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i hear that in heaven, ff you take a slice a pizza from a pizza pie, the pizza slice grows back, giving you an infinite amount of pizza, that sucks that i'm agnostic though =/

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There's a Japanese pizza chain called Pizza La, and today on the mind control choobz I saw a promotion for "new party pizzas" they're working on. Their newest in-progress concept, is small TORTILLAS that you wrap some cooked topping into. They had three toppings (which had consistency of stew): beef stew thing, cheezy foie gras thing, and zucchini tomato meat? thing with truffle salt. Just overall, this has nothing to do with pizza. Shut the fuck up Pizza La.


If I could ask a question about pizza, it might be: "WHY HAS 80% OF THE PIZZA I'VE EATEN HAD AT LEAST A HANDFUL OF PUBIC HAIR IN IT?" I'm not talking a child's handful- I'm talkin' NBA MVP size handfuls of pubic hair. Mostly dark brown pubez, but every now and then I find a ginger pube. If this is cuz it's some traditional Italian theme like "thin crust", then I no longer want Italian style pizza. I'd rather have fucking Pizza La tortillas.

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What was going through Macauly Culkin's head when he decided to go on tour with his band The Pizza Underground? Basically, I need to know what made him think it was a good idea to play music to an audience where he does cover versions (with the lyrics changed to be about pizza).

Needless to say, the MC hasn't had a good time on the road and has had to walk off stage early after being abused and having bottles of beer thrown at him. ''Why are you chucking those at me? I'd rather drink those'' Culkin retorted before retreating offstage halfway through his rendition of Lou Reed's 'Take a Walk On The Wild Slice'.


I thought this was bullshit, until I read this


But seriously, who wouldn't want to listen to music about pizza?

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There's a Japanese pizza chain called Pizza La, and today on the mind control choobz I saw a promotion for "new party pizzas" they're working on. Their newest in-progress concept, is small TORTILLAS that you wrap some cooked topping into. They had three toppings (which had consistency of stew): beef stew thing, cheezy foie gras thing, and zucchini tomato meat? thing with truffle salt. Just overall, this has nothing to do with pizza. Shut the fuck up Pizza La.


If I could ask a question about pizza, it might be: "WHY HAS 80% OF THE PIZZA I'VE EATEN HAD AT LEAST A HANDFUL OF PUBIC HAIR IN IT?" I'm not talking a child's handful- I'm talkin' NBA MVP size handfuls of pubic hair. Mostly dark brown pubez, but every now and then I find a ginger pube. If this is cuz it's some traditional Italian theme like "thin crust", then I no longer want Italian style pizza. I'd rather have fucking Pizza La tortillas.


Sick x 2

Maybe you should find a new pizzeria?

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I've always liked the tension between the Dopplereffektian vibes of the name Dr. Oetker and the gentleness of names like Casa di Mama and Ristorante. What am I supposed to expect, crazy biological experiments and plastiphililia or my Italian grand-grandmommy?

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There's a Japanese pizza chain called Pizza La, and today on the mind control choobz I saw a promotion for "new party pizzas" they're working on. Their newest in-progress concept, is small TORTILLAS that you wrap some cooked topping into. They had three toppings (which had consistency of stew): beef stew thing, cheezy foie gras thing, and zucchini tomato meat? thing with truffle salt. Just overall, this has nothing to do with pizza. Shut the fuck up Pizza La.


If I could ask a question about pizza, it might be: "WHY HAS 80% OF THE PIZZA I'VE EATEN HAD AT LEAST A HANDFUL OF PUBIC HAIR IN IT?" I'm not talking a child's handful- I'm talkin' NBA MVP size handfuls of pubic hair. Mostly dark brown pubez, but every now and then I find a ginger pube. If this is cuz it's some traditional Italian theme like "thin crust", then I no longer want Italian style pizza. I'd rather have fucking Pizza La tortillas.


Sick x 2

Maybe you should find a new pizzeria?



Also, you're prolly right. After eating a few slices my mouth looks like a scraggly muppet. Between all my teeth: FRIZZY PUBEZ.

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I've always liked the tension between the Dopplereffektian vibes of the name Dr. Oetker and the gentleness of names like Casa di Mama and Ristorante. What am I supposed to expect, crazy biological experiments and plastiphililia or my Italian grand-grandmommy?



Expect to burn your mouth with every bite and suffer the subsequent fat sweats seeping out of your facial pores

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Dr Oetker is definitely a Doctor in the art of frozen pizza, but do you you think he really has any medical qualifications?

If the picture on the packaging is that of a man at all.

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Yes, thats Dr. Oetker's silhouette. He's a very womanly man with a thin neck and his hair in bun like a little old lady but he was an exceptional cardiologist in his day.

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Hey guys I hate to break it to you, but Dr. Oetker is the guy on the right.


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Hey guys I hate to break it to you, but Dr. Oetker is the guy on the right.


hate to break it to you, but was his grandfather that started the company, and he looked like this:




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I always suspected Dr. Oetker was a Nazi


"I zink is time for a little visit to ze Doctor ya? Ve vill see if he can persuade you to talk...."

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Hey guys I hate to break it to you, but Dr. Oetker is the guy on the right.


hate to break it to you, but was his grandfather that started the company, and he looked like this:




That's very disappointing :(

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Pizza isn't a place,....it's a state of mind



This, is true. Well- pizza being a state of mind, anyway. I don't think anyone ever met up at a pizza or visited one for vacation.

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cheese pizza, seriously what's the deal with this shit?


Well, you can be sure that if a pizzeria knows how to make a good cheese pizza then the rest of their pizzas will be a a-ok.

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