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Brain Damage

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest glasse

When I was having neurological symptoms the benzos, lorazapam in my case only helped short term. Fluoxetine, or Prozac is what helped the most in the long term. SSRIs aren't just for depression they can be highly effective for these kind of symptoms also. It will take a few weeks to take full effect but I recommend asking your doctor about it and reading up online.

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maybe i've read wrong but are you smoking weed stilll? i was having what i thought were heart attacks and seizures a few weeks ago and i suffer(ed) from EXTREME anxiety shakedowns for the past year or so. it was as if i was tossed into a fucking ice box. does that sound familiar? i was smoking weed thinking it was cooling me down, but it turned out, THC was causing it. I learned this by quitting it close to a month ago. i noticed the violent shakes disappeared completely and i never felt an impending terror. Two nights ago, i smoked a jeeb. Within about 20 minutes i was pacing around my kitchen because my heart rate felt like it was about to top out at 1 million BPM. I'm sure you know that horrible IM ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE feeling. Only happens when i smoke weed. I suggest take a very long break from weed, see if that helps you.

also, these shakedowns or tremors maybe, left me with a full body soreness the next day

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Guest fiznuthian

Thank you guys.. Hate this turned into a cry for help/watmm diagnostics thread. This is beyond anything I'd ever imagine would happen. watmm has been a big part of my life since discovering the forum years ago. Feeling sentimental as fuck..

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Guest fiznuthian

maybe i've read wrong but are you smoking weed stilll? i was having what i thought were heart attacks and seizures a few weeks ago and i suffer(ed) from EXTREME anxiety shakedowns for the past year or so. it was as if i was tossed into a fucking ice box. does that sound familiar? i was smoking weed thinking it was cooling me down, but it turned out, THC was causing it. I learned this by quitting it close to a month ago. i noticed the violent shakes disappeared completely and i never felt an impending terror. Two nights ago, i smoked a jeeb. Within about 20 minutes i was pacing around my kitchen because my heart rate felt like it was about to top out at 1 million BPM. I'm sure you know that horrible IM ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE feeling. Only happens when i smoke weed. I suggest take a very long break from weed, see if that helps you.




also, these shakedowns or tremors maybe, left me with a full body soreness the next day

Nah had to quit the weed because xanax is tightly controlled at my doc. My doc thinks weed is not a big deal but warned me that if it shows in a urinalysis in the future he can't save me from controlled substance regulations. Govmnt doesn't fuck around with benzos


You're right though, I've had two horrible panic attacks years ago smoking bowls. I've since learned to go slow with strong ganja, literalyy 1 small puff and wait. Some strains are wicked potent and can't be underestimated. That said the weed I'd been smoking lately helped a lot!



My involuntary movements are now in every inch of my body.. Tremoring, shaking.. My extremities writhe around like they're possesed by demons. Numbness, burning, tingling, jabbing, stiffness, pins needless, spasms, skin crawling.. The fucking works and as of this week it's from head to toe. Pain lessened for a couple days but how much longer till it flares again?


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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Guest HokusPoker

I just wanted to throw in that what you call your diet is my idea of a nightmare.

I eat almost no fat (just the fat naturally contained in my food, i.e. plants, maybe a spoon of olive oil per week), huge amounts of carbohydrates, no meat, no dairy, no eggs (well, vegan in general), much of it raw.

I know there seem to be different kinds of people, the ones feeling great with your paleo sort of diet, and others like me with a vegan, modest protein, almost no fat diet, but perhaps your diet just isn't the right one for you. You can try it, but of course it may take time.


I'd also always stay away from supplements, except for vit B12 in my case (and, as has been noted, this might be a good idea for many people, vegan or not).


How were your vitamin B12 levels measured? There's the test for methylmalonic acid and then there's the rest which is bullshit and has no meaning.

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Guest fiznuthian

I just wanted to throw in that what you call your diet is my idea of a nightmare.

I eat almost no fat (just the fat naturally contained in my food, i.e. plants, maybe a spoon of olive oil per week), huge amounts of carbohydrates, no meat, no dairy, no eggs (well, vegan in general), much of it raw.

I know there seem to be different kinds of people, the ones feeling great with your paleo sort of diet, and others like me with a vegan, modest protein, almost no fat diet, but perhaps your diet just isn't the right one for you. You can try it, but of course it may take time.


