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wtf is a person supposed to actually do about israel murdering hundreds of innocent civilians.


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holy shit, Israel is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. goddam


Netanyahu blames the nazi holocaust on a Palestinian




we've already been discussing this all day.

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holy shit, Israel is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. goddam


Netanyahu blames the nazi holocaust on a Palestinian




we've already been discussing this all day.





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After having seen the press conference of Merkel and Bibi some pieces of my personal conspiracy puzzle fell into place. Besides the subtext of Germany playing friends with Israel, which is interesting in and of itself, Bibi's remarks were interesting as well. As he basically started thanking Germany for their continuous support as "a basic commitment that doesn't fluctuate" (youtube 3.20 and on..). Apparently the support from other nations can fluctuate. Why is this relevant? For starters, I suspect that support for Israel is essentially economic support. And I wonder where Israel would be without this (economic) support. (in the shit)


Long story short: why is this conflict ongoing? Well, part of it might be that Israel depends on the economic support. And that the support is validated by the existence of a conflict. So if Israel needs more support, why not fuel the fire and show the world there's a huge conflict. Like a cheerleader. Actually, Bibi might have been a cheerleader in his previous life.


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For starters, I suspect that support for Israel is essentially economic support. And I wonder where Israel would be without this (economic) support. (in the shit)


Long story short: why is this conflict ongoing? Well, part of it might be that Israel depends on the economic support. And that the support is validated by the existence of a conflict. So if Israel needs more support, why not fuel the fire and show the world there's a huge conflict. Like a cheerleader. Actually, Bibi might have been a cheerleader in his previous life.


They could survive without the extend of support they have now, they did in the past with far more restrictions and obstacles. Israel is extremely resourceful and self-reliant historically. If anything they are more spoiled economically and diplomatically than ever, but not dependent on it.


I'm saying this purely from a pragmatic sense but they are also a stable, democratic, and economically healthy middle eastern country. Jordan is similar in that regard...which is partly why they both maintain close relations now. Both lack natural resources though, which makes them the inverse of Saudi Arabia and to a lesser extent the Gulf States, which are rich in natural resources and can leverage that diplomatically.


In other words, I don't think the conflict is maintained as a reason for their economic aid. If anything it's making it harder to defend for moderate and liberal Westerners who support Israel (like myself). That's why fiercely apologetic Westerners play up the religious angle or the history of Jews being oppressed once people start criticizing the Israeli government and/or defending Palestinians.

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Good points, Josh.


Small point wrt the natural resources and that is that apparently there's huge amounts of natural gas. Those are only recent discoveries though.



I'd tend to think that more economic ties with the surrounding countries in the middle east could help israel gain more acceptance in the region. as far as i can tell, there's hardly any regional business. and economic ties coexist with diplomatic relationships. the better the economic relationships, the better the diplomatic ties. and vice versa. at least, that has been the case since people invented farming and cities.


so, instead of investing in more defense, they could invest in doing more business in the middle east. Even if the Arabs hate Israelis with a vengeance - which they do - , if Israelis have something useful to offer, for a good price, doing business could conquer all. Same with Iran, btw. It'd be good for the entire region if the middle east would be able to start doing more business with eachother, instead of with the us, russia, china, etc.

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maybe a good start would be to allow the Palestinians the respect and dignity to go about their daily lives in peace. that would be a start.



it's funny how a simple truthful sentence like the above can cut through the essay long 'both sides are wrong' quasi academic 'I read the economist and am informed' horseshit instantly. Its seriously disgusting to read some of this balancing act stuff people try to regurgitate here, and Im not even talking about the hardcore Israel defenders


Israel has maybe 10 years tops left before they've expended every single tiny bit of international good will and sympathy they have. Once they've expended this it wont be long till the entire civilized world sees them the same way we saw apartheid South Africa. Just imagine looking back on all the people trying to come up with some bullshit rationalization about why South Africa needed to have a segregated population and how embarrassing it is to read that stuff, a lot of people trying to paint some kind of 50/50 situation now in Israel are expressing points that will be seen as equally embarrassing over time.

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that's why i was telling eugy that those whose crimes were most blatant, and that number is quite extraordinarily great at this point, are eventually going spend their lives in fear of being hunted down to the ends of the earth to answer for their crimes. The party will be over eventually and when the music stops justice will perhaps begin as a trickle, but when the dam breaks .. Unfortunately the general populous cannot see this (if election results and polls are to be believed), they currently live in a bubble of total nativity, endlessly repeating to themselves the same lies, cramming the minds of their precious children with a cruel absurdest irreality, which is compounded by further fantasies built upon the old with every passing generation. It's quite sad really that they turned their people into that instead of what could have been. ;-//-; a fucking waste. ;-[

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