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"Intercourse is always rape"


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"To believe we may be an exception to men’s violence or men’s system simply because of access to money and education, is to fail to understand completely how men’s violence against women operates. Money and education, in and of itself, does not protect a woman from being raped by a man, owned by a man, impregnated, beaten or killed. Fame and popularity does not protect women from being raped or killed either. Only men collectively, as a class, benefit directly from wealth, education, high economic status and fame. It directly increases their power over women, it increases the power of all men over women. They are the owners of the status. Women are never middle class, but the slaves and offspring of the slaves of middle class men."



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if you're a lesbian then i guess yeah


there's another post that claims no woman is heterosexual and women are "groomed" to be hetero because it benefits men lol

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It seems pretty obvious the author from that blog is suffering from some kind of psychosis ... ?



I'd fuck the author of that blog so hard


You could offer anal intercourse as it doesn't cause pregnancy and is not penetrating "the female orifice" either, hence not fitting her rape-definition at all - she should be delighted about this new discovery finally allowing her to take part in the truly romantic ritual that is intercourse




... with a cock up her arse!



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Woulda been more edgy if they said this in the 1600's or something. Dudes have collectively been creating and destroying shit for all of human history you can't knock this hustle.

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what about lesbians with a strap on?


The explanation I've heard is that once a woman straps on a penis she ceases to be a woman.

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ive seen a lot of articles about rape on campuses in the news lately. its reported that 1 out of 3 or some crazy number of girls will be raped on campus. when i was in college years ago. back when nirvana were still a band. :-)
this big football player named Moose was accused of rape. he was expelled and sent home. it was in the school paper, etc. A school of 40k people were in shock. We all talked about it. So what the fuck has changed. The definition of rape? Officials putting everything into the rape tent? The new gen of kids are impatient psychopaths? You tell me

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It seems pretty obvious the author from that blog is suffering from some kind of psychosis ... ?



I'd fuck the author of that blog so hard


You could offer anal intercourse as it doesn't cause pregnancy and is not penetrating "the female orifice" either, hence not fitting her rape-definition at all - she should be delighted about this new discovery finally allowing her to take part in the truly romantic ritual that is intercourse




... with a cock up her arse!




hah out loud at spoiler punchline. Well done.

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are these people for real?



Belief is an odd thing, I'm sure they really believe it but to believe something can mean holding something dear or elevating it as higher truth even if on another level you know it is a distortion or a lie


and by 'know', I mean unconsciously - I don't think you can be consciously aware of that knowledge

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ive seen a lot of articles about rape on campuses in the news lately. its reported that 1 out of 3 or some crazy number of girls will be raped on campus. when i was in college years ago. back when nirvana were still a band. :-)

this big football player named Moose was accused of rape. he was expelled and sent home. it was in the school paper, etc. A school of 40k people were in shock. We all talked about it. So what the fuck has changed. The definition of rape? Officials putting everything into the rape tent? The new gen of kids are impatient psychopaths? You tell me



The stats would have to be wrong. I'd say they've thrown in getting drunk at a party and fucking a guy that you think after the fact is grody as rape. I mean come on, wtf, if there seriously was this level of rape in society it would bring major repercussions, from the families of the beautiful daughters who were violated and from some of those women themselves when they graduated with law and sociology and what have you degrees, joined the professional ranks of society they would damn well move heaven and earth to stop this rape'o'cide or rape'o'caust from continuing.


Therefore my powers of deduction watson, have whittled down the reasoning behind such a purported statistic exists is that people like the "Intercourse is always rape" blogger, invented it to help furnish their worldview. And then persecution complex female editorial staff in the media have echoed it out into the world without fact checking.

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