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Guest fiznuthian


Flour in small pieces powder fish meal fish meal fish meal fish meal corn gluten meal corn gluten meal corn gluten meal corn gluten meal bran a Nakinaki come defatted soybean defatted soybean defatted soybean defatted soybean corn corn corn corn bran bran bran bran flour Mugimugi wheat wheat bran bran bran Lingling Lingling Sansansansan calcium calcium carbonate calcium carbonate calcium carbonate calcium carbonate, calcium chloride, calcium chloride, calcium chloride, choline chloride Colin Colin Colin salt salt salt salt vitamins vitamin vitamins vitamins such as mineral acids such as mineral mineral acids such as minerals such as


I can tell from this terrible Google translate result that this rat chow is probably not unlike human junk food. soybean oil, corn meal, gluten meal, wheat bran, flour?

I have a feeling that human physiology would be a lot more tolerant of a liquid high-carb diet, in that our glycolytic pathways are efficient. He's wise to opt for olive oil instead of something like corn oil to add fat into his mixture.

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Guest fiznuthian

Haha, yeah. it's a strange addition but i love heat so eh.

Medium chain triglycerides though.. that's what soylent needs. And nice of him to add fat soluble vitamins, especially K2.

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Guest HokusPoker

And once more, man thinks he's found a simple solution to a complex problem. This time it CAN'T go wrong!


(And as has been noted, if you don't find the time to prepare yourself a proper meal, you've got a much bigger issue.)

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Yeah, honestly, I like food. Preparing it, the sights and smells, the taste. Why remove that from life? We aren't robots. Gotta take time to enjoy the simple pleasures. If you don't have time to sit down and enjoy a nice meal, you are doing it wrong imo.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest skibby

I noticed I was spending about 5000 usd a year on fast food, junk food, and other salty sugary stuff, takeout, etc. and not the healthiest stuff. i do like to work a lot, so for that reason, i'll be investing in this nutrition idea, not as some sort of weird culty lifestyle change, but to have some sort of quick way to get better physical/mental ammo than can be gained from a schwarma or 2 cheeseburgers from mcdonalds, or a bag of chips etc.


edit: i can buy a new synth each year if I wean myself off buying junk food and take out, but thats not soylents fault of course. eat to live, not live to eat i say.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest skibby

mupdate, I have initiated experimentation of using powders and stuff as 'meal replacement.' I'm becoming even more conscious of the superfluous costs that arrive from visiting the grocery store.

pictured are corn meal (which requires a soak in hot water first) psyllium seeds (which take an hour to gel in the mixture,) hemp protein (to make it green, like soylent green), soy flour, sea salt, linseed oil, and milk. also, i got cal-mag pills and multivitamins too (not pictured.)
cinnamon does wonders to get rid of the boring taste. still by no means complete. i have a feeling i'll be ordering in bulk soon.


its a little disgusting, like swallowing pre-chewed food or vomit without the hydrochloric acid, but it will all be worth it. won't it? *worries*



wishlist: whey protein, rice protein, chlorella, wheat grass, choline, probably other stuff.


also a vintage synthesizer that i won't mention till its mine.

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^^ No offense, but, that is absolutely disgusting. Just eat some nuts, fruit, healthy servings of locally/organic raised and fed meat (not totally essential), veggies, drink pretty much nothing but water (occasional juice, soda, beer is whatever) and stop buying shit food? I don't understand how that is so hard and the thought of changing diet devolves into slurping a beige colored nutrient-goo that takes almost more effort and money in ingredient gathering/dicking around than just buying real, organic food and having an ounce or two of self-control.


If you're going to liquefy a bunch of things into a slurry for consumption, put in things like - Kale, multi-colored carrots, avocado, chard, local thick/greek yogurt, kombucha, dried seeds, almonds/almond milk, bananas, frozen fresh-cut pineapple, frozen organic berries, chia seed, flax oil, coconut oil and some of the other stuff you've mentioned like the proteins, chlorella... Cut out the corn meal (toxic shit) and get some living foods into your diet if you really want a boost of energy and a full nutritional spectrum from your slurry.


Spending money on food is not a bad thing and if the items purchased are healthy foods then it's actually the best thing you can spend your money on- because it provides the life force you use when dicking around on a synth you just bought.

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Guest skibby

its like software, a song, a website, rome. not built in a day. if i can figure out a way to get nutrients in me the cheapest way possible, thats all i care about. of course i'd love to eat all the things you mentioned but its expensive where i am. i earn little.

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