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How many of you are artistic/creative personality type

Rubin Farr

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On this site, I'm betting at least half the members are aspiring artists of one form or another, or closet artists. What floats your boat? I've recently become intersted again in creative writing after a friend told me I have a knack for written communication, even though I'm introverted. Could be a second career possibility for the 2nd half of my life.


Artists, reveal yourselves!

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I also like writing. In fact I'm planning to have a creative studio that combines animated stuff and creative computing (+ my music ;) And fuck yeah I'm also introverted as fuck, hi5!

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I do music and draw and write and I'm getting into developing video games.

<~~~~~~ I drew this guy

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No, I'm not creative at all, so when I try to make something I need a starting point. I could even draw pretty well at some point but since I haven't got any ideas I haven't drawn at all for 2 years so I've probably lost that skill. I used to write too, but gave up. In music I don't go beyond random noodling, or since I'm not creative, covering a song but then changing the meter, the arrangement, introducing tempo shifts, changing all the chords, etc.

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No, I'm not creative at all, so when I try to make something I need a starting point. I could even draw pretty well at some point but since I haven't got any ideas I haven't drawn at all for 2 years so I've probably lost that skill. I used to write too, but gave up. In music I don't go beyond random noodling, or since I'm not creative, covering a song but then changing the meter, the arrangement, introducing tempo shifts, changing all the chords, etc.


I believe everyone is totally creative and capable of creating creative creations. I guess the factor that makes us accept that we are "creative" is positive feedback by others.



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No, I'm not creative at all, so when I try to make something I need a starting point. I could even draw pretty well at some point but since I haven't got any ideas I haven't drawn at all for 2 years so I've probably lost that skill. I used to write too, but gave up. In music I don't go beyond random noodling, or since I'm not creative, covering a song but then changing the meter, the arrangement, introducing tempo shifts, changing all the chords, etc.


I believe everyone is totally creative and capable of creating creative creations. I guess the factor that makes us accept that we are "creative" is positive feedback by others.





I just find it hard to find what I have to say, and to see the connection between what I might want to say and form. Also I used to be a very "poetic" guy but with time the things I want to express have become very plain to the point that if I tried to write lyrics to a song then it would just be a short essay, and that wouldn't be enough because one has to develop a poetics and to sing essays is just lazy and ineffective.

I'm pretty creative (in a good way I think, not in an artsy, "I'm an artist" way) when it comes to architecture, though, but I'm not cut for the job for various reasons unrelated to the ability to design good buildings (basically I need to sleep and to have a more or less stable schedule, I'm bad with deadlines, and my politics don't seem to allow me to make too many friends given the ethics of architecture as it is these days) so I dropped out.

But yes, I think there's proof that one of the things every human can become is a producer of some sort, and that implies that if a given society allows for it then everyone there can be creative in some way.

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i can be creative in music, i'm amazing in my head when i'm a bit high or drunk (or both) lol

the reality is "different" -___-


but still i can do stuff that when i come back days/weeks later and be proud of


i also run a gastronomic restaurant specialized in multiples wines, but it's nothing that creative, just an annoying job

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I make dem weird noises.


I used to write a bit and I got bunch of ideas for short stories, but it seems that the needed effort to start writing is a little too much. :cerious: Never been published or anything though.


I'm also a software architect/coder for living. It's a creative work of sorts..

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Guest skibby

i think the personality type op means is extrovert, cause i think everyone is more creative than they know, since they are tasked with creating an entire reality for themselves 24 hours a day.

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I only like to work on factory lines and eat grey cubes regularly.


I actually do like this (I do eat the same day after day and do prefer mindless work, although the physical strain of factory work is probably the most horrible thing ever) and I don't think it's uncreative per se. On the one hand it's an ideal of life, just as any other, and on the other it frees creativity up, because you don't have to spend it at work or on staying alive.

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My opinion is that everyone can be creative, but what separates people is the compulsion or drive to do it and to continue to do it beyond the interest of a normal person. The general creative that releases stuff is compelled to make stuff, whatever that might be.


Which is why I've floated from writing comedy scripts to drawing comics to writing comics to making music to writing novels and I'm now planning to make a short animated film, alongside dicking around with more digital music (much better this time around) + planing another novel. Whether I'm any good at doing these things is up to someone else to decide, but the act of finding out and continuing to push myself is satisfaction enough, and often the sole reward we will ever get.


