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"Intercourse is always rape"


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Just to recall a basic fact: Intercourse/PIV is always rape, plain and simple.






are these people for real? am i a huge misogynist for even asking that question? i scrolled down to the comments expecting a lot of people disagreeing or atleast discussing the topic. but nope, just more insane people.




to whom it may concern, I’m doing you a massive favour and being super nice in saying that i’m not publishing any comments which include the following:

“PIV as rape trivialises real rape victims”

and “but, but, I like sex and you’re insulting women or men who like sex”;

and “you’re just doing sex the wrong way”




so basically, every woman who's ever had consensual sex with a man is a rape victim. and all men in this case, rapists. im guessing that applies to their dads as well then?


it's 7:30 am and im confused.

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lol, "PIV"

masterful trolling


Not to forget the additional sado-gynecological interventions/ costs of PIV-maintenance

But the fact that women can renounce relationships with men at all means that ‘no’, while extremely difficult, is not impossible




The rabid ape Homo Rapiens


and never say Necrophilic Once. That word is apparently not in their vocabulary. They only Hint at it by using its Opposite (biophilic) which they apply to themselves! Even as they Continue Raping and Impregnating women as the Titanic is sinking.

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We can choose anti natalism and allow human to die off completely within 100 years of today. We can accelerate that by eliminating life-extending medical practices immediately. Let humans die off. Allow Earth to recover. A new “higher” life form being will evolve after us. It’s an easy solution. Just let go. Everybody dies, anyway. No one EVER “lives on” through their offspring. Dead is dead.


I am dying a slow death (kidneys). Actually, my active lifestyle and related body stress is accelerating my disease over what it would progress. I have refused medical treatment. I just can’t justify it. In the US, healthcare is a capitalistic industry. I won’t allow them to profit from me any more. Especially knowing the damage my existence does to Earth.

None of this means I do not think humans can recover, but we can only do that by eliminating, in large part, existing and future males. It has to happen. Men need to be told this: we will only breed daughters with you, and we will only breed when all daughters are already in safe, stable and loving homes. In the future, we may allow some males as breeding stock. There really is no other option.

Call me Valerie.

i have to say that the element of "intrusion" in consensual, heterosexual sex, is constitutive of heterosexual female sexuality anyway, running away from this doesn't strike me as particularly feminist, especially since there is nothing wrong with it. dare to be female/dare to face the fact that you have a vagina. isn't that what is difficult under patriarchy, rather than basically saying that having a vagina makes you weak and biologically determined to be a rape victim? "no, while extremely difficult, is not impossible", lol, what kind of bollocks waif-feminism is that?


fucking petty bourgeoisie, what a sick bunch

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well i dont know a lot of things, but im guessing these girls have never been with the 'buttbiter'. see what i always do is i take a bite out of the girls butt before i do her from behind and i like it. idk if they do bc i dont speak their language so good, but i do sure enjoy it.

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there's always a sadomasochistic element to sexuality, lesbian or otherwise

the petty bourgeois men behind that blog are prudish and cowardly

they also get some sort of obscene jouissance out of the combination of waifing and fantasies of death, they enjoy the role of hopeless hysteric victim with a death wish for the whole of mankind

clearly anal personalities, but very troubled


i recommend some idm for this case

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I have a feeling some of this shit is really being put out by biblically conservative patriarchs in order to discredit actual feminism. It's like a Fox News Liberal.


Pretty sure a site called witchwind doesn't speak for any rational person, feminist or otherwise.


It all really does make a good case for humanity needing to go extinct ASAP, though. Haha. Haha. Fucking humanity. What a joke.

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what about lesbians with a strap on?


well, they are clearly using a rapey replica that rapingly symbolizes the rapy scepter of all things rape to rapingly rape rapeables with

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Just don't read this fucking tripe and get on with your fucking life.

yeah lets get back to the elliot rodger thread, and put our collective focus on unravelling THAT important mystery, by poring over everything he ever wrote, said, and did.

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I have a feeling some of this shit is really being put out by biblically conservative patriarchs in order to discredit actual feminism. It's like a Fox News Liberal.



haha beautiful theory

meanwhile every racist inbred redneck represents anyone on 'the right'


shocker that this kind of stuff would exist tho, innit? considering how (white) male hating/blaming is being taught in probably ever major and plenty of smaller colleges across, at least the US. you can actually major in it and get a degree in it. well, they don't CALL it that...


if only we could ask these people what they majored in, see what kind of answers pop up

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These people want to cheapen the use of important terms to the point of meaninglessness. The worst part is how this view actually disrespects the experience of real rape victims by claiming that their "trauma" of PIV sex is somehow on the same level as someone who was truly violated. Way to be sensitive and caring, wackjob feminists.

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