I'd also always stay away from supplements, except for vit B12 in my case (and, as has been noted, this might be a good idea for many people, vegan or not).


How were your vitamin B12 levels measured? There's the test for methylmalonic acid and then there's the rest which is bullshit and has no meaning.

I understand. It's something to consider i guess. I don't think veganism is a panacea but the fuck do i know now huh?


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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Guest HokusPoker

Not sure what a panacea is, but you're probably right. Or wrong.


Really, ask your doctor how your vitamin B12 levels were measured. The test for MMA is more expensive and less well known. I'm not sure about the health care system in the US, but here, from what I've heard, you have to explicitly ask for that test and pay for it yourself, but it's worth it.

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Guest fiznuthian

Not sure what a panacea is, but you're probably right. Or wrong.


Really, ask your doctor how your vitamin B12 levels were measured. The test for MMA is more expensive and less well known. I'm not sure about the health care system in the US, but here, from what I've heard, you have to explicitly ask for that test and pay for it yourself, but it's worth it.

What i mean is that no diet model is a cure-all or guarantee prevention of disorder/disease. As a guy who has tried most all of them my health was best while eating animals.. That said, my current condition developed slowly since February and is in no way getting better. Consider my opinion invalid. I no longer feel comfortable giving advice to anyone. I can dig up a plethora of biochem and clinical research but it means fuck all when I'm shaking around like Michael j fox, in pain, and generally just turning into a central nervous mess.


I'll look into the test for sure. Right now the focus is MRI imaging and neuro diagnostics but on my next doc visit l will go with a list of blood tests to order. Insurance is paying 100% from here n out and gave me permission to attack diagnosis aggressively at their expense until maximum out of pocket resets in 2015. Might as well rule out deficiencies huh?


Thank you again

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Guest fiznuthian

I'm a fucking wreck man.. Still feeling weird, but on top of that I made a huge social mistake and it makes me want to vomit

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I just wanted to throw in that what you call your diet is my idea of a nightmare.

I eat almost no fat (just the fat naturally contained in my food, i.e. plants, maybe a spoon of olive oil per week), huge amounts of carbohydrates, no meat, no dairy, no eggs (well, vegan in general), much of it raw.

I know there seem to be different kinds of people, the ones feeling great with your paleo sort of diet, and others like me with a vegan, modest protein, almost no fat diet, but perhaps your diet just isn't the right one for you. You can try it, but of course it may take time.


I'd also always stay away from supplements, except for vit B12 in my case (and, as has been noted, this might be a good idea for many people, vegan or not).


How were your vitamin B12 levels measured? There's the test for methylmalonic acid and then there's the rest which is bullshit and has no meaning.


i think a mostly raw diet is a bad idea

this coming from a vegetarian

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Guest HokusPoker


I just wanted to throw in that what you call your diet is my idea of a nightmare.

I eat almost no fat (just the fat naturally contained in my food, i.e. plants, maybe a spoon of olive oil per week), huge amounts of carbohydrates, no meat, no dairy, no eggs (well, vegan in general), much of it raw.

I know there seem to be different kinds of people, the ones feeling great with your paleo sort of diet, and others like me with a vegan, modest protein, almost no fat diet, but perhaps your diet just isn't the right one for you. You can try it, but of course it may take time.


I'd also always stay away from supplements, except for vit B12 in my case (and, as has been noted, this might be a good idea for many people, vegan or not).


How were your vitamin B12 levels measured? There's the test for methylmalonic acid and then there's the rest which is bullshit and has no meaning.


i think a mostly raw diet is a bad idea

this coming from a vegetarian



Being a vegetarian doesn't make your objection more substantial, but still, where do you see problems?

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Guest HokusPoker

My post sounded a bit harsh, sorry for that.

You're probably going to address lack of protein if not enough greens and vegetables are eaten and lack of good enough fruit in most countries, leading to problems with calorie intake, both of which are actual problems.

When I said 'much of it raw', I meant that I eat a lot of fruit and much of my vegetables raw, compared to earlier and compared to most people. Yet almost always less than 50% of my calories come from raw plants, so I'm not even mostly raw.

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