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"Intercourse is always rape"


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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.

It's along the same lines as stupid girls who quote Marilyn Monroe like she was anything other than the Paris Hilton of her day. Humanism seems a little more of a way to say equal rights for all. I'm going to go out tonight with a codpiece studded in diamonds and yell 'MY EYES ARE UP HERE, YOU PIG' at any woman who looks at my shiny diamond piece, because even though I'm dressed skimpy with all attention focused on the parts that society deems 'sexy' showing - I'm doing it for me and should do so because it makes me empowered! If people want it, they are pigs.


Unless they are above my level, right Keith? :D

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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.

It's along the same lines as stupid girls who quote Marilyn Monroe like she was anything other than the Paris Hilton of her day. Humanism seems a little more of a way to say equal rights for all. I'm going to go out tonight with a codpiece studded in diamonds and yell 'MY EYES ARE UP HERE, YOU PIG' at any woman who looks at my shiny diamond piece, because even though I'm dressed skimpy with all attention focused on the parts that society deems 'sexy' showing - I'm doing it for me and should do so because it makes me empowered! If people want it, they are pigs.


Unless they are above my level, right Keith? :D

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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.

It's along the same lines as stupid girls who quote Marilyn Monroe like she was anything other than the Paris Hilton of her day. Humanism seems a little more of a way to say equal rights for all. I'm going to go out tonight with a codpiece studded in diamonds and yell 'MY EYES ARE UP HERE, YOU PIG' at any woman who looks at my shiny diamond piece, because even though I'm dressed skimpy with all attention focused on the parts that society deems 'sexy' showing - I'm doing it for me and should do so because it makes me empowered! If people want it, they are pigs.


Unless they are above my level, right Keith? :D

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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.

It's along the same lines as stupid girls who quote Marilyn Monroe like she was anything other than the Paris Hilton of her day. Humanism seems a little more of a way to say equal rights for all. I'm going to go out tonight with a codpiece studded in diamonds and yell 'MY EYES ARE UP HERE, YOU PIG' at any woman who looks at my shiny diamond piece, because even though I'm dressed skimpy with all attention focused on the parts that society deems 'sexy' showing - I'm doing it for me and should do so because it makes me empowered! If people want it, they are pigs.


Unless they are above my level, right Keith? :D

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you twat, you broke the rolling It's along the same lines as stupid girls who quote Marilyn Monroe like she was anything other than the Paris Hilton of her day. Humanism seems a little more of a way to say equal rights for all. I'm going to go out tonight with a codpiece studded in diamonds and yell 'MY EYES ARE UP HERE, YOU PIG' at any woman who looks at my shiny diamond piece, because even though I'm dressed skimpy with all attention focused on the parts that society deems 'sexy' showing - I'm doing it for me and should do so because it makes me empowered! If people want it, they are pigs.

Unless they are above my level, right Keith? :D!

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you twat, you broke the rolling It's along the same lines as stupid girls who quote Marilyn Monroe like she was anything other than the Paris Hilton of her day. Humanism seems a little more of a way to say equal rights for all. I'm going to go out tonight with a codpiece studded in diamonds and yell 'MY EYES ARE UP HERE, YOU PIG' at any woman who looks at my shiny diamond piece, because even though I'm dressed skimpy with all attention focused on the parts that society deems 'sexy' showing - I'm doing it for me and should do so because it makes me empowered! If people want it, they are pigs.

Unless they are above my level, right Keith? :D!

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you twat, you broke the rolling It's along the same lines as stupid girls who quote Marilyn Monroe like she was anything other than the Paris Hilton of her day. Humanism seems a little more of a way to say equal rights for all. I'm going to go out tonight with a codpiece studded in diamonds and yell 'MY EYES ARE UP HERE, YOU PIG' at any woman who looks at my shiny diamond piece, because even though I'm dressed skimpy with all attention focused on the parts that society deems 'sexy' showing - I'm doing it for me and should do so because it makes me empowered! If people want it, they are pigs.

Unless they are above my level, right Keith? :D!

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So I was thinking what the female equivalent of The forever alone dude would be like. Than I read this. Could be, right? (Keith?)


Anyways, misandry for most IDM 2014.

