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Thor is a woman now.

producer snafu

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People care about this?


i don't see why, they probably don't actually care squee, it's just a thing you know to pass the time. It's funny when i was little i used to read mythology, read everything i could find in the library in our little town, then in my teens i graduated to comics. heh. well when i could afford them. My brother got marvel though and i had to buy dc, i don't know how it worked out that way and i was kind of jealous. ar well.

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im sure any super woman would look and sound like a man if they were real and if body builders are anything to go by




edit: apart from super sexy woman

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im sure any super woman would look and sound like a man if they were real and if body builders are anything to go by




This is true. I can imagine the reaction from the others attending if i brought that up in the meeting where they decided this, especially if i had a few mock up sketches.

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this is dumb. why not introduce a new female superhero instead of shoehorning it into an established canon?


rumourrs of Matt Damon playing the new Wonder Woman

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i like this because I can watch people get angry and feel vaguely superior because i do not give a fuck


of course the fact that I have to resort to such measures to get validation reveals how shallow and awful my life is

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someone at my work brought this up (a woman) and it pissed me off. my thoughts are as follows:


marvel acknowledges that women are considered inferior. why then revert a character that has always been considered male to be female if not only to reverse this mindset? instead, what i would have loved to see is them either a). create a female character that rivals thor, is better than thor or as cool as though or b). write a story where thor's own power is diminished by a female character.


in my personal opinion, i don't think characters (especially fictional) should be fully acceptable. part of their flaws is what makes them relatable. greek and roman gods weren't perfect. in fact, they were the centerpiece for nietzsche's theory to supermen.

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The only thing this really says about anything is that modern entertainment production companies will not invest in new IP because it doesn't sell in guaranteed quantities. Marvel is Hollywood. No big fucking surprise, really. Do not feed the mildly-aggressive reboot buzz engine. Let it die. Let it all die. Please, let it die.

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Lels. Please don't bang me with that hammer Miss Thorbarella.


Why do people care about this stuff? I stopped reading Marvel comics at age 16. The movies are unwatchable as far as I see.

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yeah I don't understand why it's such a big deal? fkn have a beer, relax and get the fuck on with your life


Trans Thor

this would have been better

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I don't really give a shit, not read a marvel comic in about a decade now. I just agree that the nerdrage is strong with this one.


And it annoys me how they have to bastardise an existing storyline and shoehorn in more women.


Kinda related (but not) it really annoys me how politicians keep saying we must have more female MPs and more women must sit in on parliament.




I want the right person doing the right job to the best of their ability, gender does not come into it. Do not get the female quota up if they are not the best candidate for the job

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i'm a woman, married with a woman & have two children : a boy & a girl... interresting, no?


Got any videos of you and your wife kissing?

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