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Insane racist woman caught being racist on camera and is now going into meltdown on Twitter

hello spiral

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She's not a very nice lady at all. I don't think the internet are going to change her. Maybe she'll end up making some bucks out of this. No sex tape please. Thank you.

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p.s. she's kinda cute, in a nasty racist way



look at the video dude



i did, and i was like "she can get it" sass2.png






her nostrils look like they are re-entering earth.

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modern day racist language is stupid. not worth calling the cops or lynching a woman over. sorry!


Exactly. Any racist language for that matter.

"If someone makes fun of me for having dark hair I'm gonna throw a friggin fit man!" The quicker we accept that it's OK not to HAVE to like everyone, the sooner all the muslims, christians, racists, whatevers, can live in peace alongside each other.

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