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Insane racist woman caught being racist on camera and is now going into meltdown on Twitter

hello spiral

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It's great to read comments on the YT vid and even here, that we should not be offended by words. Well, intention and context are behind the words, but still..... I agree. I also feel that we should not be offended by physical pain. Emotions and physical pain are very much connected- it's all just neurons and brain chemz brah!- so we should not be offended by any words or even being punched in the face. That's right. I firmly believe in, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I will ignore my pain by flooding myself with endorphins after 30 years of meditation." Then when this is achieved amongst the masses, videos with cops beating the shit out of innocent people, YT comments will say, "So what?! We shouldn't be offended by physical pain- just ignore it. Physical pain is JUST BRAIN CHEMICALS, nothing more. It's not even 'real'...", and then we can live in a totally peaceful society where we willingly sell our children into porn for a few grams of meth or heroin- YOUR CHOICE! FREE CHOICE!!! Then after our children are raped for the ruling elite, we can grind them up in massive blenders to make patties for McDonald's, which will be the only source of food. But get this: you get 1 pack of anti-depressants per patty made per child! It's gonna be awesome.


So does it suck that a racist woman is getting bad vibez for her bad vibez? YES! Because Amairkah is about free speech, so she should be commended for being so free and awesome. I hope she becomes the next President and bombs Japan again, so I can fucking fry and melt away dreaming about McDonald's, which is the ultimate pleasure of all humanity. Obviously, right? Because this world is made to be a shithole with people on the top controlling all natural resources to turn Gaia into a fucking whore, just like their parents and children. So the most awesome point of this world is to cut one's face with razors whilst masturbating to Disney cartoons, and dreaming about being studded in diamonds that were gotten by children murdering each other.


This world is dope, brah.


Peace throughout the universe maaaan

Naw, man- you're totally right. YOU GOT IT! It's all about P E A C E. Thanks for giving hope to humanity (really (really)).

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Hugs, not thugs.

Hit blunts, not bitches.


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The most amazing thing about that video is Eddie Murphy's outfit. I don't remember a lot of people questioning his sexuality when that came out...of course I was only 13 and there wasn't the internet as it is in its current form...so maybe they were.

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