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Gameover Zeus / CrytoLocker

Soloman Tump

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The National Crime Agency (NCA) has issued a warning and guidance about a new global online threat in the form of two malware viruses.


Malware is used by cyber criminals to commit theft, fraud and identity fraud against individuals and businesses by infecting their computers.


The latest threat is in the form of two different types of malware known as Gameover Zeus and CrytoLocker which will infect computers via phishing emails.


There is a list of free tools which have been specially developed by internet companies which will scan your computer for the viruses and remove them.


For more information about the malware viruses and advice about how to protect your computer against them visit the Get Safe Online website.


So it seems like the media are getting into a bit of a frenzy over these ones, will they actually be a threat as much as they reckon? Or is this another millennium bug.


Who knows more about this stuff than I do?

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I'm in my basement bunker with tinfoil on my head & a gun hidden under said tinfoil. I'm deleting all types of personal information, wanking to all the free porn I can & even considering deleting my favorites toolbar. A favorites toolbar that contains watmm's address. Shit is getting real. This is the big one folks, set fire to your desktops, laptops & cellular devices. Human sacrifice, doges & cats living together...mass hysteria! type shit yo.

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