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MC Keith here. I reckon about 50% of watmm are bad rapists, about 10% are good rapists, and the rest are virgins who have sex with their mattress. As their mattress is at about their level, the virgins are only potential rapists. Which to be honest, is just as bad.



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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.


not really, you're acting like the west is the be all and end all. just look at the news most mornings and you will see the horrific extent to some countries have no respect for women whatsoever and thing nothing of the violent rape and murder of children for their own enjoyment. http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/30/india-sisters-hanged-in-village-of-katra-after-gang-rape-4744546/


the whole geek bangs prom queen fiction is just the male version of the scullery maid and the prince. if you're dumb enough to believe that you're going to have problems in life. by truly buying into this kind of crap you're basically throwing you hands up in the air and saying "i'm an idiot!".


the most worrying part of this entire argument is that it effectively saying that even when a woman consents she doesn't consent, the ramifications of this are deplorable as it takes away the woman's autonomy. if all sex is rape, it turns whether it's consensual coerced or forced a technicality.



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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.


not really, you're acting like the west is the be all and end all. just look at the news most mornings and you will see the horrific extent to some countries have no respect for women whatsoever and thing nothing of the violent rape and murder of children for their own enjoyment. http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/30/india-sisters-hanged-in-village-of-katra-after-gang-rape-4744546/


the whole geek bangs prom queen fiction is just the male version of the scullery maid and the prince. if you're dumb enough to believe that you're going to have problems in life. by truly buying into this kind of crap you're basically throwing you hands up in the air and saying "i'm an idiot!".


the most worrying part of this entire argument is that it effectively saying that even when a woman consents she doesn't consent, the ramifications of this are deplorable as it takes away the woman's autonomy. if all sex is rape, it turns whether it's consensual coerced or forced a technicality.





yeah, and besides, these people seem to have a problem with/be ashamed about vaginal sexuality, doesn't strike me as very feminist tbh

they also don't understand that an element of sadism is constitutive of any sort of sexuality, even lesbic


and anyway, no, even in "the west" there's plenty of room for feminism, but not of the anti-men variety. the teenage girl mentality and what it turns into as girls grow up should be smashed to bits, and many people take the cultural aspects of that for granted, so i think it's not that bad to identify as feminist.


also gender politics in the workplace can get pretty dark unfortunately often.

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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.

not really, you're acting like the west is the be all and end all. just look at the news most mornings and you will see the horrific extent to some countries have no respect for women whatsoever and thing nothing of the violent rape and murder of children for their own enjoyment. http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/30/india-sisters-hanged-in-village-of-katra-after-gang-rape-4744546/

:facepalm: you have no idea what you're talking about.

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Isn't "good feminism" just common sense post-1960's though? Usually when someone actually says they are a feminist it's a bit of a red flag.

not really, you're acting like the west is the be all and end all. just look at the news most mornings and you will see the horrific extent to some countries have no respect for women whatsoever and thing nothing of the violent rape and murder of children for their own enjoyment. http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/30/india-sisters-hanged-in-village-of-katra-after-gang-rape-4744546/

:facepalm: you have no idea what you're talking about.


care to elaborate? feminism is not a negative term and never should be.

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yeah i chose an extreme example and perhaps wasn't clear about what i meant. it's sad how the media sensationalises a small amount of people with extreme views and ends up making issues worse. feminism means i can go to work, vote, drive a car, take birth control, not be forced into marriage etc. just because some people use the term to push a sexist agenda against men doesn't detract from the larger picture. feminazis = taliban of the movement, not the norm.

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yeah i chose an extreme example and perhaps wasn't clear about what i meant. it's sad how the media sensationalises a small amount of people with extreme views and ends up making issues worse. feminism means i can go to work, vote, drive a care, take birth control, not be forced into marriage etc. just because some people use the term to push a sexist agenda against men is a big pile of crap. feminazi's = taliban of the movement. not the norm.


i think one should be more radical: there's more to feminism than that, just like there is more to trade unions than negotiating salaries. but even if you think the very concept of female life should change, that doesn't make you a feminazi. keeping with the labour parallel, the problem is when people think that some sort of social-democracy it's the only sensible way because of north korea. feminazis are the north korea of feminism, but there is still a valuable side of feminism beyond fighting for concrete rights. think of sweden: very thorough with parity, but is it free of sexism? nah.

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