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AFX DSP box commission


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Probably launching jizzband here but after searching i couldn't find anything relating to this


In 2002 Afx commissioned Dave Noyze to build him a dsp box.

From info from a friend of Dave's i learned that this was used for some of the piano tracks on Druqks and possibly more?


Dave Noyze akes loads of well interesting stuff and his music has some very nice bits to it too

anyway i thought it might be an interesting read or some of you :)





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Nice, but I wonder why all these artists are always so secretive about their stuff. Autechre seem to be getting more open about this. If it is some kind of internal trend that they follow, it sucks.

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Unless the DSP box has a special feature of travelling back in time, I don't think this was used for any tracks on Druckqs. Maybe it could have been used for the piano bits on The Tuss, but all I can think when hearing the audio example given by D. Noyze is "KTPA".

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Unless the DSP box has a special feature of travelling back in time, I don't think this was used for any tracks on Druckqs. Maybe it could have been used for the piano bits on The Tuss, but all I can think when hearing the audio example given by D. Noyze is "KTPA".


Ha! thats a very good point, proves my mate was talking utter shite then. I'd never really thought about that or the dates etc. whether this is also nonsense too then (probable now) but he told me that Dave and Afx were hooking it up to a midi'd baby grand

hmm i shall have to take my mates gobshite with a pinch of salt in future .


but still, you should check out some of the noyzelab stuff . he makes some really nice stuff. quite aphexy/mike dred style sounds as well as the noisy stuff

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To be fair, I also suppose he could have borrowed Dave Noyze's unit built in 1995 for Druqcks, there's no ruling that out.


I just don't have a good idea what the box does exactly apart from "de-rezzing / 8-bit-ifying" the sound though, and from the top of my head most of the piano on Druqcks sound fairly clean and recorded naturally with a microphone with minimal processing. I'm not familiar with too much stuff that sounds like that in the afx catalogue.


Thanks for sharing the link, the box does look quite neat. I admire the DIY engineering. Off to check out some Dave Noyze stuff now.

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Nice, but I wonder why all these artists are always so secretive about their stuff. Autechre seem to be getting more open about this. If it is some kind of internal trend that they follow, it sucks.

id assume to ward off imitators who are too lazy to figure out how to get these tones with their own equipment? duh?

and wasn't it already known that most, if not all of the piano tracks from drukqs were computer controlled instances?

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this box did real time processing of audio to make a weird old school computerised speech version of the original signal - any signal not just vocals.

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Think they were mostly Player Pianos with the mics placed in interesting ways and notes and chords that weren't logical to a human set of hands.



You poke holes in a bit of paper where the notes should be sort of like a multi choice questionnaire.


Some models don't even have physical keys so it's fun to place them in weird spaces and the open design makes a mental ambience.

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Guest Akiak

I thought he used a disklavier? Which I guess is a player piano but doesn't use the primitive method of punching holes into a piece of paper.

I also get the impression that some of the piano tracks on drukqs are actually played, maybe.


Cool link anyways

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