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New David Lynch film on the (distant?) horizon

Soloman Tump

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Laura Dern has hinted that David Lynch is planning a return to film-making.

The Golden Globe-winning actress, who has worked with the acclaimed filmmaker three times, suggested that he could be returning to the director's chair in the near future.

"He is cooking, he's cooking up trouble, and I will be part of that trouble," she told Digital Spy.

"He's the consummate renaissance man, he just makes art wherever he can get his hands on it. But film, ultimately, I know is his great love, and I think he will always circle back to it. He's definitely cooking."

David has not directed a film since 2006's Inland Empire, in which Laura starred as an actress who loses her mind in the course of seeking a comeback role.The 68-year-old filmmaker was so impressed with her performance that he launched an unusual Oscars campaign, featuring a cow.

Since Inland Empire, he has focused on other endeavours including short films, music and art.

Laura, who stars in tear-jerker drama The Fault In Our Stars alongside Shailene Woodley, said she would continue their partnership for years to come.

"I will be working with David Lynch when I'm 80," she added.


Even this little wiff of information is enough to get me excited :emotawesomepm9: Especially with the Twin Peaks blu-ray box due out soon....

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it is unlikely he will film on film again. he's well into his digital now.




Well, as long as it isn't on DV tape like Inland Empire or whatever the hell it was he was filming on. Anyway, digital looks way better now than it did back in 2006.

It's just that this...




...looks way better than this...






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digital looks way better now than it did back in 2006.

Was half way though posting exactly the same thing but accidentally closed the tab. Actually INLAND on bluray has an interesting aesthetic and doesn't look at all as crappy as my original DVD made it out to be:



(click for full size)


I think there's a specific reason why it looked quite like it did. It almost looks documentary esque at times and I think that's meant to contrast/conflict the level of reality in which Laura Dern's character exits.

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so did some of you enjoyed Inland Empire? As far as I remember I found it good for 20 minutes and then lost interest gradually for the next 2 hours and a half

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Guest Zwei Kreise

I really love Inland Empire (not as much as Muholland Drive but still) but it's probably one of his most far out there in terms of storytelling, especially compared to Mullholland Dr. which was pretty straightforward in comparison. I like the aesthetic though, it's very different, it gives the film a very gritty, almost nihilistic feel.


I have to admit I really don't care what he uses to film this new movie, all I want is for him to film a new god damn movie. It's probably smart timing though with the Twin Peaks Missing Pieces hitting stores late next month, I'd wager we'll probably have gotten some kind of announcement or teaser come the end of the year. At least I hope so.

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so did some of you enjoyed Inland Empire? As far as I remember I found it good for 20 minutes and then lost interest gradually for the next 2 hours and a half

Yep - one of my favourite films of all time even though I always have to watch it in two sittings (the split being after when Ghost of Love plays)
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Inland Empire was QG, but all of Lynch's post-Mulholland Drive stuff reads a bit "HEY GUYS I'M DAVID LYNCH HA. HA. HA." to me. Sorry David, I luvu tho.

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Inland empire is far out... In fact I need to see it again soon. Agreed on the 2 sittings comment, it's a bit of a marathon to digest all at once.


Mulholland Drive I love and will probably watch that again soon too.

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i actually LOVED the look of inland empire. that look you guys are calling crappy is the texture he was going for. he did a similar thing called 'darkened room' which had the same look but (lack of) story similar to mulholland drive. meanwhile-



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i actually LOVED the look of inland empire. that look you guys are calling crappy is the texture he was going for. he did a similar thing called 'darkened room' which had the same look but (lack of) story similar to mulholland drive. meanwhile-



jesus, this is painful to watch because of moby's shallow, hipstery obnoxiousness . "look at how cool i am for knowing a guy who infected himself with aids for art and influenced fellini, btw, anyone in the audience got any stories about l.a. ? "

fuck that.

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