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"Intercourse is always rape"


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yeah i chose an extreme example and perhaps wasn't clear about what i meant. it's sad how the media sensationalises a small amount of people with extreme views and ends up making issues worse. feminism means i can go to work, vote, drive a care, take birth control, not be forced into marriage etc. just because some people use the term to push a sexist agenda against men is a big pile of crap. feminazi's = taliban of the movement. not the norm.


i think one should be more radical: there's more to feminism than that, just like there is more to trade unions than negotiating salaries. but even if you think the very concept of female life should change, that doesn't make you a feminazi. keeping with the labour parallel, the problem is when people think that some sort of social-democracy it's the only sensible way because of north korea. feminazis are the north korea of feminism, but there is still a valuable side of feminism beyond fighting for concrete rights. think of sweden: very thorough with parity, but is it free of sexism? nah.


it's a complex issue of course, and one that i really should not have attempted to discuss on the internet. in sweden i think the pendulum has swung too far the other way and to a certain degree it is easier if perhaps we take the focus back further and just look at equal rights for everyone (without the feminist tag attached). this is not to say that there are not gender issues that need to be resolved, but the focus should be much more on balance and making sure no one feels oppressed (including due to sexuality race differences). if you change the context of some of the so called feminist arguments you will see how out of whack they are with the core values of feminism as i see it.


*checks the news*


oh god, does this mean i have to walk around with my tits out now? fuckinell!!!










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Well guys nipples aren't really sex organs. We only cover things up as a way of leveling the playing field when we think people will use them to judge our reproductive abilities and sexual prowess. Shit would get gnarly. Even though it obviously doesn't work lel boobs

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Guest Al Hounos

haha, when i saw that picture i thought "so it's ok to show your tits if you're totally flat-chested?" then i realized it was a guy.


wait, it is a guy, right?

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Looks like two chicks to me, but maybe the joke is that it's actually two dudes. /mind blown


Also, i see nothing wrong with nudity or topless or whatever. It's a false dichotomy to use it as example of male oppression because there really isn't a controversy about it in some countries and there is in others, mainly anglo (in the west) In the anglo countries, it's an established cultural norm that is defended by both sexes and something that waxes and wanes with the prudishness of each generation. (seen quite a few music clips in the last couple of years with tits and even dicks flopping about everywhere, must be some sort of 'cool' marketing thing going on for alt bands. Contra the hypersexualization or whatever it's called in music clips with the skimpy one pieces, to just have people roaming around in a natural setting with nothing on, so bully for them.)

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in sweden i think the pendulum has swung too far the other way and to a certain degree





swedish 2013 toys r us xmas catalogue.


i don't necessarily see this is as something negative though, it just feels so forced.

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Yeah, they're putting the cart before the horse.


Or in this case, the Spiderman before the cart.

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in sweden i think the pendulum has swung too far the other way and to a certain degree





swedish 2013 toys r us xmas catalogue.


i don't necessarily see this is as something negative though, it just feels so forced.




I want a Fluffy Go Walkie

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in sweden i think the pendulum has swung too far the other way and to a certain degree





swedish 2013 toys r us xmas catalogue.


i don't necessarily see this is as something negative though, it just feels so forced.




I want a Fluffy Go Walkie



see, this is what i mean.

what's the meaning of this when the toys themselves already are sexist?

even something like 50% female employees or 50% female MPs can be fairly meaningless when politics and labour are done under crazy gender (and class) relationships, all in a country full of catalogue houses with david lychian jacuzzi basements in the middle of the woods.

if anything, having a bunch of new taboos doesn't help at all. however, i agree something like good maternity laws, fair laws for female workers, etc. should be much more prevalent everywhere.


there's also a perverse logic behind aiming campaigns at everyday people about things that everyday people are powerless about. i remember the Catalan government did one some years ago, the slogan was "let's not label toys". but it's not you or me who make toys!


(by the way: i've been to Sweden, specifically norrland, but i don't really know anything about the country so please excuse me if my ignorance has made me say something offensive.)

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in sweden i think the pendulum has swung too far the other way and to a certain degree





swedish 2013 toys r us xmas catalogue.


i don't necessarily see this is as something negative though, it just feels so forced.




I want a Fluffy Go Walkie



see, this is what i mean.

what's the meaning of this when the toys themselves already are sexist?

even something like 50% female employees or 50% female MPs can be fairly meaningless when politics and labour are done under crazy gender (and class) relationships, all in a country full of catalogue houses with david lychian jacuzzi basements in the middle of the woods.

if anything, having a bunch of new taboos doesn't help at all. however, i agree something like good maternity laws, fair laws for female workers, etc. should be much more prevalent everywhere.


there's also a perverse logic behind aiming campaigns at everyday people about things that everyday people are powerless about. i remember the Catalan government did one some years ago, the slogan was "let's not label toys". but it's not you or me who make toys!


(by the way: i've been to Sweden, specifically norrland, but i don't really know anything about the country so please excuse me if my ignorance has made me say something offensive.)


those are not toys, those are future society dream "jobs". you got the sniper, you got the f1 racer, the baby siter and the animal rights couch activist...



lol, cars and dolls, who the hell started all of this?

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