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AMA about pizza


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my question didn't get answered, spose when you're a star like squee you get to pick and choose. /heh (also my question was designed to break the spell that holds the thread intact, so it's better not answered i spose).

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Fuck this thread. I asked three questions about pizza and not one of them has been answered. Absolute bullshit.

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My local pizza guy sports a black & white bandana and a wonky eye. Proper hard Turk be he.

There's always a twinkle in that crazy eye of his when he waddles into sight from out back behind the kitchen, wiping his greasy hands on his apron. Cause he knows I'm gonna order the vegetarian pizza with fried kebab meat.


For a full and healthy pizza experience order the vegetarian and add to it your own personal favourite meat topping.

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mozeralla, burrata, or BOTH?


I don't think I've ever had burrata? Sounds fucking delicious though. So not knowing what burrata actually tastes like, I would vote for mozaralla because it's fucking delicious.


Sorry to drop this sloppy turd on the thread, but meatza:




Hahahaha, that's disgusting.


what's the most Lynchian pizza you've ever had and how pleasantly uncomfortable did it make you feel on a scale of 1 to badger?


btw fuck anchovies, yeah? tell me you hate anchovies, Squee.


Fuck anchovies and their grainy texture.

Calzones are quite lynchian. A pizza baked inside itself? Makes no sense - but from time to time I feel like I understand the concept and will enjoy it if I eat it. Also, calzones always make me feel weird and not very pizza-majestic.


Can I grow woman worthy man-boobs eating lots of pizza? Been feeling like a giant pussy lately and it's been on my mind that I might actually be a woman anyway.


I've put on some weight lately because of all the pizza I've been eating over the past 6 months. So yeah, I'm pretty sure you can grow a healthy bosom through pizza if you want to.


how to look for pizza online??


www.pizza.com or www.pizza.biz


Wait, the pizza.biz domain is for sale? Holy shit.



Is the pizza you make yourself the best pizza of all?

Is pesto God Mode, or am I crazy?


Great questions.

I like homemade pizza, but homemade pizza isn't really pizza. There's always something extremely awkward about homemade pizza, because the idea of a homemade pie sounds like heaven, but it's always a bit of a disappointment once you sink your teeth into it. So if you're in the mood for pizza then order a pizza. If you're in the mood for fooling around with the concept of a pizza, then go for the homemade one.

Pesto is good, but I wouldn't say "God Mode". "God Mode", to me, is when you drown your pizza in Sriracha... and not that fake and salty American Sriracha with the rooster on the label. What you want is the "Flying Goose Brand" Sriracha. Preferable with limegrass if you can find that.


have you ever danced with a pizza

by the pale moonlight?


I have.


Would you fight a pizza? If yes, who would win?


The pizza always wins. Every night.


If pizza is just effectively bread with topping, usually a cheese topping, then why isn't it just called cheese on toast?




What actually is a pizza?


Pizza used to be poor man's food. As far as I remember, the leftover dough would be used to make flat bread which they would then smear stuff on and voila... pizza.


Is a list of questions about pizza any less important than a list of answers about pizza?


I'm answering these questions as fast as I can.


Fuck this thread. I asked three questions about pizza and not one of them has been answered. Absolute bullshit.


I already answered one of your questions. I named your pizza Santa's Pulsating Lasernuts.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


Fuck this thread. I asked three questions about pizza and not one of them has been answered. Absolute bullshit.


I already answered one of your questions. I named your pizza Santa's Pulsating Lasernuts.



lol, you did? I scanned the thread a couple times and just now again and I can't see where. I guess it's either hiding in plain sight and I'm blind or there's been a technical mishap somewhere.


I officially now have the best pizza ever, thank you sir!

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theres a user here named 'pizza', and i always see their avatar and think it's hilarious coz its just a smiling, happy pizza box motioning for you to have some of his pizza. sometimes they come into chatmm and say 'did anyone order pizza' and thats also great. everybody loves pizza, so its kinda brilliant if you think about it


has 'pizza' made an appearance in this thread?

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Fuck this thread. Absolute bullshit.

The pizza related Macaulay Culkin question halfway down page 1 was completely body-swerved. Not good.

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