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Raver Day at Disneyland

Rubin Farr

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As I approach my 30's I try very hard not to become a complete cynic, what I will say is that this does not look like the best festival ever.

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I'm a bit of two minds about this kind of thing.


On the one hand it's just a bunch of kids having a good time, which kids have always done, so I can't hate on that.


On the other this current wave of rave/dance stuff just seems so corporate and manufactured. Maybe I'm misreading the sponsors' relationship to the events but it just doesn't feel the same as a bunch of dodgy guys putting together events in warehouses in the middle of nowhere. If your rave is at Disneyland or in Las Vegas at some mega venue with "brought to you by" banners everywhere then I imagine it's hard to have that sort of unique experience. Something about these large companies having their brand on your memories of youth and experience is very unsettling to me.


Maybe the kids don't even notice the sponsorship. Maybe it's like professional sports is with paid ads plastered on everything but you can still focus on the events taking place despite all of that. Maybe this crop of kids has a good mental filter on that element because they were born into it.


I guess these are all just typed out random thoughts. I just don't want to end up that grumpy guy who misses out on stuff because of the "it's not like it used to be" mentality. There were probably just as many crummy dance records back then as their are now, time has a way of filtering out the bad and clouding people's memories.

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They must just be acknowledging the vast number of 20-30 somethings that go to their parks on acid or ecstasy. I bet if you were straight with kids there it would have been rather bent having these hyped druggoes running around tweeking everywhere. But whatever. It's pretty hard for the ravers to have to deal with regular folks everywhere in normal life. heheheh. Unfortunately for me both these sets of people are tedious, and i don't think disney will ever provide a niche event compelling enough for me to want to attend, (not to mention the fact that disney is the personification of the evil conglomerate).

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They must just be acknowledging the vast number of 20-30 somethings that go to their parks on acid or ecstasy. I bet if you were straight with kids there it would have been rather bent having these hyped druggoes running around tweeking everywhere. But whatever. It's pretty hard for the ravers to have to deal with regular folks everywhere in normal life. heheheh. Unfortunately for me both these sets of people are tedious, and i don't think disney will ever provide a niche event compelling enough for me to want to attend, (not to mention the fact that disney is the personification of the evil conglomerate).


We need an IDM rave in some theme park like the Haw Par Villa.




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i can't think of a worse place to be off your tits on E


It would explain all the "heat exahaustion" patrons suffer from walking around in circles and eating $12 fudge squares.

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Doesn't E make you feel deep love for everything, if so I'd imagine Disney would make you weep with absolute joy (ps drugs are bad kids). Acid, however, yep could imagine that'd take you over the edge !

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Yeah... basically all my friends that I used to hang out with before I started having kids go there almost every weekend.

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Disneyland...haven't been since May 2001.

I remember we went there on a high school band trip and a couple of girls and I were jaywalking some costume parade line. Then some lady out of the blue says we're under arrest (which never happened). So we just got the hell out of there.

Seems like the whole area had paranoid fascist undertones, even tho it seemed pristine and innocent on the surface. Kind of like Columbia in Bioshock Infinite.

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I stopped going to raves when people started showing up with pacifiers and Elmo backpacks... I can't imagine the atmosphere at a rave in Disneyland.

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my cousin and his kid go there every week, what a spoiled child huh?


back of napkin calculation: that would cost roughly US $26,003,280.00 per year

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my cousin and his kid go there every week, what a spoiled child huh?


back of napkin calculation: that would cost roughly US $26,003,280.00 per year



Except for the fact that you can literally go every single day of the year for $700



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my cousin and his kid go there every week, what a spoiled child huh?


back of napkin calculation: that would cost roughly US $26,003,280.00 per year



Except for the fact that you can literally go every single day of the year for $700





sorry, my math is pretty bad

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my cousin and his kid go there every week, what a spoiled child huh?

back of napkin calculation: that would cost roughly US $26,003,280.00 per year


Except for the fact that you can literally go every single day of the year for $700




sorry, my math is pretty bad



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yeah, it's maths damnit.

Also, i might give that place in singapore the miss, not just because of the grotesque statues, but something about walking around outside for an hour or two in singapore, if it's not airconditioned there, i don't want to know about it. That place is brutal.

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