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June 2014 - "New Shit Is Imminent" - Richard D. James


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page 24 of 24, what have we learned?

1. A new album is imminent.
2. Potential tracks are: Metz, Singapore, Minehead.


Predictions for page 924 of 924, what will we have learned?
1.A new album is imminent

2.Potential tracks are: Metz, Singapore, Minehead.
3. Next BoC album receives 2/10 from Anthony Fantasia

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Guest skibby

Joyrex said this thread shall exist for the sake of begging, wishing and speculating about the now already-legendary four words of foreboding.


My hastily contrived theory is that AFX isn't going to drop in and simply give information away, we need to work for it, and if need be, invent it.

AFX only makes the music, maybe our duty is to run it through our redundant array of dream to actuality converters, and hopefully before its too late, get a chance to get some feedback from our processing might, in the form of some saturation of fluid dynamics.

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I'm sorry Klopjob, I don't get anyone's jokes on here so I came to the revelation that that WAS the joke! Geniuses, the whole lot of ya.


My hastily contrived theory is that AFX isn't going to drop in and simply give information away, we need to work for it, and if need be, invent it.

AFX only makes the music, maybe our duty is to run it through our redundant array of dream to actuality converters, and hopefully before its too late, get a chance to get some feedback from our processing might, in the form of some saturation of fluid dynamics.

Wait a second.... actuality converters?

What pseudoscientific bullshit is this?. I knew you didn't have a PHD!

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now what


let's continue making half-sentence posts for like 3 more pages, that contribute absolutely nothing



no let's make haikus

afx will release songs

if we all do that

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Alright! finally public excitement for my genius music. I knew you guys would come up to my level someday!

Here's one I wrote a while back under a pseudonym while I was going through dark times. Broke up with my girlfriend. Was going through tough times. Initially written on the piano, but converted intro a fully fledged song in fruity loops mainly using Massive and Plucked! It's my anthem!


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no i want aphex songs not afx songs

I'm pretty offended by your new avatar. I plan on ignoring you forever now. I hope you can cope with that because I am glorious?

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This thread is out of hand even by my standards.

it looks like you've missed the sleight of hand my friend.





Superb, never liked you anyway richard

well I never liked you more!... fuckin.. black people aren't dolphins...that honky crazy....hate that guy...





Nevermind. I love you now.

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lets quote everybody first pages post and start a mac/microsoft war !


my body is ready :D



*Richard, please save us from this hell*

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I want Aphex Twin to do an AMA thread, but with only ONE member. Nobody else is allowed to post in the thread.



And that member should be Ivan Ooze.




AFX: Sup

Ivan: Have you ever impaled a lynx and drank its spinal fluids in the pale moonlight?

AFX: Sure

Ivan: Your magick wizzard tunes makes my nose feel like it is clenched in the flatulant rectum of satan's horse

AFX: Innit







It would make me very happy.

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