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E3 2014

Rubin Farr

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Guest Roksen Creek

Regarding Bloodborne: they leaked actual gameplay footage before E3. People were probably more excited about that than the cgi trailer.

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Yeah, I think the general populous no longer cares too much about a pre-rendered thing nowadays - Doesn't really say anything about the quality or the gameplay of the game

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So this is coming out as part of Destiny bundles later this year:



True idmz

Damn... that's pretty swish but white gets too dirty/dusty.


Regarding Bloodborne: they leaked actual gameplay footage before E3. People were probably more excited about that than the cgi trailer.

I don't think that was CGI... Capcom has another similar game called Deep Down (procedural dungeon crawler) that has real-time visuals on par with what we saw with BloodBorne - scripted, yes - prerendered, no.


Uncharted 4! Holy shit that looks excellent. The Last of Us Remastered looks beautiful as well - hopefully Sony does the right thing and gives previous LoU owners a discount.


Sony did an overall great job, but screwed up by having that bozo talk about his comic book/TV series nobody cares about or has heard of. That new SCEA CEO is a pompous ass as well - I had a strong urge to punch him in the face everytime he did the "fingerless point" with his hand.

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Guest Roksen Creek

Hate to disagree with you Joyrex, but you may want to look at the bloodborne trailer again lol.


Anyway, it doesn't matter, the gameplay leak looks good.


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Guest bitroast

Regarding Bloodborne: they leaked actual gameplay footage before E3. People were probably more excited about that than the cgi trailer.


oh shiii that makes sense. i thought the trailer was the reveal nvm me !

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Guest Roksen Creek

It was supposed to be the reveal, but you know these underhand internet types spoiling everything

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Also: Little Big Planet 3? I love LBP, but honestly, was anyone clamouring for another game? Visually the framerate was very choppy on their demo, and it basically looked like LPB1 and 2 - not what I would consider from a PS4 version.


Hate to disagree with you Joyrex, but you may want to look at the bloodborne trailer again lol.


Anyway, it doesn't matter, the gameplay leak looks good.


Hmmm. Again, I think the E3 thing was a scripted thing, and not CGI rendered - look at Uncharted 4 (which was realtime and not CGI). It's capable of visuals like that, but possibly not in actual gameplay.

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Guest bitroast


fuckin hell. the zelda trailer/demo got me more excited than anything else i've seen this year. yes!! YES!! YESS!!!!!!

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Guest Gravity

loooool my power went out just for the nintendo conference. had to watch it on my phone. just my luck...


anyway yeah the new zelda looked very cool, as did a lot of others. splatoon looks fun. time to check them out in HD...

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Zelda, Yoshi, Splatoon - all looked nice - typical high Nintendo quality.


But why not announce a name for the Zelda game? They've had years to work on this now, and this is all they show? The game looked beautiful, but why not some more concrete info?


Why not unveil StarFox? Everybody knew it was coming, so why keep it blurred out at the end and not announce it?


They are hanging their hats too much on Smash Bros. I think - just like they did last E3, and the one before it, etc.

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Guest Roksen Creek

Yeah not enough on zelda imho


Also, it looks like nintendo couldn't care less about the 3ds anymore

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Guest bitroast

proto steampunk zelda. interesting. curious to see what actual gameplay looks like.


well. i imagine it will look like skyward sword, or a continuation of that style.


skyward sword took its sweet ass time to actually start utilising all the different mechanics and different items and only really became super fun and interesting (for me) toward the end. what let that game down was the totally drawn out slow pacing, and the totally boring overworld linking everything together.


if this new game has wiimotion + style controls, with lots of fun thrown in from get go (link between worlds style) plus it's already showing a strong emphasis on exploration and amazing overworld... then... fucking... YES!! BEST ZELDA EVER! 101/10. etc.




again, just spec on my part, but here's copy and pastes from iwata asks - skyward sword.

i know the iwata asks is just disguised PR BS really, but i'd like to think this sword of attitude is why i think future zelda console game with continue with wii motion plus style gameplay without them actually announcing or mentioning anything about the game.



The other day, Miyamoto-san said, "I'll never be able to play the old way again!"


Yes, he's been saying that.


But I would imagine that Wii MotionPlus presents a new challenge to the overwhelming majority of players out there. They must feel uneasy about the controls changing so dramatically.


I suppose so.


Tanaka-san, as a developer of the game, what would you say to people like that?


I'd like people who feel they aren't very good at button controls to feel more confident about this game. I think some people have felt that with controllers until now there was a distance between themselves and the gameworld, but this time, when you want to do something, it is directly reflected in Link's movement via Wii MotionPlus, so the gameworld feels much closer. I would recommend they give it a try.


And you, Aonuma-san?


I feel as if Wii MotionPlus, and the Wii Remote Plus, have completely become tools. With a conventional controller, there are all these things you have to remember, being presented the controller and pressing these buttons—like remembering the right sequences in fighting games. To tell the truth, I'm not a big fan of games like that.


You're not good at them? (laughs)


That's right, I'm not! (laughs) I can't remember the commands. But the compatibility between The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Wii MotionPlus are outstanding. Just by swinging the remote, or tilting it, or twisting it, you can perform all kinds of actions, so there's no need to remember anything. I hope people will feel as if they have a new tool and try swinging it around.


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Guest bitroast

Yeah not enough on zelda imho


Also, it looks like nintendo couldn't care less about the 3ds anymore


they've been focusing on 3DS for quite some time.

last good while we've heard from them is generally 90% 3DS focus / 10% wii u (maybe slightly exaggeration but you get gist).

this time the focus is on wii u. which is a very important necessary move for them.

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None of the 3 Miyamoto developed games were shown, Starfox included, but 2 of them are getting good reviews from the show floor.


It looks like Zelda will be the system seller, like Ocarina was in '98, you couldn't find a copy anywhere.

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Yeah not enough on zelda imho


Also, it looks like nintendo couldn't care less about the 3ds anymore


they've been focusing on 3DS for quite some time.

last good while we've heard from them is generally 90% 3DS focus / 10% wii u (maybe slightly exaggeration but you get gist).

this time the focus is on wii u. which is a very important necessary move for them.


Other than Smash Bros. for 3DS, did they even announce any other 3DS titles? I can't recall any...

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Lost it at Fantasia.


Edit: Nintendo may have won this for me, Xenoblade looks great, Zelda looks amazing, and the Bayonetta bundle was a nice surprise.


It's a shame Xenoblade won't be this year, would've picked up a Wii U for sure.

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