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June 2014 - "New Shit Is Imminent" - Richard D. James


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Guest skibby

If I were in Richards position, I would be a mildly creeped out from strangers calling me by my first name, and not so much annoyed at inarticulate data entry as disappointed that the data entry technicians don't seem to be symmetrical with the time effort talent and attention to detail put into the work that is presumably under scrutiny or critique. maybe some eye rolls from failing to beg, speculate or wish for most of the pages of a thread presumably dedicated to that simple task.

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someone wants to win a prize for snide remarkery of the week. Ok, two points; Firstly when a celebrity reaches a level of fame that they are only referred to by their first name, normally this is considered a positive thing. Secondly, would you rather Mr. James or how about Mr. D. James or perhaps Mr. P.H. James or (and i like this one but we can't use it because licencing) Mr. A Twin esq, you like those better, or do they creep you out even more ? /hands you the eye sanitizer. I remember long ago i used the title phex'ee for the person that we are referring to. Oh my, i must have sounded quite nuts, what a faux par at the social club dinner night it must have been.


heeh /love dleetr.


[dleetr also nominee for snide comment of the week]

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someone wants to win a prize for snide remarkery of the week


You're criticising the criticism and now I'm criticising the criticism of the criticism

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someone wants to win a prize for snide remarkery of the week


You're criticising the criticism and now I'm criticising the criticism of the criticism



yeah it's awesome, where will it end. passes the time whilst we wait. sorry, i should have criticised what you said, i broke the chain, sorry. maybe what i just said could be seen as a comment on the criticism of the criticism of the criticism, so outside of that thing, not interfering with it's existence.

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Richard is laughing at us.




If I were in Richards position, I would be a mildly creeped out from strangers calling me by my first name, and not so much annoyed at inarticulate data entry as disappointed that the data entry technicians don't seem to be symmetrical with the time effort talent and attention to detail put into the work that is presumably under scrutiny or critique. maybe some eye rolls from failing to beg, speculate or wish for most of the pages of a thread presumably dedicated to that simple task.


Haha, glad to hear I'm not the only one who finds that kind of creepy.


Call musicians, if you don't know them personally, by their artist name... watmm pls.

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someone wants to win a prize for snide remarkery of the week


You're criticising the criticism and now I'm criticising the criticism of the criticism



yeah it's awesome, where will it end. passes the time whilst we wait. sorry, i should have criticised what you said, i broke the chain, sorry. maybe what i just said could be seen as a comment on the criticism of the criticism of the criticism, so outside of that thing, not interfering with it's existence.



well at least you're criticising yourself, but I really don't think you're being critical enough, you should try harder

it's a bit sarcastic to do sarcasms of the criticisms about criticisms of eventual imminent shit that finally turn emmanent


god, don't you even get it?!

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People going full retard for new aphex up in here


Not bad, but 'full retard' and 'up in here' are both a bit clichéd at this point

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He can't help it, it's about all the poor dear can manage. He's part retard part way down there.


/sorry, yes we are all retard for aphex up in here you all.

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Richard is laughing at us.




If I were in Richards position, I would be a mildly creeped out from strangers calling me by my first name, and not so much annoyed at inarticulate data entry as disappointed that the data entry technicians don't seem to be symmetrical with the time effort talent and attention to detail put into the work that is presumably under scrutiny or critique. maybe some eye rolls from failing to beg, speculate or wish for most of the pages of a thread presumably dedicated to that simple task.


Haha, glad to hear I'm not the only one who finds that kind of creepy.


Call musicians, if you don't know them personally, by their artist name... watmm pls.



when they have a million aliases sometimes it makes sense to use a common denomination to not confuse people. also typing aphex twin is two characters longer than Richard so I'm just being efficient.



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Guest skibby

I usually like to be acquainted with someone before I go throwing around their first name like we went to grade school together. I'm not criticising you lot since for all I know any one of you could be Mister Twin, or be best mates. I'm certainly not going to argue with any forum modulators, nor make any excuses nor apologise for my own hypocrisy/trollery.


I wish Mr. Aphex would anonymously post in this thread in a manner which no one would suspect it was really him, just to let our subconscious know "its alright."

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I usually like to be acquainted with someone before I go throwing around their first name like we went to grade school together. I'm not criticising you lot since for all I know any one of you could be Mister Twin, or be best mates. I'm certainly not going to argue with any forum modulators, nor make any excuses nor apologise for my own hypocrisy/trollery.


I wish Mr. Aphex would anonymously post in this thread in a manner which no one would suspect it was really him, just to let our subconscious know "its alright."


ironically given my defence of it's use by other members, i have rarely used the name richard/rich, perhaps for similar reasons to you, it seems too personal when you don't know the individual. So i've used it just a couple of times recently cause it seems to be the consensus at the moment so it rubbed off on me, and perhaps a very few times in the decade and an half of posting here. So i don't reject your rejection of the use of his first name, i just want you to consider that it's probably not such a big deal and just a matter of personal discretion.

time to get this fucking thread on the right track













bonus tracklist




wow, if those are bonus tracks, i wonder how cool the actual track titles are. hah. although any tracks released would be a bonus, perhaps that's what you were getting at ay.

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although any tracks released would be a bonus, perhaps that's what you were getting at ay.

nah, with "bonus" i meant "as a bonus i also took the time to photoshop a tracklist 4 u <3"

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You're criticising the criticism and now I'm criticising the criticism of the criticism




well at least you're criticising yourself, but I really don't think you're being critical enough, you should try harder


it's a bit sarcastic to do sarcasms of the criticisms about criticisms of eventual imminent shit that finally turn emmanent


god, don't you even get it?!


This thread has turned into one giant Jerkcity strip.

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I want Aphex Twin to do an AMA thread, but with only ONE member. Nobody else is allowed to post in the thread.



And that member should be Ivan Ooze.




AFX: Sup

Ivan: Have you ever impaled a lynx and drank its spinal fluids in the pale moonlight?

AFX: Sure

Ivan: Your magick wizzard tunes makes my nose feel like it is clenched in the flatulant rectum of satan's horse

AFX: Innit







It would make me very happy.

Pills, poison, semen, snot, alcohol, drugs, abuse, disease (mushroom), chaos, cunt, goat worship!!

Razors and steak knives, I want to kill!!! i live in sin, i whoreship the sigil of the afx twin

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