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Can we talk about Amber?

Lost in Amber

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Edit: 444 tho... i mean c'mon!

Newp. In fact that's my least favorite track on there. It sounds like a reject from Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (which I also don't care for)


Sorry... like I said, it's not Incunabula, it's me! While the tracks don't pop for me anymore I do still love those sun-baked pawn shop Juno/EPS/RSD-10/606/R8 textures :)
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Newp. In fact that's my least favorite track on there. It sounds like a reject from Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (which I also don't care for)


I must say I’m also not sure why selected ambient works 85-92 gets put on such a pedestal (volume II is different and I love it)

So I’m glad I can come out of the shadows and admit that. I listen to it, and it’s Ok but really nothing special. And I don’t buy that historical perspective thing, as there are plenty albums from that time that grab me more, and feel more ahead of their time. SAW 85-92 is just beige wallpaper

Edited by fizzkinz
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  • 1 year later...

Inside my personal bubble chamber Amber is one of the most coherent and composed Autechre album, it flows exceptionally well and is complemented beautifully by Garbage. It's hard and fast in my all time top 5 albums and probably my favourite Autechre album. There are some very deep personal issues I have associated with Amber, so that colours my relationship with it heavily, and my attachment to the album is far from objective. I have a very strong affinity with all things Autechre, and my favourites are in constant flux, but Amber never ceases to make me just Stop Look Listen.


(That's my copy of Amber. Signatures are from their first ever gig in Finland where I was DJing/warming up for them. I've got a few more that are signed, from both their visits to Finland: Turku in 2006 and Helsinki in 2016.)


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1 hour ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

@dcom That's actually really cool, nice personal story behind getting that signed. 

I have an even better one: in 2006 in Turku I was having a drink with them after the gig and the discussion turned to the second hand price and availability of the original Lego Feet, and I mentioned that it was the only one of their releases that I didn't have. I think it was Sean who said to me that he had an extra copy at home and if I gave him my address, he would send it to me when they got back home from the tour. I wrote down my address and handed it over, thinking OK, why not, but not really expecting anything.

I had completely forgotten about it when after about three months I received a package, wrapped in black plastic and with no sender information - and when I opened the package, there was a copy of Lego Feet, SKA001, in EX condition, no strings attached, my Autechre (and Skam) collection completed. I immediately regretted I had not asked them to sign it, but you can still guess I was elated.

Fast forward 10 years to 2016 and Autechre's second visit to Finland, the OneSix tour, Helsinki. When I got to the venue and got myself a drink, I was near the backstage entrance and the lads came out, noticed me and waved me over for greetings and handshakes; they were going out to chill a bit before the gig, but I was welcomed to come for a chat afterwards. So, after the gig I got backstage (that's actually another story, but I'll leave it for now), pulled out the Lego Feet they had sent me ten years ago and got them to sign it, after recounting the origins of the record. So here it is.


(The full list of records they have signed for me is Amber, Basscadet box set, and Anti EP in 2006; Lego Feet, Oversteps, and Exai in 2016.)

Edited by dcom
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Are they approachable for SIGNing? Ive never managed to find them after gigs or was too anxious to go deep(er) into backstage. ? 

also, i never knew what would i say actually bc i have so much to say ?

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5 hours ago, xox said:

Are they approachable for SIGNing? Ive never managed to find them after gigs or was too anxious to go deep(er) into backstage. ? 

also, i never knew what would i say actually bc i have so much to say ?

I chatted with them briefly after the gig in Portsmouth NH in 2015. The crazy thing for me was I was at the Boston gig the night before and when I met them outside the Portsmouth venue, the first thing Rob did was point to me and say “You were at the gig last night!”

They were chill, friendly, and approachable 

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10 hours ago, xox said:

Are they approachable for SIGNing? Ive never managed to find them after gigs or was too anxious to go deep(er) into backstage. ? 

also, i never knew what would i say actually bc i have so much to say ?

The artists I've asked to sign records have been easily approachable and very nice people, sometimes very taken and/or amused that someone would ask them to sign their records, but I've also been privileged because I've been DJing for such a long time and have been performing at the same events as the artists, so I've had access to backstages and artist lounges where it's easier to strike up a conversation. Although I wouldn't dream of calling myself equal with any of them, having an artist pass and a bit of moxie goes a very long way, and having the records to sign is a conversation starter - I tend to have more hard-to-find ones, so that helps, too.

Only one artist has ever declined to sign a record - they said that they're not really famous or anything so it would be embarrassing - and I respected that; the next time I saw them a few years later they remembered me and asked if I had any records with me, but I didn't bring any because they had already declined, so I missed that artist's signature. The biggest names have been the nicest people, but I haven't met anyone who wasn't nice when you're respectful, polite and appreciative. I never ask for selfies with anyone or take photos because I find it tacky, I'm just happy to have a wee chat, tell them that I appreciate their work and and if possible, get a few records signed. 

I've had the same starter forever - "Hi, I'm Nuutti, I've been a fan for a long time and I have a couple of your records with me, would you be willing to sign them?" - and go from there.

4 hours ago, YELLOW said:

I chatted with them briefly after the gig in Portsmouth NH in 2015. The crazy thing for me was I was at the Boston gig the night before and when I met them outside the Portsmouth venue, the first thing Rob did was point to me and say “You were at the gig last night!”

Imagine what it feels like when your favourite artists in the world recognize you after a decade in a very small country in northern Europe (that has a 50/50 chance of not existing).

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13 hours ago, xox said:

Are they approachable for SIGNing? Ive never managed to find them after gigs or was too anxious to go deep(er) into backstage. ? 

also, i never knew what would i say actually bc i have so much to say ?

I hope I never meet them. It would be an embarrassing mess, like Adam & Joe talking about how they couldn't interview Bowie.

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2 hours ago, EXTRASUPER81 said:

I hope I never meet them. It would be an embarrassing mess, like Adam & Joe talking about how they couldn't interview Bowie.

The problem is how to just say Hi to someone who means so much to you but on the other hand there’s nothing else you can say actually... 

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6 hours ago, xox said:

The problem is how to just say Hi to someone who means so much to you but on the other hand there’s nothing else you can say actually... 

People know, the unseen forces are greater than the seen. 

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On 3/23/2019 at 1:14 PM, sweepstakes said:

Sorry... like I said, it's not Incunabula, it's me! While the tracks don't pop for me anymore I do still love those sun-baked pawn shop Juno/EPS/RSD-10/606/R8 textures ?

I'm probably at an all-time high of Incunabula-appreciation, honestly. It's still my least favorite Ae record, but I've come to enjoy that if you listen to it quite loud, it sounds pretty good – not, as others have mentioned, ahead of its time but solid. Listening to it at comfortable ambient volume, it sounds kind of soft; I don't think they mixed the drums loud enough, etc. I may have done it a terrible disservice circa 2000/2001 by listening to it too much in my car because it was one of the last Autechre albums I picked up (at the time), and not much of it really stuck out / stood out to me, so I was trying to learn to like it. I think I pushed it in the other direction, though. I've come around lately... I've also come to view the discography as being a more linear, chronologically, and I think Incunabula works better for me as well as a very early part of that continuum instead of just feeling like that one Autechre album that I don't really love.

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 I've listened to Amber probably 100x more than any other ae.  It compliments late night video games and marijuana better than most, and has withstood that claim for decades now.

I also have 444 in that mix, it fits in Amber to me and is one of my favorite ae songs

Edited by cloud capture
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