The only thing I've done I'm still happy with is the novel I wrote, which you can check out on Amazon if you wish, either UK or US sites, although if you search for it on the Amazon of your country it should appear there too.

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Also, my day job involves no creativity at all--throwing powertools into boxes and sending them to people--which I'm totally happy with as it leaves me all the time in the world to be creative in my own time. I have an NVQ2 in warehousing and distribution! I also enjoy grey cubes of varying flavours.


I wondered recently whether I would be happy with a job that involves creation, say being a writer at a computer games company or so on, and I'm not sure I would be happy using my own moving brain cogs for other people's endeavours. As Nick Cave said in an MTV award rejection letter, "My muse is not a horse."

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No, I'm not creative at all, so when I try to make something I need a starting point. I could even draw pretty well at some point but since I haven't got any ideas I haven't drawn at all for 2 years so I've probably lost that skill. I used to write too, but gave up. In music I don't go beyond random noodling, or since I'm not creative, covering a song but then changing the meter, the arrangement, introducing tempo shifts, changing all the chords, etc.


I believe everyone is totally creative and capable of creating creative creations. I guess the factor that makes us accept that we are "creative" is positive feedback by others.





I feel it's pretty much been uphill ever since I stopped posting in YLC.

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Here's a decent article about the brain and creativity:


"A leading neuroscientist who has spent decades studying creativity shares her research on where genius comes from, whether it is dependent on high IQ—and why it is so often accompanied by mental illness."



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Here's a decent article about the brain and creativity:


"A leading neuroscientist who has spent decades studying creativity shares her research on where genius comes from, whether it is dependent on high IQand why it is so often accompanied by mental illness."



The more looney, the more tunes is my experience

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music is no.1 but also drawing, photography, writing...since i can remember. music was always my first love but it was the last i actualized outside my head. cause of more technical nature of it.

that being said, i never portray myself as an artist. we're all artist, even my mother when she decorates flowers on her table. where art begins anyway?

regarding personality, i'm an introvert disguised as an extrovert. i make 'art' primarly for my self and i rarely expose my work to anyone. i even have a soundcloud page just to have one with few 'friends' and i'm uploading tracks once in a blue moon, perform live only when friends manage to persuade me. i even rarely finish any of my work cause i don't need them to be finished. finished (if there is such a thing) are for other ppl to consume it easier. it's all finished in my head and it's constantly changing.

i have about 300-400 reason projects unfinished and about as many in ableton and max and when i need to feel or understand something from my music i open them and play them in various sequences (valid for that day) what usually results with more unfinished files. but i dont see them as unfinished but more like bits in ever evolving state as i see myself. my finished tracks are mostly my simpler works representing simpler ideas that was better to left as they are cause i wanted to preserve values of raw ideas. i also never sent my tracks to any label, only few of them here to watmm/chatmm compilations. see how introvert i am? maybe i'm just not narcissistic enough? i.do.no

regarding other forms of art, i'd like to write a drama once. but a good one. i have several ideas but im not ready yet. i could write 74 bad dramas today but as with music i'm very critical with my own and others work so i know i'm not good enough for drama, but one day i hope i'll be. drawing, photography? nah, i dont give afaq about that atm, whether i'm doing it or not. i sometimes just do.

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Guest Radioactive Mind

Well, if I take a Myers-Briggs personality type test, I'll either get INTP or INFP, either of which have very active minds/imaginations. So I am a died-in-the-wool introvert, but I can make very good conversation if I'm up to it. Mainly I just don't have much of a stomach for conflict, because I do know when to stand up for myself but seeing people turn bitter feels pretty bad. Might be neurotic of me, but in my experience it never ends well. I'm friendly but reserved, which is rather stereotypical of people from Minnesota but not true in all cases.


The creative thing I've been trying to do this year is to get good at drawing, but I've been inconsistent in working on that. I just want to one day be able to create, essentially, fan-art for people/things I feel like paying respect to/promoting. I think it'll be some time before I'm ready to share what I make, and I really need to dedicate myself to it, but I've been more motivated lately.

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yep, music mostly, love to write, can draw at a very amateur level.



Would love to make (write, direct, edit, compose score) a film someday.


In three bands, and my solo stuff.



Staying busy.


Fuck my day job.


It gets in the way.

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