibly forever. if I had any suspicion of "cortical shrinkage" or anything remotely like that, it would be the first thing to go.

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I tend to agree with BCM, sounds very much like the after effects of years of weed. I didn't get many problems when I stopped but the reason I did stop was my best mate did get these panic attacks and fucked up sensory system.


All the best to you though, hope this phase passes and you feel better soon.

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I would also be pissed that the doctor's office who had the radiologist's report from the scan told you that information. It does nothing but create anxiety. Moreso than in any other system, neurological imagery is fraught with trouble. It's not like seeing the torn ACL ligament or bowel obstruction. Those are definitive images. For instance, there are people with multiple sclerosis who manifest debilitating symptoms yet have 100% normal MRIs. Other folks with MS have MRIs that show massive and widespread white matter lesions all over the central nervous system yet show zero clinical signs. In fact, neural imaging is almost pointless without sufficient clinical correlation.


To be honest, not many symptoms from your list line up very well with anything. They're too diffuse and likely a manifestation of your anxiety. Tremors, unsteadiness (ataxia) and involuntary movements point to cerebellar involvement, which is not part of the cortex. I'm not going to speculate much further because it will just be fuel for the fire of anxiety that's rampant in your brain. You need a full neurological exam and scan interpretation from a neurologist. Radiologists are steeped in very esoteric variations and abnormalities of anatomy but these details may have no clinical relevance at all. Follow all the "relax" steps you know of. I know you to be knowledgeable about diet and health so focus on what's true and ignore the noise of the freak out.

xxx certainly has more insight than I do, but having worked in the mental health field (long enough that I had to leave it to preserve my own) I'd talk to your neuro about about a referral for some kind of psych exam as well. I'm not saying there's any big deal underlying psychological problem or anything, but it wouldn't hurt to have that kind of brain workup as well. Just makes sure the two docs are in contact and cool with eachother (you don't want your brain to become a turf war)


I think the most important, and most difficult, thing for you to do is to NOT speculate. If the problem is in your head (somewhere) then using your head to speculate about it is not going to be productive, like using your eyes to look for vision problems.


Keep us posted on your progress. Hope all turns out well!

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Yeah anything related to your ears is going to negatively impact your balance. Usually ears being clogged is a function of your having sinus problems. Do you suffer from congestion, sinus infections, or anything of that nature?

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Guest glasse

I've been recently having problems with anxiety and can relate to a lot of your symptoms. Disequilibrium, arms and tongue going numb, pains in muscles and so on. I also smoked weed heavy for several years and attribute it largely to that along with a genetic predisposition as my mother has anxiety problems also. When I first started having symptoms I thought I did permanent damage and was looking up MS, ALS, Parkinson's and all of that.


What helped me was to quit smoking for one. I tried to start again sometime after but my symptoms came back, not while high as much as later or the next day. Eating foods high in GABA like spinach, almonds, cabbage, turkey and some others listed by someone earlier, along with anti-anxiety medication like Lorazapam for short term, but long term an SSRI like Prozac is what has helped me the most. It can reverse some of the effects of weed on the amygdala part of the brain and also has been shown to increase GABA receptor activity, so it's not just for depression. It just takes several weeks to build up in your system so the Lorazapam and diet changes help get you through to that point.

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