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Open Carry Texas

Rubin Farr

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Just a bunch of dorks, they're not gonna shoot anyone, they look like typical watmmrs actually. I agree that it's extreme what they're doing, but so is their enemy. heh.


Wait, its extreme to not want guns allowed in supermarkets?

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As a former gun owner myself, I don't fancy the idea of wearing your weapon openly in public if you're a civilian. There's no rationale to it, it's like "HEY LUKIT ME ERBODY I GOT A GUN". I understand your reasons for owning one, but FFS don't go strutting about with it in public areas like it's the latest fashion trend.


Wait, its extreme to not want guns allowed in supermarkets?


Not as extreme as IDM.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I lived in a shitty neighborhood I'd get a pistol permit and a license to carry and then wait to get mugged.


Anyway, you don't want the US govt taking all the guns away at this point in our Brave New World history. Then you know we're all gonna get gassed by drones and herded on to trains to assemble iPads in a private prison for 5 cents an hour. What's the point of that if you can't go down in a blaze of glory?

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Often times, the people that aren't good at civilized discourse are the ones with brash, provocative actions.

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If I lived in a shitty neighborhood I'd get a pistol permit and a license to carry and then wait to get mugged.


Anyway, you don't want the US govt taking all the guns away at this point in our Brave New World history. Then you know we're all gonna get gassed by drones and herded on to trains to assemble iPads in a private prison for 5 cents an hour. What's the point of that if you can't go down in a blaze of glory?


A gun is not going to do much to protect you in a bad neighborhood. I've lived in a house in a shady neighborhood where we had a home invader more than once, there was one crazy time though. Two of the other occupants of the house had guns and guess what- nobody thought to get those fuckers out when we heard the bastard coming through the broken kitchen window. We grabbed baseball bats and one dude even used his glass bong as a weapon. The guy ran off after being confronted by a house full of people he probably believed was empty, my roommate gave him a solid Babe Ruth to the back and he scrambled, we had no desire to kill him, but if you break into my house, all that peace and prosperity goes out the window. I can imagine, if the guns were out, they'd be more likely to injure one of us or just be shot off recklessly in the house at an already terrified person breaking into our domicile.


Most people I know who say they have 'a gun for protection' ect. have ---


A. Never used it for such and instead mod them out and have weird fantasies about using it, while subsequently bitching about how people don't understand their need for a weapon of deadly force, even though they don't fully understand how pathetic it makes them look, or how little they actually need it.


B. Never, ever, been in a real situation in which a gun would be warranted besides hunting. When you are being beat the fuck up or stolen from, you don't think the most clearly, and guns are not the tool to use if you're not thinking clearly.


C. Both, plus tons of other odd problems with physical insecurities, dogmatic upbringing, and a fading to tenative grasp on reality the more they try to explain themselves without looking like a complete tool or loon.




Learn self-defense (8 years of Kempo for me, thanks Dad) and learn to be aware. Also, learn that life doesn't happen like the movies. This gun culture bullshit is childish and pathetic.


(not particularly directed at you personally. But, also, I hope you're joking about the first part of the quoted post.)

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Personally, I'm not against or for guns. Gun can lead to detrimental violence in a peaceful society, but with guns, it's much easier for people to overthrow the government.

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oh that's why I don't own any gun. I'm afraid of accidentally shooting people or myself with it. Other people can use guns tho. Killing innocent civilians is a shame. Those mass murderers really should've tried to overthrow the government though, make better use of their deaths.

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Banning guns should be top of most states agenda. They're just afraid to impliment it incase they offend a large number of bums and rednecks who grew up with this shit.

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exactly why I fucking love rednecks. So much anarchy, so much freedom. I'm glad I live in such a free country. I'd probably get way more harassment for saying shit about the government if I were in China.

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So what if you got hit by a stray bullet while making your greatest tune? You'd accept that? You die in hospital and all we have is a holagram of you, Wacko Jacko and Tupac at the grammy's. Visual effects controllers are controlling your limb movements, puff

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I've already accepted death at any moment lol. Nobody has lived in the past and nobody will ever live in the future. This world just doesn't really matter to me very much.

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exactly why I fucking love rednecks. So much anarchy, so much freedom. I'm glad I live in such a free country. I'd probably get way more harassment for saying shit about the government if I were in China.

Oooh good hypothetical:

What would you prefer, the ability to say shit about the government while knowing people could gun you down at will, or the ability to live in relative safety but be somewhat constrained in how you voice your criticism of the government?


By the way, it is entirely possible to voice criticism of the government in China...

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either one is fine by me. I just happen to live in a country where gun laws are more relaxed and people say shit about the government all the time. Seems like everyone else is fine, except the poverty in third world country I hear in the news.

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banning guns entirely is silly, but I'm cool with lots of restrictions. Driving a car requires insurance, registration, licensing, inspection. Guns should require similar things. Why don't gun owners have to insure themselves in case of accidental death or any other incident that their ownership could cause?

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watching these videos i can't believe the walmart guys just walk up to the armed guys and tell them to leave

if i saw someone with a gun i'd fucking run away or at least call security/the police before doing anything else

in fact whenever i see a police scene i tend to look away and go on a different route. i don't want to be a valuable witness nor accidentally killed.

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